Roderick Strong Says He Has More Confidence On The Mic

AEW star Roderick Strong recently spoke with Rock95 on a number of topics including how he has more confidence now on the mic than he did in the past because of the people he is currently working with.

Strong said, “[My confidence level is at] a 10.” “It helps working around a bunch of people that feel the same way as you, are as passionate as you, and want to make things as good as it possibly can be. Not saying that other people don’t, but from my personal experience, surrounding myself with the right people, which I did, really opened that.”

“We all feed off of each other and help create different ideas for each other. So, it’s one of those things that now, it’s crazy to think about. Ten years ago, I would have been like, ‘Oh, my God, no, no, no, no, no, I need more time to prep for this, that. I’m unsure.’ Now, it doesn’t matter the situation I’m in, I feel like I can make the most of it.”

You can check out Strong’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)