Sgt. Slaughter Addresses The Latest Allegations Against Vince McMahon

WWE Hall of Famer Sgt. Slaughter recently appeared as a guest on Pro Wrestling Bits and addresses the Vince McMahon allegations.

“No [my opinion has not changed about Vince McMahon],” said Slaughter. “I was hired by Vince McMahon Sr. If it wasn’t for Vince McMahon Sr. and fellows like Pat Patterson, Harley Race, Lord Alfred Hayes and Roddy Piper, I wouldn’t be sitting in front of you today. They all were part of what I became and the character that I created. Vince [Jr.] was always there to let you go full bore. When he asked me to be the Iraqi Sympathizer, I said ‘I’ll do it,’ but I want to be able to go all the way with it. If I’m going to do what you asked, I want you to let me do it all the way, I don’t want to do it halfway.'”

Slaughter continued, “[Vince McMahon] said ‘Sarge, you take care of that character, you take it as far as you can, and if you go too far, I’ll pull you back.'”

Slaughter will be appearing on A&E’s Biography this Sunday at 9/8 Central.