WWE Raw Review – April 8, 2024


WWE Raw Review – April 8, 2024

Kicking off this week’s Raw with fans thanking Triple H, he says he came out to the ring to thank them. He says less than 24 hours ago, fans made something very special happen.

He says he can now really say WrestleMania 40 was the greatest WrestleMania of all time and the biggest one ever by every metric out there.

He says he had the privilege of welcoming fans to WrestleMania on Saturday and he now has the privilege of welcoming fans to Raw.

He says he had on Saturday that a new era had become and he’s happy to now welcome the man that will be ushering in the new era Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Cody Rhodes.

Rhodes’ music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He shakes hands with Triple H and holds up his Undisputed WWE Universal Title as Triple H raises his other hand.

Triple H then congratulates Rhodes on winning Undisputed WWE Universal Title and says he deserves it then congratulates him on ending Roman Reigns’ historic time as champion.

He says he got a call about 2 hours after WrestleMania and they asked him to show something special they made for Rhodes.

He says while they asked him to show just Rhodes, he thought that he should show it to the entire WWE Universe.

Triple H throws it to a video showing several highlights and moments of Rhodes’ WWE career and a few of his time on the indies and Rhodes hugs him when the video ends.

Rhodes lays the Undisputed WWE Universal Title down in the ring and kisses it then asks Philadelphia what they want to talk about.

He says he felt like he knew what he wanted to talk about.

He asks Samantha Irvin to introduce him as the new Undisputed WWE Universal Champion once again and she does so. He says 2 years ago on the Raw After WrestleMania, he laid out his goals.

He says last night, his dream became reality.

Rhodes says despite the altitude of Philadelphia being 39 feet, the air in the Wells Fargo Center feels a little thin because he and fans are standing on top of the mountain.

Rhodes says he acknowledges what Roman Reigns has done and says he may perhaps be the most important Superstar of his generation.

He says when one gets into wrestling a big thing that is asked is why a wrestler is doing it.

He says one of his main whys is his daughter Libby and he wants his daughter to know that he doesn’t just work but he works in the main event.

He says he wants his daughter to know that he’s fighting as champion rather than challenger and says while he’s always stood in line, the line is for him.

He introduces himself and says while he was once undesirable, he became undeniable and the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion.

The Rock’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with his People’s Title in hand.

He says he came to the ring to deliver flowers to Rhodes and to tell Philadelphia they broke another record for the largest gathering of trailer park trash.

He says it’s just him and Rhodes here tonight then says he beat Reigns in the middle of the ring at WrestleMania.

He says he tried doing everything in his power to keep Rhodes from winning then says Rhodes’ mother had a big smile on her face as did Dusty Rhodes in heaven.

The Rock says Dusty was his hero and says they were good friends that ran up and down the roads. He says he didn’t care if his own dad was proud of the things he did to Rhodes then says Rhodes finished his story to get a brand new belt with brand new side plates.

He asks Rhodes if he can hold the Undisputed WWE Universal Title and assures him that there will be no harm if he hands him the title. He says he’s held many titles but not the one that Rhodes holds.

Rhodes says The Rock can hold his title for a moment as long as The Rock lets him hold the People’s Title. The Rock agrees, and they swap titles.

The Rock puts the Undisputed WWE Universal Title on his shoulder and says it feels right.

He hands Rhodes back his title and takes back the People’s Title.

The Rock thanks Rhodes and says he has to go away for a while.

He says he doesn’t want to leave after he & Rhodes made wrestling cool again but when he comes back whether or not Rhodes is champion, he’s coming back for him.

Rhodes says he’s looking forward to it and The Rock tells him that while he beat Reigns in the middle of the ring, he beat him in the middle of the ring less than 24 hours before then.

He says while Rhodes’ story with Reigns is over, their story is just beginning whether or not he believes it.

Rhodes says he believes it because The Rock is his literal boss as a member of the TKO board but he’s the champion.

