WWE Raw Review – March 4, 2024

WWE Raw Review – March 4, 2024

Kicking off this week’s Raw with a video package recaps The Rock & Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns segment from Friday’s Smackdown with Rock challenging 2024 Royal Rumble Winner Cody Rhodes & World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins to face them on Night 1 of WrestleMania in a Tag Team match.

2024 Royal Rumble Winner Cody Rhodes asks San Antonio what they want to talk about then says he would love it if they could talk about his upcoming Undisputed WWE Universal Title match against Roman Reigns at Night 2 of WrestleMania 40. He says he’s unable to talk about that due to a distraction that stings quite a bit: The Rock. He says The Rock posted a 16 minute video to Instagram, deleted it posted a 21 minute video 5 minutes later, and had plenty of speaking time on Smackdown. He says The Rock changed the conversation of his challenge to him and created a whole new challenge of his own and recalls a conversation between them wherein The Rock told him that he didn’t want to see him face Reigns. He says The Rock told him that the people wanted him to take on Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title until fans became vocal about their thoughts. He then says he’s not the only person The Rock challenged and introduces World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins.

Rollins’ music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Rollins welcomes fans to Monday Night Rollins and asks Rhodes what he thinks about The Rock’s challenge. Rhodes says Rollins has offered to have his back against The Bloodline and says he’s promised to be with him moving forward. He says he didn’t think he’d even be on WrestleMania, and says it’s his right to challenge Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion. He says Rollins has to defend the World Heavyweight Title against Drew McIntyre as he’s coming off an injury, and says he fully understands if Rollins wants to solely focus on McIntyre rather than tag with him to face Reigns and The Rock the night before. Rollins says while he respects Rhodes giving him the out, he’ll’ take care of McIntyre. He says that he said some things are bigger than all of them last week, and that includes taking down The Bloodline. He says Rhodes isn’t the only one with a story to finish at WrestleMania, and says now that The Rock is in The Bloodline, Reigns’ ultimate goal for absolute power has become that much closer.

Rollins says The Rock hasn’t been The Rock or The People’s Champion in a long time and says he has a new name for The Rock: Diarrhea Dwayne. He dares The Rock to follow through on his promise to make everything go away and says while The Rock claimed that he made professional wrestling cool again on Friday, he’s cleared for competition as of this morning. He says he’ll be on SmackDown this Friday and tells Rhodes he has his back. He asks Rhodes if he has his back.

Rhodes says he has a message for The Rock to answer Rollins’ question. He says it’s been a long time since The Rock had that 7 bucks in his pocket and says he won’t whine for 21 minutes. He says he’ll be with Rollins on SmackDown.

Dominik Mysterio was shown warming up backstage with JD McDonagh.

Non Title Match
Intercontinental Champion Gunther vs. Dominik Mysterio

Dominik Mysterio hits a boot to Gunther’s midsection before Gunther tosses him across the ring before Mysterio shoves him and lands an overhand chop.

The action then spills out of the ring and JD McDonagh inserts himself between Mysterio & Gunther.

Gunther shoves McDonagh into the ring post spine first and looks to land an overhand chop but his hand collides into the ring post instead.

Mysterio then sends it crashing into the ring post a 2nd time and they get back inside the ring before Gunther lands a chop as we go to a break.

After the break Gunther hits Mysterio with a series of chops then locks in a Boston Crab but McDonagh hops up on the apron and Gunther relinquishes the hold.

Mysterio takes advantage and dropkicks him off the apron to the outside then hits a crossbody over the ropes.

He lands a chop on Gunther but Gunther responds with one of his own and dumps Mysterio back into the ring.

Mysterio sends Gunther crashing into the ropes and looks to dial it up for the 619 then levels him with a clothesline and goes for a pin.

He pulls his shoulders off the mat and looks to lock in a 2nd Boston Crab but Mysterio fights his way out with a series of boots to Gunther’s head.

Gunther looks to powerbomb him but Mysterio counters into a roll up but Gunther kicks out and Mysterio sends him crashing into the ropes.

