Jake Roberts Discusses The Low Pay The Talents Received Back In The 1980s In WWE

(Photo Credit: AEW)

WWE Hall of Famer Jake “The Snake” Roberts took to an episode of his Snake Pit podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including the low pay the talents received back in the 1980s in WWE and how the talents had to pay for all their expenses.

Roberts said, “I think one of the most amazing things about WWE was doing TV tapings for them back in the old days. Then, you’d have to wrestle three times. And then you had to pay for your own hotel. He had to pay for your rental car. And they paid you 50 bucks for the night. So figure it out, folks. What does that work out to? [-$152]. Yeah, exactly. $16 A match.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.