He says he’s a champion of the fans and that means that he’s The Rock’s champion as well.

The Rock says Rhodes is the champion of the fans, the world and even him but there’s one last thing before he leaves. He has something to give him and hands him an object.

He says Rhodes doesn’t need to open his hand to know what it is then tells him not to break his heart ever again.

Non Title Match
NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Shinsuke Nakamura lands a kick on Ilja Dragunov then they exchange forearm shots with one another before Nakamura hits a series of knees to Dragunov’s oblique.

Dragunov responds with an enzuigiri and a splash in the corner then lands a knee to Nakamura’s midsection off the middle rope.

He connects with a pair of German suplexes and Constantine Special then ascends to the top rope and looks to land a senton but Nakamura moves out of the way and hits a sliding German suplex then follows it up with a knee off the middle rope and goes for a pin.

Dragunov kicks out and hits a German suplex but Nakamura responds with a kick to the back of Draguov’s neck and follows it up with a back body drop.

He rocks Dragunov with a knee but Dragunov lands a kick and a powerbomb.

He follows it up with the H Bomb and Torpedo Moskau for the win.

Winner: NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov

A video package recaps Drew McIntyre beating Seth Rollins to win the World Heavyweight Title then being tripped by CM Punk then losing the title when Damian Priest cashed in his Money In The Bank contract.

Michael Cole sets up a WrestleMania 40 recap video that showed A Town Down Under winning the Smackdown Tag Team Titles, Awesome Truth winning the Raw Tag Team Titles & Rhea Ripley beating Becky Lynch to retain the Womens World Title.

Finn Balor says to all the haters, doubters, everyone who thought that Rhea Ripley wouldn’t be able to retain her Womens World Title against Becky Lynch or Damian Priest would be able to successfully cash in his Money In The Bank briefcase, they were all wrong.

Dominik Mysterio then introduces Ripley, and she makes her way down to the ring.

She says WrestleMania was almost perfect and while Judgment Day has a couple of new problems to deal with, 2 good things came out of WrestleMania weekend.

She says Mami is always on top and a new era of Judgment Day has begun.

Finn Balor then introduces new World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest.

Priest’s new entrance music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.

He says the terror twins stand before the WWE Universe as World Champions and it goes without saying that Judgment Day rises to the occasion.

He demands fans rise for Judgment Day and holds up his title as Ripley does the same.

Raw Tag Team Champion R Truth appears out of nowhere and joins in with his Raw Tag Team Title.

He says he brought back his title to Judgment Day but he’s only one half of the title he holds.

Raw Tag Team Champion The Miz’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Miz tells Truth he doesn’t want to be in Judgment Day but neither does Truth.

Priest reiterates that Truth isn’t in Judgment Day before Miz introduces him & Truth as the new Raw Tag Team Champions.

Balor says it won’t be funny when they have a short reign then challenges them to put their Raw Tag Team Titles on the line in a Tag Team match.

Truth says him and Miz can’t because there’s 3 of them to the confusion of both Balor & Miz. Miz checks to make sure that it isn’t Lil Jimmy & Truth says it’ll be a 6 Man Tag Team match against him, Miz & the guy he can’t see.

Judgment Day agrees and Truth looks to introduce him & Miz’s tag team partner.

Judgement Day then blindside Awesome Truth then they dump them out of the ring as we go to a break.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Raw Tag Team Champions Awesome Truth (The Miz & R Truth) & John Cena vs. Judgement Day (Dominik Mysterio, JD McDonagh & Finn Balor)

After the break Dominik Mysterio hits 3 Amigos to R Truth but Truth prevents Mysterio from landing the final one.

JD McDonagh tags in and fires off stomps on Truth & Mysterio lands one of his own while the referee is distracted.

Miz tries getting in the ring but the referee prevents him from doing so.

Mysterio tags back in and fires off more stomps on Truth then goes for a pin.

Truth kicks out before he tags in Miz.

