AEW Dynamite Review – July 5, 2023

AEW Dynamite Review – July 5, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Dynamite with footage from moments ago where Renee Paquette is with Darby Allin & Keith Lee. Allin tells Lee that he knows he doesn’t want to team with Swerve Strickland but if he feels lost in the shuffle in this company ever since losing the AEW World Tag Team Titles to do something about it by either pulling his head out of his ass or he can cry on the apron. Lee calls that stupid but ballsy.

Quarter Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament
International Champion Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin vs. Swerve In Our Glory (Swerve Strickland & Keith Lee)

Darby Allin & Keith Lee starts the match off with Allin smacking Lee before getting tossed all the way to the other side of the ring with a beel. Orange Cassidy tags in and delivers lazy chops but Lee comes back with a real one.

Cassidy & Allin start double teaming Lee with multiple Coffin Drops & Orange Punches before Swerve Strickland tags in and goes after Allin knocking him to the outside as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Strickland has Allin trapped under steel steps on the outside but Cassidy dives onto him to stop him as Cassidy goes to rescue Allin, Lee is there to stop him. Lee climbs on top of the steel steps that’s crushing Allin while having Orange on his back to get back inside the ring as Allin screams in pain.

Lee blocks a Stundog Millionaire attempt, but after a bit of back & forth Cassidy is able to two of them followed by a Code Red from Allin to Lee. Cassidy goes to pin Lee but Strickland breaks it up with a 450 Splash.

Both teams are going at it until Strickland knocks out Lee accidentally with a kick followed by a diving DDT from Cassidy to Strickland before he dives to Lee on the outside then inside the ring Allin traps on Last Supper on Strickland for the pin.

Winners: International Champion Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin

After the match Allin & Cassidy show a bit of respect to Lee.

We see footage from the Buddy Wayne Academy as Darby Allin talks about training with Buddy and receiving a text message about Buddy passing away. Allin talks about being angry but when composing himself asking what Buddy’s son Nick Wayne was going to do. He made a pact that day to watch over Nick as they show footage from Defy Wrestling where Nick got an AEW contract. Allin talks about talking to Tony Khan about hiring Nick and how to not do it as a friend but because he’s that good. Allin talks about Nick now being 18 years old being ready for all this and how it’s up to him to show the world now.

Tony Schiavone is in the back as Jack Perry arrives at the arena. Perry says last week was ridiculous and he’s not a thug from New York and he will handle it with Hook in the ring like professionals and said he is going to Tony Khan’s office to demand a match for the FTW Title before he can leave, Hook attacks Perry before Perry gets back into his car and escapes.

We see footage of AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole hanging out at the gym as MJF asks Cole why he isn’t wearing his Better Than You Bay Bay shirt. We see Canadian wrestler Puf in the background as MJF starts making fat jokes about him until Cole stops him saying it’s not funny. Cole does say that he reminds him of Tony Schiavone and they have a laugh as Cole looks confused that he went ahead with that. Cole starts working out which leaves MJF pretty impressed as he says What the – before getting cut off.

Trios Match
The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & Billy Gunn vs. Bollywood Boyz (Gurv Sihra & Harv Sihra) & The Blade

Billy Gunn & The Blade start the match then Max Caster quickly tags in and starts body slamming Bollywood Boyz & The Blade before Anthony Bowens hits Scissors Me Timbers as they head to picture in picture.

After the break Bowens is in control before tagging in Gunn & he takes down Gurv Sihra before Caster hits him with Mic Drop for the win.

Winners: The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn

Harley Cameron interrupts their scissor celebration and talks about how they got their asses beat by QTV and says she made a music video and next week on Dynamite she will show it and everybody will see her true talent. Gunn gets on the mic and says he has two words for her, suck it.

They show footage of Eddie Kingston winning the NJPW Strong Openweight Title from Kenta at Independence Day Night 2.

We go to a video of Jon Moxley who’s asking Kingston what is he complaining about. Moxley says he has a dream of Kingston letting the past go and becoming what he could be but he won’t pretend like that’s reality and tells Kingston to answer his phone.

We see RJ City & Renee Paquette as Matt Hardy finds out that Jeff Jarrett is his partner after thinking it was Jeff Hardy when RJ said Jeff.

