Dominik Mysterio Says He’s Got a ‘Reputation for Missing Some Flights,’ Talks Being a Heel

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE superstar Dominik Mysterio was recently interviewed by Konnan on the “Keepin’ It 100” podcast. Here are some of the highlights.

Preferring to be a heel rather than a face:

“I felt like I have more options and more variety to play with as a heel and stuff, and I did feel a lot more comfortable. Plus, when I was training before I debuted, when I would do matches, I would always be the bad guy. I’d always be the heel working the babyface in training, so it kind of just came a little bit more natural and comfortable for me.”

The Hard Times angle being a collaborative creative effort:

“It was kind of like a collective team effort. You know, I feel like the writers put in a lot of effort and kind of pitch us their ideas and we roll with it. Whether it’s Finn or Priest or Rhea that kind of have a different take on what’s being presented to us, they’ll talk to them and they’re very open to what changes that we may want to do or whatnot.”

His feelings about his relationship with Vince McMahon and Triple H:

“I feel like I have a good relationship with them. You know, it was always very professional, hi and hello, goodbye, hi in gorilla after my matches, thank you, stuff like that. But, I don’t know. I think it’s a little different for me since I’ve kind of been around them since I was like, what, four or five years old?”

If he’s ever been chastised:

“Um, I don’t think so, but they have gotten on me because I’ve gotten a reputation for missing some flights.”

You can check out the complete interview below:

(h/t to for the transcription)