Miz hits Mysterio with a crossbody then fires off the Miz Kicks on him in the corner and lands a clothesline. He rolls up Mysterio but Mysterio kicks out.

Miz then hits a double DDT to Mysterio & McDonagh and sets up for Skull Crushing Finale.

Mysterio escapes and Balor pulls Miz out of the ring.

He begins beating him down on the outside with McDonagh and they send him crashing into the barricade as we go to a break.

After the break Miz looks to tag out to Truth but Balor keeps him from doing so then McDonagh tags in and Miz looks to tag in Truth.

Mysterio pulls him off the apron and sends him crashing into the ring steps. Balor joins in as McDonagh fires off right hands on Miz.

John Cena’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring revealing himself to be the 3rd partner of Awesome Truth.

Cena tags in and lands a pair of flying shoulder tackles on McDonagh then sends him crashing into the mat.

Awesome Truth follow suit with Balor & Mysterio before Awesome Truth & Cena hits a triple 5 Knuckle Shuffle.

They follow it up with a Triple Attitude Adjustment to Judgement Day for the win.

Winners: Raw Tag Team Champions Awesome Truth & John Cena

We get highlights of Bronson Reed eliminating Ivar to win the 2024 Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

We then head over to a video of Bronson Reed as he stands next to his Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal and sends a message to Drew McIntyre, Jey Uso & Ricochet ahead of their Fatal 4 Way #1 Contenders Match for the World Heavyweight Title later tonight.

After the break we see Dominik Mysterio & Rhea Ripley talk about what just happened. Ripley says Mysterio’s problem is with Andrade for turning on him on Smackdown this past Friday. Mysterio leaves to talk to Adam Pearce. Liv Morgan then throws a chair at Ripley and attacks her before officials pull her off.

Non Title Match
NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez vs. Indi Hartwell

Roxanne Perez offers her hand to Indi Hartwell as Hartwell looks to shake it but Perez slaps it away.

Perez then locks Hartwell in a Sleeper but Hartwell escapes and hits a shoulder tackle.

She looks to land an elbow drop but Perez avoids it and hits a dropkick to Hartwell’s knee.

Perez hits a side Russian leg sweep and begins targeting Hartwell’s left knee.

Hartwell sends Perez crashing into the mat then lands a few offensive strikes and charges at Perez in the corner.

Perez moves out of the way and sends Hartwell crashing into the top turnbuckle.

She then lands an uppercut but LeRae grabs Perez’s ankle from the outside.

Hartwell questions what Candice LeRae just did opening the door for Perez to take advantage.

She rakes Hartwell’s eye then hits a boot to her midsection and follows it up with Pop Rox for the win.

Winner: NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez

New Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn was shown walking through the back before Jey Uso showed up and congratulated Zayn & said he was proud of Jey too before they did their old handshake for old times’ sake as we go to a break.

After the break we see Roxanne Perez walking around backstage. She runs into Natalya, & Natalya says she’ll see Perez tomorrow night. Perez corrects Natalya and says she’ll see her on her show.

Sami Zayn says he’s been lucky the past few years at WrestleMania and he’s done some pretty historic things.

He says he really wanted to do something historic this year and he did. He says the person who really made history was Gunther with 666 days spent as Intercontinental Champion.

He gives Gunther his flowers and says he’s the best Intercontinental Champion of all time but he beat him.

Zayn says he can’t take credit because he had a lot of help from fans.

He says fans helped him believe in himself, seeing his wife and son before his WrestleMania match against Gunther helped him and seeing his brother Kevin Owens helped him.

Imperium’s music hits and Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci make his way down to the ring.

Kaiser says Gunther put in tons of hard work and dedication to make the Intercontinental Title the most prestigious title in all of WWE and it breaks his heart to see someone like Zayn holding that title.

He congratulates the WWE Universe on having a new Intercontinental Champion that looks like a bum then says he & Vinci are at ringside to make things right.

Vinci & Kaiser surround Zayn on the outside then hop up on the apron.