He dials it up for 619 and ascends to the top rope then flies.

Gunther moves out of the way and connects with a dropkick then hits a powerbomb and locks in a Boston Crab & Mysterio quickly taps out.

Winner By Submission: Intercontinental Champion Gunther

We head backstage and see Damage CTRL walking around. Adam Pearce catches up and asks them what they’re doing here and Dakota Kai explains that Women’s Tag Team Champions Asuka & Kairi Sane are on Raw because they can be on either brand as Women’s Tag Team Champions. Pearce asks why they’re on Raw once again and Kai explains that they’re there to watch Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark compete in their upcoming match. Shinsuke Nakamura then approaches Pearce wanting to talk about the Intercontinental Title and Damage CTRL assures Pearce he has nothing to worry about. Pearce then tells Nakamura that he has an announcement about Gunther’s WrestleMania opponent for the Intercontinental Title later tonight.

We got a pre taped promo with Kayden Carter & Katana Chance being interviewed earlier in the day by Cathy Kelley was shown.

Tag Team Match
Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark vs. Katana Chance & Kayden Carter

Shayna Baszler stomps on Kayden Carter’s arm then Zoey Stark tags in and Carter hits a kick to her chest then lands a 2nd one on her face.

Baszler tags in and Stark hits a superkick.

Stark drapes Carter across the top rope and Baszler then hits a running knee to her that sends her crashing out of the ring as we go to a break.

After the break Stark hits a superkick to Chance then she ascends to the top rope but Chance joins her up there.

Carter makes the blind tag in and Stark pushes Chance off the ropes.

Carter then climbs up and Chance joins her & they hit a double Spanish Fly to Stark before Chance becomes legal again. Stark hits a pair of forearms to Chance & Carter.

Carter hits a superkick to Stark and lands The Afterparty with Chance then Chance goes for a pin but Baszler breaks the fall up.

Baszler then locks the Kirifuda Clutch on Carter on the outside and Chance looks to help Carter as Stark takes advantage and rolls up Chance for the win.

Winners: Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark

After the match Damage CTRL gets in the ring and Kai says she and the rest of Damage CTRL are there to congratulate them on a great match. She then offers Baszler 7 Stark a shot at Kabuki Warriors’ Women’s Tag Team Titles next Monday after they retain on NXT. Baszler grabs the mic out of Kai’s hand and says it’s about time they get a shot. She accepts Kai’s challenge.

Dominik Mysterio was shown sitting on a trainer’s table while the trainer & Judgement Day stood by.

Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley asked Mysterio that he thought would happen. Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Mr Money in The Bank Damian Priest & Finn Balor said they would make things right with Imperium then Priest told JD McDonagh that he would have to make things right with Gunther. Andrade enters the room and told Mysterio he would see him soon and wished him good luck. Priest & Mysterio spoke in Spanish. McDonagh wondered what they were talking about. Priest said they would get into that a little later.

A video package recaps the Becky Lynch & Nia Jax feud.

Becky Lynch vs. Nia Jax

Becky Lynch sends Nia Jax crashing into the corner then she fires off stomps on her but Jax sends her crashing into the adjacent corner and fires off shoulders on her midsection.

Lynch then connects with a dropkick on Jax and lands a flying forearm before Jax connects a slam and a splash in the corner then follows it up with an elbow drop.

Lynch locks in a Sleeper on Jax but Jax sends Lynch crashing into the corner to break the hold then lands a pair of hip attacks on Lynch in the corner.

Lynch ascends to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick that sends Jax crashing out of the ring.

She then connects with a baseball dropkick and looks to fly off the apron but Jax catches her and connects with a Samoan Drop as we go to a break.

After the break Jax hits a leg drop to Lynch off the top rope. Lynch sets up for Manhandle Slam but Jax blocks it.

Lynch then hits a hurricanrana and ascends to the top rope before hitting a senton.

Jax responds with a Samoan Drop and drags Lynch into the corner then ascends to the middle rope & looks for A Nia Lator but Lynch avoids it and locks in Dis Arm Her.