Chris Jericho heads to the ring and talks about the crowd being loud tonight but it’s bittersweet for him as the last couple of months he’s had a couple of losses and maybe it’s time to reevaluate and make a couple of changes. He says the Province of Alberta is the perfect place to do it as this is where he started his pro wrestling career. Jericho talks about training down the street with Stu Hart as Jericho asks why they are booing. Jericho names all the cities he drove past this week and remembered what it was like when he first started wrestling. Jericho talks about possibly becoming the best version of Chris Jericho ever as Don Callis makes his way down to the ring.

Callis talks about 6 years ago today calling Jericho about main eventing the Tokyo Dome with Kenny Omega. Jericho talks about how Callis was miserable there and he helped Callis get into AEW and if it wasn’t for him, he might even be here. Callis talks about getting betrayed by Kenny Omega and brings up trust and trusting his best friend of 30 years Chris Jericho. Callis asks Jericho if he wants to make history again by joining The Don Callis Family. Jericho says he doesn’t join factions, he creates them and his answer is maybe.

Roderick Strong is backstage and says he feels amazing after his attack on Collision but the doctor says otherwise. Adam Cole walks in and says he needs to take care of himself as Strong asks what’s going on with him and MJF. Cole then gets a text from MJF Hey bro you ready to deliver that double clothesline tonight or what?

Quarter Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament
AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole vs. Matt Menard & The Butcher

The Butcher & Matt Menard attacks MJF & Adam Cole from behind then MJF has Menard in an abdominal stretch and gets the crowd to chant do it for Cole to hold his MJF’s arm to help him so Cole begrudgingly does it. The Butcher tags in and stays on top of MJF as we head to a break.

After the break The Butcher & Menard are staying in control over MJF as MJF is yelling for Cole to help him. MJF is finally able to punch his way out and tags in Cole. MJF asks for the tag so they can do the double clothesline but Cole is busy fighting off Menard & Butcher. Cole takes down Menard with a superkick and goes for The Boom for the win.

Winners: AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole

MJF gets on the mic and asks if there are any Devil Worshippers in the house tonight as they all start chanting for MJF. MJF tells Cole to do the thing as he hits his pose. MJF talks about the double clothesline still, but Cole tells him to shut up about it. MJF says they should have another bro session this weekend as Cole says Sure Max, why not. Cole goes to leave, but MJF says he has one more thing to tell him and says Happy birthday! as streamers shoot out from the ceiling. The crowd starts chanting Happy birthday as MJF calls for the birthday stuff to come out. A bunch of production assistants come out with balloons & cake and enter the ring. MJF puts a birthday hat on before putting one on Cole. Cole says this is too much but MJF starts singing the Happy Birthday song. Cole keeps saying how this is too much but MJF tells Cole to make a wish. MJF tells the camera he’s going to shove Cole’s face in the cake but Cole is quick to dodge it and do it to MJF instead. Cole seems touched by all of this and says Thank you my friend to MJF.

Backstage Renee Paquette is with Britt Baker & she talks about being the face of AEW and brings out the Owen Hart Tournament Title she won last year and says she’ll do it again this year but this time she’ll beat her in the Quarter Finals.

After the break Daniel Garcia & Sammy Guevara says they need Chris Jericho. Jericho says maybe doesn’t mean yes, and they can’t always be under his wing forever. Jericho talks about them branching out and leaving him as Renee Paquette tells Garcia & Guevara that they are teaming up together in the Blind Eliminator Tournament. Jericho tells them to win and show him who could be the leader here and win the AEW World Tag Team Titles.

Quarter Final Match Of The 2023 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Britt Baker vs. Ruby Soho

Britt Baker is in control as Ruby Soho goes outside and regroups with Saraya & Women’s Champion Toni Storm. Back inside Baker puts on a hammerlock before taking down Soho with a shoulder block. Baker hits an DDT as Soho goes to the outside. Saraya & Storm distract Baker as Soho attacks Baker and we go to picture in picture.

After the break they are exchanging strikes before Baker takes her down with a pair of clotheslines and a neckbreaker getting a two count. Baker calls for Lockjaw by putting her glove on and stops No Future. Storm trips up Baker on the ropes as Soho hits her with a Saito Suplex for a two count. A bit more back & forth until Baker tries to put on the Lockjaw.