Alpha Academy’s music hits and Chad Gable runs down to the ring to even the odds.

Vinci & Kaiser hop off the apron as we go to a break.

After the break a Sheamus video aired.

Tag Team Match
Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn & Chad Gable vs. Imperium (Giovanni Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser)

Chad Gable & Giovanni Vinci lock up to get this match started before Vinci lands a chop then follows it up with a crossbody and tags in Ludwig Kaiser.

Kaiser hits an open palm strike to Gable but Gable sends him crashing into the mat and tags in Zayn.

Zayn hits a double axe handle off the middle rope then follows it up with an elbow drop off the middle rope. Vinci tags in and hits an uppercut before Kaiser tags in.

Imperium are sent crashing to the outside and Gable flies off the top rope with a splash to level them both.

Gable gets Vinci back inside the ring and hits a crossbody off the top rope then tags Zayn back in as we go to a break.

After the break Zayn hits a Blue Thunder Bomb on Kaiser then Gable & Vinci tag in and Gable fires off strikes on Vinci.

He hits a boot to his midsection then follows it up with a Blockbuster.

He hits an Atomic Drop and a suplex and does the same to Vinci.

Gable then connects with a diving headbutt to Vinci and ascends to the top rope before he looks to fly. Vinci moves out of the way and tags in Kaiser.

Kaiser hits an enzuigiri then hits Imperium Bomb with Vinci then goes for a pin but Zayn breaks the fall. Vinci tags in and Imperium looks for Imperium Bomb once again.

Gable takes down Vinci & Kaiser looks for an uppercut off the middle rope.

Gable counters into a German suplex then hits 3 more as Zayn does the same to Kaiser.

Zayn cinches in an Ankle Lock on Vinci but Kaiser pulls Gable off the apron and delivers a kick to Zayn to break the hold.

He fires off right and left hands on him but Zayn sends him crashing to the outside.

Zayn hits an Exploder to Vinci in the corner and lands Helluva Kick on Vinci.

He tags in Gable before he does and Gable hits Chaos Theory for the win.

Winners: Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn & Chad Gable

Jey Uso cuts a backstage promo about putting a Yeet Down on Drew McIntyre, Bronson Reed & Ricochet in the 4 Way match.

Backstage Andrade shook hands with Raw General Manager Adam Pearce, Smackdown GM Nick Aldis and NXT GM Ava before exiting the room. Aldis said Pearce did a great job of recruiting Andrade to Raw. Aldis said it’s a shame that Pearce put all that work in just so he could snag him in the draft. Pearce said there are a couple of people he’d like to see on Raw. Ava said you never know who could end up on NXT then said they all put their differences aside.

Chelsea Green enters the picture and complained that she wasn’t included on the biggest WrestleMania of all time. Green said she would be contacting top brass. Pearce said they saw her emails, texts and DMs. Pearce said that’s why they had a special match for her. Pearce told her to go to the ring because her moment awaits. The GMs laughed after Green left the room.

Jade Cargill vs. Chelsea Green

Chelsea Green protests facing Cargill claiming she didn’t agree to the match.

She walks into a pump kick from Cargill then connects with Jaded for the win.

Winner: Jade Cargill

Sami Zayn walks backstage where Chad Gable was celebrating with Alpha Academy. Zayn asked if he could have a minute with Gable so the others exited. Zayn said he figured they were even after he handed him the win. Gable started to explain what he was looking for but Zayn stops him and said he knew. Zayn held up the Intercontinental Title and told him that it would be an honor to defend the title against him next week in Zayn’s hometown of Montreal. I can’t wait Gable said. Zayn agreed with Gable and they shook hands.

Drew McIntyre calls for his music to stop then said what happened the night before was BS. He said his title reign lasted 5 minutes and 46 seconds. He said that’s 5 minutes longer than most of the fans last in bed.

McIntyre said he might not like Seth Rollins, he respects him.

McIntyre said that he and Rollins shared a moment that only warriors know about.

