WWE NXT Review (6/13/2023)

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE NXT Review – June 13, 2023

6 Man Tag Team Match
North American Champion Wes Lee, Tyler Bate & Mustafa Ali vs. The Schism (Joe Gacy, Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler)

Wes Lee, Tyler Bate & Mustafa Ali waste no time as they slide into the ring and go straight to work beating down The Schism. Rip Fowler hits Ali with a kick but Lee levels him. Jagger Reid then takes him down as Joe Gacy goes after Bate.

Bate delivers an elbow off the middle rope then Ali tags in and delivers a stomp off the top rope. He follows it up with a hurricanrana before Fowler tags in and delivers a boot to Ali’s midsection. Lee tags in and lands a Tijeras then hits a dropkick.

Reid tags in and The Dyad delivers a double flapjack to Lee. Gacy becomes legal & nails a uranage then goes for a pin but Lee kicks out. Reid tags in & rains down right hands on Lee then tags in Fowler.

Fowler connects with a clothesline then delivers a knee to Lee’s midsection. Gacy tags in and hits a boot then lands an uppercut and tags Fowler back in. Fowler delivers a kick and a knee but Lee looks for a sunset flip. Fowler blocks it and tags in Reid.

Reid delivers a right hand to his head then looks for a vertical suplex but Lee escapes and tags in Bate. Bate lands a back elbow and a back body drop then delivers another back elbow in the corner and follows it up with a German suplex.

He executes a standing shooting star press and the airplane spin but Gacy & Fowler save Reid. Lee & Ali get in the ring and send The Schism crashing to the outside then deliver triple crossbodies over the top rope as we go to a break.

After the break Fowler delivers an elbow to Bate’s head before Bate plants him with a suplex. Reid & Ali then tag in and Ali delivers a back elbow. He follows it up with a dropkick but Reid sends him face first into the middle rope. Ali fires off a couple of chops then sends Reid crashing to the outside.

Reid trips Ali after he looks to level an interfering Fowler from the apron before Ali lands a neckbreaker and ascends to the top. He looks for a 450 Splash but Reid rolls out of the way and sends Ali crashing face first into the middle turnbuckle. Fowler & Lee tag in. Lee fires off right hands then executes a snapmare and a dropkick.

He goes flying over the top rope to take out Gacy & Reid on the outside then sets up for the Kardiak Kick but Fowler rolls out of the way and Bate makes the blind tag. Fowler sends Lee crashing into Bate on the apron which causes him to land on the floor. Gacy tags in and The Schism lands a triple swinging powerbomb on Lee.

The referee counts to 3 but another one makes his way down to the ring and prevents him from doing so explaining that Bate made the blind tag. Ali & Lee takes out The Dyad on the outside as Bate hits Gacy with  Tyler Driver 97 for the win.

Winners: North American Champion Wes Lee, Tyler Bate & Mustafa Ali

We then head to a video of Thea Hail arguing with Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey about her upcoming match with Cora Jade. Duke Hudson tells them to quiet down so he can grade papers and Hail explains that they’re heading off to train at the gym. Hail, Gulak & Dempsey leave to do so. Hudson then leaves a voicemail for Andre Chase asking for an update on his recovery and says things are getting out of hand.

Bron Breakker says he made headlines for taking out the biggest star in Europe and calling out the biggest star on Raw. He says he did both of those things to hold everyone accountable and says Ilja Dragunov didn’t look so tough after he hit him with a spear last week. He says Seth Rollins is only The Visionary until he looks into his eyes.

Dragunov then marches down the ramp ready to attack Breakker but officials hold him back and manage to get him through the curtain.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins then appears on the Titan Tron and asks Breakker what he thinks this is. He says Breakker should know better than just demanding a World Heavyweight Title match but none the less, he likes his approach and has been in his position before. He says it would be nice to go back to where it all started and grants him a title shot next week at Gold Rush.

We then head to a video hyping up Dana Brooke.

We head backstage to McKenzie Mitchell is with Dana Brooke. Mitchell asks how long fans can expect to see Brooke on NXT and Brooke says she’ll stay for as long as they have her. She says despite being a Raw Superstar, she’ll show up on any brand at any time because she loves being in the ring. She says she’s made lemons out of lemonade throughout her whole career and she’s worked really hard. Cora Jade walks in and says if it wasn’t for Brooke, she would be the #1 Contender for the Women’s Title. Brooke tells Jade not to blame her for losing the Battle Royal last week but rather blame her sense of entitlement. Jade tells Brooke no one likes her and slaps her before storming off.