Jax escapes by sliding out of the ring and sends Lynch crashing into the barricade.

Liv Morgan then appears at ringside out of nowhere and hits a flying forearm off the barricade causing the disqualification.

Winner By DQ: Nia Jax

After the match, Morgan slides in the ring and gets into a verbal exchange with Lynch. Jax pulls Morgan out of the ring and sends Lynch crashing into the ring post. She then delivers a leg drop to Morgan.

We then head backstage and see Ricochet make his case to Adam Pearce as to why he should challenge Gunther for the Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania. He says he has a plan in place before Judgment Day walks in and makes their case as to why JD McDonagh should challenge Gunther as we go to a break.

After the break we see Becky Lynch yell at Liv Morgan for interfering in her match. Lynch challenges Morgan to a match next week and Morgan accepts before Rhea Ripley then passes Lynch & laughs.

After the break we head over to a video from Adam Pearce & explains that Gunther’s WrestleMania 40 opponent will be determined in a Gauntlet Match next week between Sami Zayn, Ricochet, Shinsuke Nakamura, Bronson Reed, JD McDonagh & Chad Gable.

Andrade vs. Apollo Crews

Andrade & Apollo Crews shake hands to get this match started then they lock up before Andrade connects with a boot on Crews’ jaw.

Crews responds with a dropkick but Andrade ascends to the top rope but Crews joins him up there and hits a superplex.

Andrade responds with 3 Amigos and goes for a pin but Crews kicks out and connects with a dropkick. Andrade hits an arm drag and a back elbow then goes for a pin.

Crews kicks out and Andrade hits a pair of double running knees to him in the corner then follows it up with La Sombra for the win.

Winner: Andrade

Backstage Sami Zayn was interviewed by Jackie Redmond. Zayn spoke about the highs and lows of his journey and how his confidence was shaken but he also said he had a belief that a path would present itself. Zayn said he spoke about wanting to be a champion and to do something historic. Zayn said the Gauntlet match was the only thing standing in his way. Zayn said the match would be do or die.

Ivar & Valhalla interrupted Zayn. Valhalla said she had been praying to the gods all day while trying to understand why Zayn was in the match while Ivar was not. Ivar said he could beat Gunther and he knows that Zayn knows that he can’t beat Gunther. Zayn told Ivar that he knows he can beat him and challenged him to meet in the ring later in the show. Ivar told Zayn he wouldn’t make it to next week.

After the break a graphic acknowledged the death of Paul The Butcher Vachon.

Backstage Indi Hartwell told Candice LeRae that she needed to relax. She said they will improve and get a future Women’s Tag Team Title shot. Meanwhile Natalya told Tegan Nox that it didn’t help their cause when Nox threw her out of the Royal Rumble. Nox pointed out that Natalya tried to throw her out of the Rumble 1st. Natalya disputed this and said it was time for them to get hungry and forget their manners.

LeRae told Hartwell that they may also need to forget their manners. Ivy Nile & Maxxine Dupri interrupted. Dupri tried to give LeRae a pep talk. LeRae asked if Dupri has had 3 matches and then said she didn’t need a pity party from someone who couldn’t lace her boots. Hartwell apologized to Dupri after LeRae stormed away.

Non Title Match
Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Judgement Day (Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest & Finn Balor) vs. Imperium (Giovanni Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser)

Finn Balor & Ludwig Kaiser lock up then Giovanni Vinci tags in and hits a right hand to Balor’s midsection but Balor responds with a dropkick to Vinci’s face.

Balor shoves Vinci into the corner before Damian Priest tags in and tosses Vinci into the opposite corner. He fires off right hands on him then hits  a few stomps.

Kaiser tags in and Priest hits him with a boot before Priest hits Kaiser with a right hand but Balor tags in and double teams on Kaiser with Priest.

Balor then hits a Scissor Kick and lands a couple elbows on Kaiser’s head.

He locks in an Abdominal Stretch but Kaiser escapes and sends Balor crashing into the ring post shoulder first then they hit a double dropkick to Balor as we go to a break.

