WWE International Talent Scout Jim Smallman surfaced on social media recently to share some photos of and a statement about scouting talent for WWE at multiple promotions in the United Kingdom.
He released the following statement via his Instagram page:
Over the last seven days I have enjoyed the first few trips of my new job – which, in case you don’t read articles on wrestling websites that quote my LinkedIn page (!) is International Talent Scout for WWE. I have been to Liverpool, Wigan, Glenrothes, Glasgow and Manchester and this week I’ll be in London and then Pisa.
Thank you to everyone that made me welcome at TNT Extreme Wrestling, Grand Pro Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Ready, FutureShock Wrestling and Iron Girders Gym. It is wonderful being able to watch independent wrestling and see the people at the grass roots level who might make it to Raw, Smackdown or NXT one day.