Saraya gets on the apron to distract the referee as Soho tosses Baker into the Owen Hart Title that Storm was holding. Baker kicks out at two. Soho tries to put on Lockjaw of her own but Baker pushes off the ropes to put on the Lockjaw herself. Storm & Saraya pull Soho by the legs to break it up.

Baker attacks Storm & Saraya then puts Soho on her shoulders and tries to roll her up. Storm & Saraya help Soho pin Baker to get the win.

Winner: Ruby Soho (She will face Skye Blue in the Semi Finals)

After the match Skye Blue is behind Soho & they have a staredown.

Kenny Omega vs. Wheeler Yuta

Wheeler Yuta attacks Kenny Omega before the bell rings but Omega comes right back with strikes and stomps in the corner then Omega continues by hitting a backbreaker for a two count. Omega starts showing a bit of a neck injury with his arm/back/neck tape up before trying the moonsault as Yuta gets his knees up.

Yuta comes back with a missile dropkick knocking Omega to the outside where he meets him with a suicide dive, with Omega’s head bouncing onto the barricade. Yuta continues driving Omega into the barricades.

They start going back & forth on the apron before Yuta snaps Omega’s neck on the rope. Yuta stays with his foot on Omega’s head on the ropes as they go to picture in picture.

After the break Omega hits a fisherman’s buster on Yuta for a two count then they head to the top rope where Omega hits a superplex for a two count then they start chopping each other until Yuta hits a German suplex for a two count but still holds on to hit another one.

Yuta catches Omega off the corner but Omega comes right back with a snap dragon suplex before hitting another one. Yuta blocks a 3rd one and rolls up for a two count.

Omega comes right back with a V Trigger and tries One Winged Angel but Yuta reverses it into the Seat Belt for a two count. Omega catches Yuta into a powerbomb followed by a knee strike for another two count.

As Omega goes to finish the match Don Callis runs out but gets held back by security. Konosuke Takeshita shows up from behind and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb on Omega. Yuta follows that with a top rope splash but Omega kicks out at two then Yuta starts going to the top rope but Omega stops him and hits One Winged Angel for the win.

Winner: Kenny Omega

After the match Claudio Castagnoli runs in and joins Takeshita in beating down Omega after the match until Hung Bucks run out with chairs to save Omega by taking out Castagnoli with the BTE Trigger & as Page is about to hit Castagnoli with a chair Dark Order runs out and stop him to close out this week’s Dynamite.

Semi Finals Of The Owen Hart Cups

Men’s (July 8th)

CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks

Women’s (July 8th & 12th)

Willow Nightingale vs. Athena (July 8th)

Ruby Soho vs. Skye Blue (July 12th)

Semi Finals Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament (July 12th) (Spoilers) 

International Champion Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin vs. Jericho Appreciation Society (Daniel Garica & Sammy Guevara)

AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole vs. Brian Cage & Big Bill

Friday’s Rampage 

Quarter Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament
Jericho Appreciation Society (Daniel Garica & Sammy Guevara) vs. Matt Hardy & Jeff Jarrett

Hikaru Shida vs. Marina Shafir

Quarter Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament
Brain Cage & Big Bill vs. Trent Beretta & Matt Sydal

Trios Match
Hung Bucks (Hangman Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) vs. Dark Order (Evil Uno, John Silver & Alex Reynolds)

Saturday’s Collision

Non Title Match
AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. Bullet Club Gold (Jay White & Juice Robinson) (If Bullet Club Gold wins they get a AEW World Tag Team Titles Match)

Semi Final Match Of The 2023 Owen Hart Cup
CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe

Semi Final Match Of The 2023 Owen Hart Cup
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks

Semi Final Match Of The 2023 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Willow Nightingale vs. Athena

Wednesday’s Dynamite (Spoilers)

Semi Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament
International Champion Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin vs. Jericho Appreciation Society (Daniel Garica & Sammy Guevara)

Semi Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament
AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole vs. Brian Cage & Big Bill

Semi Final Match Of The 2023 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Ruby Soho vs. Skye Blue

Swerve Strickland vs. Nick Wayne

Chris Jericho vs. Komander