After the break Vinci tags in and hits a dropkick to Priest on the apron to prevent Balor from tagging him in.

Imperium then double team on Balor before Vinci hits a bodyslam and an elbow drop.

Vinci hits Balor with a clothesline and tags in Kaiser & Kaiser rocks Balor with a running knee but Balor manages to land a kick on Kaiser’s face.

Kaiser looks to tag out to Vinci but Vinci is nowhere to be found on the apron.

Meanwhile Priest tags in and hits an elevated flatline to Kaiser then hits back elbows to Kaiser & Vinci in opposite corners and dumps Vinci out of the ring.

He then lands a Broken Arrow on Kaiser and sets up for Razor’s Edge but Kaiser escapes.

Balor makes the blind tag in and Kaiser rolls up Priest not knowing he’s legal.

Balor takes advantage and rolls up Kaiser but Kaiser kicks out then Vinci grabs Balor’s ankle and Kaiser then hits a Death Valley Driver.

Vinci tags in and Balor hits him with a Sling Blade then lands a dropkick on Vinci in the corner and ascends to the top rope.

He connects with Coup De Grace and goes for a pin but Kaiser breaks the fall.

Priest tags in and pulls the top rope down for Balor to fly and level Kaiser on the outside.

In the ring Priest connects with South Of Heaven for the win.

Winners: Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Judgement Day 

Michael Cole & Pat McAfee spoke at their broadcast table. Cole said he could honestly say that he wouldn’t be in his 27th year in WWE were it not for the 1st inductee into the WWE Hall Of Fame class of 2024. Cole recalls spending countless Wednesday nights in the editing booth with Taz while the 2 of them were grilled by Paul Heyman, who taught them about announcing. Cole said that was minuscule compared to what Heyman has contributed to the industry. A Heyman video package aired and then Cole congratulated him and said he deserves it.

Drew McIntyre was interviewed by Jackie Redmond & she also congratulated Heyman. She asked McIntyre if he felt Seth Rollins listened to anything he had to say when he warned him about The Bloodline.

McIntyre said no because Rollins is a junkie who can’t help himself. He said Rollins latches his claws into things like CM Punk & Cody Rhodes returning to WWE and now The Rock coming back. McIntyre said he would put Rollins down because the World Heavyweight Title deserves so much better than him.

McIntyre turned his focus to Jey Uso and said he also deserves better. McIntyre said he just wanted an apology but he would be the bigger man by apologizing to Jey because he needs the victory and won’t get it at his expense.

Backstage Damage CTRL crossed paths with Rhea Ripley& she told Iyo Sky to stay out of her territory.

Sami Zayn vs. Ivar

Match starts off with a lock up before Ivar hits a powerslam but Sami Zayn responds with a series of right hands.

He clotheslines Ivar out of the ring and goes flying over the top rope to level Ivar then dumps him back inside and lands a back elbow.

He ascends to the middle rope and looks to land a tornado DDT but Ivar prevents him from doing so and dumps him out of the ring then hits a senton off the apron as we go to a break.

After the break Ivar looks to deliver a suplex off the middle rope but Zayn counters into a crossbody. Ivar sends Zayn crashing into the corner but Zayn connects with a tornado DDT.

Ivar lands a spinning back heel kick on Zayn and follows it up with a powerbomb then sits him on the top rope. Zayn counters into a sunset flip but Ivar hits a right hand to him.

Zayn looks to land an Exploder into the corner but Ivar blocks it.

Zayn manages to hit one and looks to follow it up with Helluva Kick but Ivar counters into a senton and ascends to the top rope.

He looks to connect with a Doom Sault but Zayn rolls out of the way and hits Helluva Kick for the win.

Winner: Sami Zayn

After the match Bronson Reed blindsides Zayn and hits Tsunami to him then climbs up to the middle rope and points at the WrestleMania sign.

