Shawn Michaels Addresses WWE’s Decision To Bring CM Punk Back

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Hall of Famer and NXT executive “The Heart Break Kid” Shawn Michaels took part in an NXT Deadline media call, where he talked about a number of topics including the company’s decision to bring CM Punk back.

Michaels said, “We all sort of sat under the same learning tree here business is first it’s just that simple, I don’t think it was a tough decision for anybody, other than the same thing that’s always tough which is working the ins and outs and ups and downs and numbers and stuff. As far as a business decision I don’t think it was that tough for anybody because to me it was a good business move, I’m happy that it got done, I want this company to thrive I want it to do well, I want the people that come through the doors whether it be NXT or coming through the doors to WWE, that’s where we get into this stuff because we love it and we wanna have success, from a punk standpoint to me I have always found that if you can go out on your terms that makes the leaving when you do leave this easy and peaceful and that’s what I want for everybody again for me the whole time I have done this job I have seen people struggle with walking away so however it is you decided that you want to make your exit I don’t care where it is or when it is if it’s something you have peace with that’s what’s so important to me with this job and life and everything.”

He also talked about how he and Punk looks at the wrestling business the same way.

“We looked at this business a lot of the time the same way and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.”

You can check out Michaels’ comments in the video below.

(H/T to WrestlePurists for transcribing the above quotes)