WWE SmackDown Review – March 8, 2024

WWE SmackDown Review – March 8, 2024

Kicking off this week’s Smackdown with a video recapping The Bloodline’s challenge to 2024 Royal Rumble Winner Cody Rhodes & World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins.

We then see The Bloodline, Rhodes & Rollins all pull up to the American Airlines Center.

United States Champion Logan Paul says Dallas is a city of firsts for him and recalls wrestling at his 1st WrestleMania in the city. He says they will be the 1st to witness history unfold. He calls himself a conqueror and says he joined WWE to take over. He says he had the best rookie year of all time holds the United States Title and is the best athlete in the company. He says no one garners attention like him and says since his first appearance in Dallas they’ve broken every record selling out Premium Live Events and the like. He says he is the WWE and business is booming then says the WWE is in its Prime. He says he has a surprise for Dallas and unveils the ring canvas to reveal a Prime Drink logo in the center of the ring. He then announces that Prime has partnered with WWE to be the 1st center of the ring partnership. He then welcomes KSI down to the ring.

KSI hops over the barricade and joins Paul in the ring. Randy Orton’s music hits and he then makes his way down. He looks to blindside Paul in the ring with an RKO but Paul slides out of the ring before he can. Orton then sneaks behind KSI and lands an RKO on him. Orton then grabs a Prime Drink and sips on it. He says it’s very good before he dumps it out on KSI.

Tag Team Match
A Town Down Under (Austin Theory & Grayson Waller) vs. Randy Orton & Kevin Owens

Austin Theory & Kevin Owens lock up before Owens hits an arm drag and begins wearing Theory down with a submission hold but Theory fires off right and left hands on Owens’ midsection.

Grayson Waller & Randy Orton tag in and they lock up before Orton fires off right hands on Theory in the corner but Waller escapes.

Theory & Owens tag in and Owens fires off clotheslines in the corner.

Theory responds with a rolling dropkick before Waller tags in and hits clotheslines on Owens on the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Theory fires off right hands on Owens in the corner and tags in Waller.

A Town Down Under hits a double suplex but Owens tags in Orton & he hits a pair of clotheslines then hits a hanging DDT to Waller off the ropes.

He knocks Theory off the apron and Waller rolls him up but Orton kicks out and Theory tags in.

A Town Down Under look to double team on Orton but Owens helps out Orton.

He hits a Stunner to Waller and helps Orton hits an RKO to Theory for the win.

Winners: Randy Orton & Kevin Owens

After the match Paul attacks Orton & Owens. He pulls out a pair of brass knuckles, but Orton grabs them from him and slips them into his trunks.

After the break we head to a video recapping Dakota Kai’s betrayal of Bayley last week.

We then see Bayley sit down with Kayla Braxton to chat about her relationship with Dakota Kai and the rest of Damage CTRL as well as the turn last week.

We then see Naomi watching the interview from a television backstage and Bianca BelAir approaches her. She questions why Naomi is watching and she says she feels bad for Bayley & BelAir tells her not to. She says Naomi wasn’t here for the mess Bayley made and wishes Bayley luck in her WrestleMania Women’s Title match against Iyo Sky out of politeness.

Bobby Lashley vs. Karrion Kross

Match starts off with a lock up then Bobby Lashley hits a splash to Karrion Kross in the corner then fires off a few shoulders on his midsection.

Kross catches him with a suplex but Lashley responds with one of his own and clotheslines Kross out of the ring.

He then sends Kross crashing into the barricade and gets Kross up on his shoulders.

He looks to send him crashing into the ring post but Scarlett blocks his path and Kross sends him crashing into the ring post as we go to a break.

After the break Kross fires off stomps on Lashley’s midsection in the corner.

Kross hits a t bone suplex to Lashley and sends him crashing out of the ring then follows him out there.

Lashley lands a clothesline on Kross and sends him crashing into the ring post then dumps him back into the ring.

Kross sends Lashley face first into the top turnbuckle and hits a Death Valley Driver then goes for a pin but Lashley kicks out.

