Top 25 Best-Selling Wrestlers on Pro Wrestling Tees in 2022 Revealed


Pro Wrestling Tees has released a list of the top 25 best-selling wrestlers in 2022.

The following list was compiled using items purchased from and

1. Danhausen
2. CM Punk
3. MJF
4. The Acclaimed
5. Jon Moxley
6. Malakai Black
7. Young Bucks
8. FTR
9. Sting
10. Kenny Omega
11, Orange Cassidy
12, Chris Jericho
13. Claudio Castagnoli
14. Hangman Adam Page
15. Adam Cole
16. Ric Flair
17. Bryan Danielson
18. Britt Baker
19. HOOK
20. Scott Hall
21. Hikaru Shida
22. Darby Allin
23. Eddie Kingston
24, The Hardys
25. Billy Gunn Aka Daddy Ass

Danhausen released a video in response to being the year’s top merchandise seller.