WWE Main Event Results – January 11, 2024
Bronson Reed vs. Javier Bernal
Match starts off with a lock up to start this match and Bronson Reed shoves Javier Bernal across the ring and then flexes. Bernal ducks a 2nd lock up and tries a side headlock but gets shoved off.
He gets caught in the corner, but elbows his way out before he avoids a splash in the corner and fires off kicks to the leg. He hits the ropes and Reed just pounces him down.
Slam from Reed and a big elbow follows then a neck crack from Reed before Bernal punches his way out and ducks a clothesline but gets creamed with a back elbow.
Back splash misses as Bernal rolls out of the way as Bernal shows some good fire as he lands strikes and kicks. He goes to the knee and then hits a dropkick.
Reed is wobbling and Bernal gets a corner dropkick then heads up top but gets caught which Bernal then counters into a DDT for two.
Kicks to the chest from Bernal but that only irritates Reed as he hits a Death Valley Driver and then drops an elbow then Tsunami for the win.
Winner: Bronson Reed
Duke Hudson vs. Myles Borne
Myles Borne gets a side headlock but Duke Hudson powers out and counters then runs Borne down with a shoulder and throws up The U.
Borne gets back control and transitions to another side headlock before Borne gets knocked down again and a slam gets a one count.
Borne lands a forearm to the back of the head but Hudson gets a side headlock now.
He follows with a sidewalk slam for a two count before Hudson misses a charge in the corner and Borne gets a dropkick.
He gets a double stomp to the back as we go to a break.
After the break Borne working Hudson over in the corner. Borne hooks a chinlock before Hudson elbows his way out and delivers shots to the gut while on his knees.
Borne misses a dropkick as Hudson hooks the ropes then catches a charging Borne with an elbow to the jaw but then gets caught with a snap powerslam for a two count.
Hudson starts to Hulk up and runs wild to wake up the crowd as Borne sends him to the apron but Hudson sling shots back in and gets a German suplex.
Hudson hits Scorpion Death Drop gets the win.
Winner: Duke Hudson