Lashley then sends Kross crashing into the mat as Authors of Pain then appear out of nowhere and begin beating down Lashley causing the disqualification.

Winner By DQ: Bobby Lashley

After the match Street Profits’ music hits and they run down to provide Lashley with a hand. They send AOP crashing out of the ring and Lashley levels Kross. Scarlett slides into the ring but B Fab appears and chases Scarlett to the back. AOP then slide back into the ring and continue beating down Lashley. Street Profits try helping out Lashley but AOP takes them down. Kross joins in and sends Lashley crashing into the mat with The Final Prayer. Kross & AOP then join Paul Ellering on the ramp.

We then head backstage and see Dragon Lee looking for Rey Mysterio & 1 by 1 Legado Del Fantasma walk in and make fun of Lee for trying to be like Mysterio & Santos Escobar tells Lee that LWO is the past. He says Legado Del Fantasma is the future and Lee shoves Escobar before Angel shoves Lee on his ass & told him he will see him later on.

Michin vs. Tiffany Stratton

Tiffany Stratton hits a hair whip then she sends Michin crashing into the top turnbuckles then hits a handspring elbow into the corner and follows it up with a double stomp.

Stratton hits a back suplex before Michin gets her up on her shoulders but Stratton escapes.

Stratton hits a suplex then follows it up with an Alabama Slam and follows it up with Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the win.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton

We then head over to a video from AJ Styles & he sends a message to LA Knight.

We then see Knight destroy the television he watched Styles’ message on with a chair.

Dragon Lee vs. Angel

Dragon Lee dropkicks Angel into the corner then Lee hits a kick to Angel in the corner and follows it up with a dropkick then lands an overhand chop.

Angel’s knee gives out and the referee checks on him then hits a dropkick to Lee revealing it to be a hoax.

He lands a headbutt on him and follows it up with a running knee that sends him crashing to the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Lee powerbombs Angel then fires off right hands on Angel then follows it up with a pair of back elbows and a superkick.

He dumps Lee onto the apron and ascends to the top rope but Angel joins him up there.

Lee drapes Angel from his knees and hits a double stomp off the top rope then flies over the top and to the outside then gets Angel back in the ring.

Angel catches him with a kick but Lee fires back with a hurricanrana into a roll up for the win.

Winner: Dragon Lee

After the match Humberto then gets in the ring and blindsides Lee then Santos Escobar joins in and LDF continue beating down Lee.

We then head backstage and see Nick Aldis look to get Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins. He finds their dressing room empty and asks the security standing outside where they are. They tell Aldis they don’t know.

Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns tells Dallas that greatness stands before them now then tells them to acknowledge The Bloodline.

Before he can continue Cody Rhodes’ music hits and he makes his way down to the ring through the crowd as Rollins does the same as we go to a break.

After the break Rhodes says he knows things are tense between him, Rollins & The Bloodline but says he still feels lucky to be standing in the ring and taking everything in. He says he’s heard The Rock’s challenge and the stipulations that come with it and questions if The Rock has the authority to make the stipulation for Night 1 of WrestleMania after acknowledging Reigns. He looks to give them their answer but The Rock tells him to pipe down.

The Rock says he wants to drop some gospel on him before Rhodes gives him their answer. He then reiterates the stipulation he put forward in their Tag Team Match and Rollins tells The Rock to be quiet. He says him & Rhodes know the stakes and tells The Rock to listen to him. He says he has his time but he can’t have theirs. Rollins officially accepts The Rock’s challenge.

Reigns then asks Rhodes if he’ll let Rollins answer for him and calls him an idiot. The Rock then reminds Rhodes & Rollins that he’s their boss, and tells Rhodes if he doesn’t complete the story, he’ll never get to challenge for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title again. He says he & Reigns are family while Rhodes was a mistake.

Rhodes then slaps The Rock to close out this week’s Smackdown.

Next Week’s Smackdown

2024 Women’s Royal Rumble Winner Bayley vs. Dakota Kai