McIntyre said that bondage Undertaker Damian Priest screwed it all up.

McIntyre said he would say that he’d whip Priest’s ass but he’d probably enjoy it.

McIntyre said the Money In The Bank briefcase is a joke that has now cost him the World Heavyweight Title twice.

McIntyre said he’s coming for Priest and labeled him nothing more than a transitional champion.

McIntyre said Priest may have had the contract but he didn’t cause what happened.

McIntyre blamed that prick CM Punk.

McIntyre recalled saying he would win the title have a moment with his family and then rub it in Punk’s face. McIntyre said that’s what he did.

He calls Punk a coward for sweeping his legs the moment he took his eye off him and then hitting him with his brace.

McIntyre said he knew Punk would go into hiding but he’s going after his weakest part. McIntyre said it just so happens that Punk’s whole body is his weakest part.

Jey Uso’s entrance theme interrupted McIntyre and then Uso made his entrance.

World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way Match
Drew McIntyre vs. Bronson Reed vs. Jey Uso vs. Ricochet

Drew McIntyre begins brawling with Jey Uso as Bronson Reed & Ricochet go at it.

Reed & McIntyre level Jey & Ricochet before McIntyre fires off right hands on Reed.

Reed hits McIntyre with a suplex then clotheslines Jey out of the ring.

Ricochet sends him crashing on the outside and McIntyre ends up there as well.

Ricochet then goes flying off the top rope to level everyone as we go to a break.

After the break McIntyre pins Ricochet but Jey breaks the fall as McIntyre charges at Jey but Jey sends him crashing to the outside over the top as we see that a table has been set up in one of the corners.

Reed hits an elbow drop to Jey then hits a hip attack in the corner and clocks Ricochet.

Reed looks to send Jey crashing through the table with a Razor’s Edge but Jey slips off his shoulders.

Reed picks up Jey and sends him crashing through the table as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Ricochet hits an enzuigiri to Reed and lands a 2nd one on McIntyre.

Ricochet then hits strikes to both men in opposite corners but McIntyre catches him and delivers a belly 2 belly suplex.

Reed tosses Ricochet across the ring then stares down McIntyre.

They exchange chops and Reed hits a splash in the corner. McIntyre responds with a Michinoku Driver and goes for a pin but Jey breaks the fall.

Jey lands a superkick on McIntyre then hits a double one to him with Ricochet and a triple one with Reed.

Jey & Ricochet then hits a pair of double superkicks to Reed & Jey lands an enzuigiri on Ricochet.

Ricochet responds with a knee but Reed connects with a clothesline on Ricochet.

Jey catches Reed with a Spear and pins him but McIntyre breaks up the fall.

McIntyre & Jey teeter on the top rope but Jey drapes McIntyre from his knees and delivers a headbutt to him.

McIntyre pulls Jey off the top rope but Ricochet hits a dropkick to his chest.

Reed powerbombs Ricochet onto McIntyre then connects with a Death Valley Driver on Ricochet and goes for a pin. Ricochet kicks out and Reed lands a running senton.

He looks to ascend to the top rope but McIntyre prevents him from doing so.

Reed then hits a running shoulder tackle to McIntyre from off the apron then clears the announce desk.

McIntyre lands a Glasgow Kiss and sends Reed crashing into the ring post then lays him on the announce desk. Jey hits a tope suicida to McIntyre.

Ricochet hits a springboard 450 Splash to Reed through the announce table.

Jey fires off right hands on McIntyre in the ring but McIntyre responds with a Future Shock DDT and kips up.

He sets up for Claymore but CM Punk appears and grabs his ankle from the outside.

This allows for Jey to hit a spear and Uso Splash off the top rope for the win.

Winner & #1 Contender To The World Heavyweight Title: Jey Uso

Next Week’s Raw

Intercontinental Title Match
Sami Zayn (c) vs. Chad Gable

Andrade vs. Dominik Mysterio