AEW Collision Review – July 1, 2023

AEW Collision Review – July 1st, 2023

Non Title Match
AEW World Champion MJF vs. Kip Morst

MJF attacks Kip Morst before the bell then MJF hits Heatseeker and had the pin but he pulls Morst up and then locks Morst in a Crossface for the submission win.

Winner By Submission: AEW World Champion MJF

After the match MJF heels on the Canadian crowd & he said he would defend his AEW World Title against anyone who walked through the curtain as long as they were from Hamilton. A heavyset man walks out & MJF calls the man fatty.

Ethan Page walks past the man and walked to the ring. Page knocks the microphone out of MJF’s hand and said they weren’t doing that tonight. Page delivers a promo about his father moving the family to Hamilton and overachieving. Page said when the company needs something, they don’t call MJF, they call him because he’s all for AEW.

Page spoke about going to Calgary for the company on short notice, He said his wife asked him when the company will reimburse him for all the positive things he does. Page said he told her that it would happen in due time then said due time is now. Page challenges MJF to defend his AEW World Title against him on the spot.

AEW World Title Match
MJF (c) vs. Ethan Page

MJF chop blocks Ethan Page’s knee and then targets it as he put Page down with an Alabama Slam and then locks in a single crab. MJF remained in offensive control heading into a picture in picture break.

After the break Page puts MJF down with a cutter and went right back to selling his injured left knee. Page hits a powerslam for a near fall then Page hits a another cutter.

Page went up top but MJF cuts him off and joins him on the ropes but Page got the better of things and powerslams MJF from the ropes. Page sold his knee before covering MJF for a two count.

Page went for Ego’s Edge but his knee gave out so MJF hits a dragon screw leg whip and follows it up with Heatseeker to get the win.

Winner & Still AEW World Champion: MJF (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)

Quarter Final Match Of The 2023 Owen Hart Cup
Dustin Rhodes vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

QT Marshall distracted Dustin Rhodes & that led to Powerhouse Hobbs taking offensive control. Marshall ran Rhodes into the ring post while Hobbs had the referee distracted. Rhodes came up bleeding from the forehead heading into a PIP break.

After the break Rhodes battle back and performed a Cross Rhodes and a piledriver then goes for the cover but Hobbs kicks out. Rhodes hits a Code Red a short time later and got a near fall.

Marshall distracted Rhodes and then Hobbs splashed him in the corner then Hobbs puts Rhodes down with a spinebuster then goes for the cover Rhodes kicks out at 1.

Rhodes powerslams Hobbs and covered him for a near fall. Rhodes set up for Figure 4 but Hobbs kicks him away. The referee was distracted by Hobbs when Marshall hits Rhodes from the floor. Hobbs put Rhodes down with another spinebuster to get the win.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs

Miro vs. Anthony Henry

Miro hits 10 Beats Of The Bodhran early on then Miro suplexes Anthony Henry from the apron back inside the ring. Henry came back and hits a double stomp onto the back of the standing Miro.

Henry threw a series of kicks and elbows at Miro but he cuts him off and put him down with a uranage slam then Miro hits Henry with Machka Kick then locks in Game Over for the submission win.

Winner By Submission: Miro

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and introduced Bullet Club Gold & Schiavone asked what was next for the faction. Jay White spoke about The Gunns adding the group. White said Juice Robinson would wipe the floor with Ricky Starks later in the show.

Schiavone tried to say more but Austin Gunn put his hand over Schiavone’s mouth and said the question is why they joined the faction. The Gunns put over White and then acted annoyed when the fans taunted them with Ass Boys chants. Austin boasted about the wrestlers they’ve beaten including CM Punk. Austin said that if fans weren’t down with that then they had to words for them. Gunns up Colten Gunn said.

Schiavone informed the group that Jay White was barred from ringside during Robinson’s match with Ricky Starks. White was upset and then turned his attention to CM Punk. White recalled Punk returning with a bag of goodies. White said if it’s made of gold and is actually Punk’s AEW World Title then he should leave it in the bag. White said FTR had their attention. White challenged FTR to put the AEW World Tag Team Titles on the line against him & Robinson.

Backstage Punk, Starks & AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR were interviewed by Lexi Nair. Punk congratulated White on his team beating his team a week earlier. Punk said that if White was interested in what was in the bag, he could buy himself a replica AEW World Title like MJF did. Punk asked if The Gunns are bodyguards for White and then said he didn’t need bodyguards because he had friends in FTR.

