Roman Reigns Still Taking A Very Potent Medication For His Leukemia

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, who is set to compete on both nights of WrestleMania 40, had his life and wrestling career featured on a recent episode of WWE Legends: Biography on A&E.

During the show, Reigns discussed being diagnosed with Leukemia, then announcing several months later that he was in remission. Reigns also revealed that he is still taking a very potent medication for his condition.

Reigns said, “I think adversity is a constant reminder of what the world is and what life is, and it’s not fair. I think it’s a form of resistance training that we have to go through to strengthen ourselves. So I think adversity is a key ingredient to any success story. For leukemia, if you caught it an early enough stage like I did, you’re able to take, essentially, a medication, a very potent medication that I’m still on to this day, but it’s pretty much just a conditioning of getting your body used to these toxic medications and just hoping for the best.”

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)