Wes Lee Is The Man To Dethrone Oba Femi In WWE NXT

The North American Championship picture is certainly buzzing right now. Oba Femi continues to look like one of the most unstoppable champions in all of WWE. However, some challengers have been making their case at a title opportunity—specifically, Ivar, Josh Briggs, and the returning Wes Lee.

In December of 2023, it was announced that Wes Lee suffered a back injury that put him out of action for 5-6 months. However, Lee returned in Week 2 of Spring Breakkin’ and immediately made his presence felt. Lee went on to have a staredown with Femi, quickly showing the fans he was back for the North American Championship.

Wes Lee is the man to dethrone Oba Femi in WWE NXT

Since his return, Lee defeated Josh Briggs in singles competition. On this past Tuesday’s episode of NXT, Wes Lee cut a promo in which he called out Oba Femi. This drew out Femi, along with Ivar, and Briggs. Lee called for a fatal-four-way match for the North American Championship.

However, Femi disagreed and left the ring after telling them to fight amongst themselves. It remains to be seen exactly how this gets booked. However, one thing we know for sure is Wes Lee must be the guy to dethrone Oba Femi and win back the NXT North American Championship at NXT Battleground.

Lee first debuted in WWE in late 2020 as a part of a tag team with Zachary Wentz, MSK. However, it wasn’t until 2022 that we’d get to see Lee shine as a single star. Lee has a growing list of accolades which include being a one-time Dusty Rhodes Classic winner, a two-time NXT Tag Team Champion, and a one-time NXT North American Championship winner.

When Lee first won the NXT North American Championship, he did so at NXT Halloween Havoc in 2022 by defeating four other competitors in a ladder match. His first reign was great, but felt like it didn’t get the best ending. After his record reign of 269 days, Dominik Mysterio, of all people, was the one to dethrone Lee.

Now, Lee has a chance to right those wrongs. Lee is arguably one of the biggest fan favorites in all of NXT. Right now, it’s time to continue his push by strapping a rocket to his back and giving him the NXT North American Championship again. Lee dethroning Oba Femi can have a couple of good things come out of it.

Firstly, Lee gets back the NXT North American Championship, which is something the fans would majorly pop for. However, the bigger picture here is getting the title off of Oba Femi. This allows Femi to move up and challenge for Trick Williams NXT Championship. Williams and Femi could have a great summer program.

Wes Lee is the correct choice to dethrone Oba Femi for the NXT North American Champion. Frankly, he’s the man that makes the most sense. With NXT hurting on the men’s side of things at the top of the card, freeing up Oba Femi to feud with Trick Williams is a brilliant idea.

What are your thoughts? Should Wes Lee be the one to dethrone Oba Femi? Should it be someone else? Let me know your thoughts on @PWMania and @Scott44Mitchell on Twitter.

Until next time,

Scott Mitchell