FTR spoke about facing The Gunns. Starks talks about Bullet Club Gold being barred from ringside. He said Bullet Club was down while he was up.

Quarter Final Match Of The 2023 Owen Hart Cup
Juice Robinson vs. Ricky Starks

Juice Robinson targets the left knee of Ricky Starks before he slams Starks into the middle rope heading into a PIP break.

After the break Robinson was in control & hits a cannonball that led to a two count. Starks battled back and sold his knee after kipping up. Starks put Robinson down with a DDT for a near fall.

Robinson came back with a Boston Crab but Starks reached the ropes to break it. Robinson rolls up Starks and held the tights for a near fall.

Robinson bickered with the referee and then turned toward Starks & he slams him down for a two count.

Starks spears Robinson then he went for a jackknife pin but Starks countered into a pin of his own to get the win.

Winner: Ricky Starks (He will face Powerhouse Hobbs in the Semi Finals)

After the match Bullet Club Gold came out and surrounds Starks on the apron but here comes CM Punk & FTR to scared off Bullet Club Gold.

Backstage Christian Cage & TNT Champion Luchasaurus were interviewed by Lexi Nair & she asked why Cage had the TNT Title draped over his shoulder. Cage spoke about how they walked out of the 1st Collision as the TNT Champion.

Shawn Spears shows up & Cage told him no more open challenges. Spears said he wanted to talk to the champion. Cage steps in front of him and told him to talk to the champ. Cage said Spears isn’t dangerous and never will be. Cage told him to walk away. Spears said everyone is capable of being dangerous, they just need to meet the right person.

TBS Title Match
Kris Statlander (c) vs. Lady Frost

Kris Statlander dominated the early offense heading into a partial PIP break.

After the break Lady Frost nails a German suplex then Frost went for a handspring into the ropes but Statlander cuts her off and hoisted her up but Frost countered into a DDT.

Statlander came back with a clothesline then follows it up with Saturday Night Fever to score the win.

Winner & Still TBS Champion: Kris Statlander (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)

Backstage Lexi Nair interviewed Andrade El Idolo and said he seemed to get himself into trouble with Trios Champions House Of Black. El Idolo took the mic and then Nair walks away. El Idolo yells about them taking his mask. House Of Black appeared on the monitor behind him. Malakai Black had El Idolo’s mask and said he wanted to cut out El Idolo’s past violently. Andrade threw a fit and storms away.

Quarter Final Match Of The 2023 Owen Hart Cup
Roderick Strong vs. Samoa Joe

The action spills over to the floor where both men traded chops then Samoa Joe knocks Roderick Strong down with a forearm.

In the ring Joe slams Strong to the mat with a uranage and covered him for a two count heading into the final break.

After the break Strong connects with a backbreaker and sold knee paid due to Joe’s size then follows up with Sick Kick for a near fall.

Strong put Joe down with an Olympic Slam for another near fall then Strong hoisted up Joe but he slips away and locks in the Coquina Clutch. Strong faded out and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Samoa Joe (He will face CM Punk in the Semi Finals)

After the match Joe grabs a chair and stares at Punk as security ran out. Joe slides the chair inside the ring & CM Punk stood up & Joe acted like he was going to walk away.

Joe enters the ring and slams Strong onto the chair. Strong clutched the back of his neck. Punk enters the ring while Joe left the ring. Adam Cole ran past Joe and enters the ring to check on Strong. EMT’s tended to Strong while Punk & Cole watched. Strong was stretchered to the back to close this week’s Collision.

Matches Of The Night

AEW World Title Match- 7/10

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Dustin Rhodes- 7/10

Roderick Strong vs. Samoa Joe- 7/10

Semi Finals (July 8th)

CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks

Wednesday’s Dynamite

Quarter Final Match Of The 2023 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Britt Baker vs. Ruby Soho

Quarter Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament
International Champion Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin vs. Swerve In Our Glory (Swerve Strickland & Keith Lee)

Kenny Omega vs. Wheeler Yuta

Quarter Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament
AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole vs. TBD

Saturday’s Collision 

Non Title Match
AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. Bullet Club Gold (Jay White & Juice Robinson) (If Bullet Club Gold wins they get a AEW World Tag Team Title match)

Semi Final Match Of The 2023 Owen Hart Cup
CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe

Semi Final Match Of The 2023 Owen Hart Cup
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks

Semi Final Match Of The 2023 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Willow Nightingale vs. Athena