Intercontinental Champion Gunther was interviewed by Cathy Kelley. Gunther spoke briefly about beating Dominik Mysterio earlier and was then asked about next week’s gauntlet match. Gunther said he’s flattered to have all those men competing to face him but he said they will actually earn the right to be humiliated and outclassed by him.

Chad Gable shows up and took issue with Gunther making his daughter cry. Gable recalled swearing in September that he would take the title from Gunther. Gable said the match just means more. Gunther laughed at him and walked away…

Jey Uso looks into the camera and cuts a promo about Drew McIntyre. Jey recalls McIntyre saying he wanted an apology from him. Jey said he was sorry for what he was going to do to him. Jey said McIntyre would find out that Jey don’t play. Jey put on a pair of shades that had Yeet written on them as we go to a break.

R Truth, Xavier Woods & DIY were playing WWE 2K24 while The Miz stood by. Truth continued the gag about DIY being DX. Miz said he didn’t like Truth’s idea for getting revenge on Judgment Day by dropping slime on them. Miz said they need to take their Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles. They once again dubbed themselves Regeneration X and Woods said he loved it.

Jey Uso vs. Drew McIntyre

Jey Uso lands a right hand on Drew McIntyre then dumps him onto the apron and connects with an enzuigiri then sends his head bouncing off the apron.

McIntyre then dumps Jey over the announce table as we go to a break.

After the break Jey hits an enzuigiri to McIntyre then ascends to the top rope and hits a crossbody before McIntyre fires off right hands on Jey.

McIntyre lands a back elbow then follows it up with a series of chops.

They end up on the ropes and McIntyre looks to land White Noise off the middle rope but Jey escapes and lands a sit out powerbomb.

Jey ascends to the top rope and looks to fly but McIntyre avoids it and connects with a spinebuster.

McIntyre then clotheslines Jey out of the ring and hits a vertical suplex on the outside as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break McIntyre hits a right hand to Jey’s head then sends Jey crashing into the barricade and ring apron on the outside before they get back inside the ring.

Jey hits a kick to McIntyre’s head then follows it up with a kick to his midsection and an open palm strike then hits a Samoan Drop and a hip attack.

Jey hits a tope suicida to McIntyre on the outside then dumps him in the ring and ascends to the top rope.

Solo Sikoa hops the barricade as Jey flies but McIntyre moves out of the way and hits Future Shock DDT. Cody Rhodes’ music hits and he runs down to the ring.

He sends Sikoa crashing into the ring steps then clotheslines him over the barricade and brawls through the crowd with him.

In the ring McIntyre looks to land Claymore but Jey lands 3 superkicks on him.

Jimmy Uso then appears in the crowd and captures Jey’s attention then Jey turns around into a Claymore from McIntyre for the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match Jimmy grabs a chair and slides in the ring. Seth Rollins runs down to the ring and lands a superkick on Jimmy as Jimmy has the chair in front of him looking to hit Jey with it. McIntyre then surprises Rollins with Claymore and sends a message to Rollins and stands tall to close out this week’s Raw.

Next Week’s Raw 

Women’s Tag Team Titles Match
Kabuki Warriors (Kairi Sane & Asuka) vs. Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark

Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Gauntlet Match
Shinsuke Nakamura vs. JD McDonagh vs. Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable vs. Sami Zayn vs. Ricochet

Updated WrestleMania 40 Card So Far (April 6th & 7th)

Night 1 (April 6th)

The Bloodline (Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns & The Rock) vs. World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins & 2024 Royal Rumble Winner Cody Rhodes (If The Bloodline wins the Night 2 Match under Bloodline Rules & if Rollins & Rhodes win The Bloodline is banned from ringside)

Night 2 (April 7th)

Undisputed WWE Universal Title Match
Roman Reigns (c) vs. 2024 Royal Rumble Winner Cody Rhodes

World Heavyweight Title Match
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

Nights TBD

Women’s Title Match
Iyo Sky (c) vs. 2024 Women’s Royal Rumble Winner Bayley

Women’s World Title Match
Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Becky Lynch

Intercontinental Title Match
Gunther (c) vs. TBD