After the break we head backstage to Wes Lee, Tyler Bate & Mustafa Ali discussing their win. Ali tells Lee & Bate it’s time to look ahead to the North American Title match between Lee & Bate and suggests becoming the guest referee following what happened during their 6 Man Tag Team match. Lee & Bate agree then they agree to go to a vegan place to celebrate their win.

Thea Hail vs. Cora Jade

Match starts off with a lock up then Cora Jade shoves Thea Hail but Hail returns the favor. Jade delivers a dropkick and locks in a side headlock. Dana Brooke makes her way out to ringside as Hail delivers a pair of arm drags. Jade sends Hail crashing into the corner then delivers a back elbow and goes for a pin. Hail kicks out and Jade delivers a double stomp to her spine.

Hail fires back with a pair of double ax handles and a suplex, then lands the Boing and another suplex. Jade rolls to the outside and Hail looks for a tope suicida but Jade clocks her. She takes a cheap shot at Brooke then grabs her signature kendo stick.

The referee grabs the kendo stick out of her hand and tosses it off to the side allowing Brooke to send Jade crashing into the ring steps then Hail gets her back in the ring and locks in a Kimura Lock for the win.

Winner By Submission: Thea Hail

After the match Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey appear on the ramp to congratulate Hail.

After the break Vic Joseph & Booker T throws it to a Tweet put out by Shawn Michaels announcing that the winner of the match between Ilja Dragunov & Baron Corbin later tonight will become the #1 Contender for the NXT Title. He also noted that next week’s match for the World Heavyweight Title between Seth Rollins & Bron Breakker has been made official.

Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar announces that he is injured and Oro Mensah will be taking his place and defending his honor in the Heritage Cup Title Match.

Heritage Cup Title Match
Oro Mensah vs. Nathan Frazer

Round 1

Nathan Frazer rolls up Mensah but Mensah kicks out and delivers a shoulder tackle but Frazer responds with an arm drag and begins targeting Mensah’s arm then Frazer rolls up him to pick up the win.

Frazer 1-0

Round 2

Mensah delivers a kick to Frazer’s spine then goes for a pin but Frazer kicks out then follows it up with a suplex and a chop then lands a right hand and follows it up with a dropkick to his head then goes for a pin but Frazer kicks out.

Jakara Jackson hops up on the apron and distracts the referee allowing Lash Legend to pull Frazer into the corner and Mensah to land a spinning heel kick to tie it up.

Mensah 1-1

Round 3

After the break Mensah rolls up Frazer but Frazer kicks out and Mensah goes flying. Frazer lands a superkick and manages to pin Mensah but Mensah kicks out.

Round 4

Frazer lands a dropkick then he goes flying off the top rope but Mensah rolls out of the way then he rolls up Frazer but Frazer kicks out. Mensah then delivers a kick off the top rope and plants Frazer with a flapjack. He looks for a powerbomb but Frazer escapes and delivers a kick to his chest. He ascends to the top, but Mensah meets him up there and delivers a German suplex.

He pins Frazer but Frazer manages to kick out. Jackson hops up on the apron as Legend goes after Frazer but Valentina Feroz & Yulisa Leon run down to take them out & this allows Frazer to ascend to the top rope & nails Phoenix Splash to get the win.

Winner & New Heritage Cup Champion: Nathan Frazer (Round 4) (2-1) (NEW CHAMPION!!!!!!)

2 On 1 Handicap Match
Axiom & Scrypts vs. Dabba Kato

Axiom & Scrypts land a double dropkick on Dabba Kato before Dabba Kato lands a clothesline on Axiom. Scrypts tags in and goes flying but Dabba Kato plants him mid air then he fires off a couple of right hands before Axiom tags in. Axiom & Scrypts deliver another double kick before Dabba Kato delivers a kick to Scrypts and sends Axiom crashing into the mat then looks for a double chokeslam but Axiom escapes and lands an enziguri.

Scrypts tags in and fires off right hands then sends Dabba Kato tumbling to the outside then Axiom tags in before Scrypts lands a tope suicida. Axiom tags in and goes flying then tags Scrypts back in. Dabba Kato levels Scrypts before Axiom tags him and dumps Scrypts on top of him on the outside. Axiom then executes a moonsault off the ropes and Scrypts tosses him back in the ring. He ascends to the top rope and delivers a moonsault before Axiom connects with Golden Ratio for the win.

Winners: Axiom & Scrypts

After the match Los Lotharios attacks Axiom & Scrypts.

We then head to a video of Stacks trying to figure out who ratted Tony D’Angelo out to authorities.

Edris Enofe vs. Malik Blade

Match starts off with a lock up then Edris Enofé looks for a kick but Malik Blade ducks it and rolls up Enofé. Enofé kicks out as Brooks Jensen, Josh Briggs, Hank Walker & Tank Ledger appear at ringside to watch on. Blade delivers a knee to Enofé’s head before the action spills to the outside and Enofé delivers a flying back elbow to Blade.

He goes flying but Blade ducks out of the way before he goes flying over the top rope and connects then he tosses Enofé back in the ring then ascends to the top but Enofé meets him up there and executes a superplex then goes for a pin but Blade reverses the fall for the win.

Winner: Malik Blade

After the match Blade helps Enofé up. Enofé tells Blade he knows when his birthday is April 22nd. He tells Blade he loves him and they embrace. Booker T then grabs a mic and says he has some breaking news. He says Edris Enofé & Malik Blade, Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen & Hank Walker & Tank Ledger will be facing off in a Triple Threat #1 Contenders match for the NXT Tag Team Titles. The winners will square off with Gallus the following week, which leads to the 3 teams brawling with one another.

Roxanne Perez vs. Tatum Paxley

Roxanne Perez rolls up Tatum Paxley but Paxley kicks out and Perez lands a Tijeras before Paxley plants Perez. She then lands a shoulder tackle and locks in a Boston Crab but Perez escapes by rolling up Paxley. Paxley kicks out and looks to lock in the Boston Crab again but Perez rolls her up to escape once more.

Paxley kicks out and Perez delivers a crossbody. She rains down right hands before the action spills to the outside and Perez lands a tope suicida before she tosses Paxley back in the ring then delivers an uppercut in the corner and rolls Paxley up for the win.

Winner: Roxanne Perez

After the match Perez puts Blair Davenport on notice and tells her that she’s not afraid. She says she’s now looking for Davenport and she’ll now hurt her like Davenport did with the rest of the women’s locker room by making a promise to do so.

NXT Title #1 Contenders Match
Baron Corbin vs. Ilja Dragunov 

Baron Corbin & Ilja Dragunov lock up to get this match started then Corbin delivers a shoulder tackle but Dragunov fires back with a big boot and sends Corbin into the top turnbuckle face first. Dragunov executes a series of chops. Corbin sends Dragunov into the top rope then lands a pair of clotheslines. Dragunov hits a pair of German suplexes but Corbin fires back with a back elbow then Dragunov connects with Constantine Special as we go to a break.

After the break Corbin dumps Dragunov out of the ring & he chokeslams him onto the apron then fires off elbows on his midsection. He delivers a series of right hands then executes a few more elbows and sends Dragunov into the apron face first. He tosses Dragunov back in the ring and delivers a stomp to his spine then lands a backbreaker.

He sends Dragunov colliding with the top turnbuckle but Dragunov delivers a series of right hands. Corbin plants Dragunov with a Death Valley Driver then delivers a right hand to his spine.

They go back & forth with right hands before Corbin lands Deep Six and goes for a pin but Dragunov kicks out and ascends to the top rope then lands a senton and follows it up with a DDT then hits a Brainbuster and a headbutt then sets up for the Torpedo. Bron Breakker appears out of nowhere and absorbs the move & that allows Corbin to hit End Of Days for the win.

Winner & #1 Contender To The NXT Title: Baron Corbin

After the match Breakker & Dragunov brawl to the back as Carmelo Hayes appears and attacks Corbin before he lands Nothing But Net and holds up the NXT Title to close out this week’s NXT.

Matches Of The Night

6 Man Tag Team Match- 7/10

Heritage Cup Title Match- 6/10

NXT Title #1 Contenders Match- 6/10

Gold Rush Card 

Night 1 (June 20th)

World Heavyweight Title Match
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Bron Breakker

North American Title Match
Wes Lee (c) vs. Tyler Bate

NXT Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match
Edris Enofe & Malik Blade vs. Josh Briggs & Brooks Jansen vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

Dana Brooke vs. Cora Jade

Night 2 So Far (June 27th)

NXT Title Match
Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Baron Corbin

Women’s Title Match
Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Thea Hail

NXT Tag Team Titles Match
Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) (c) vs. TBD