AEW Dynamite Review – June 28, 2023

AEW Dynamite Review – June 28, 2023

Tomohiro Ishii vs. Jon Moxley

Tomohiro Ishii & Jon Moxley went right into a chop exchange before trading shoulder tackles then they get into a forearm exchange then they then trade biting each other’s faces before Moxley knocks down Ishii. Moxley starts stomping away before going for the first pin attempt & it gets a two count.

Moxley tosses Ishii to the outside where Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta surround him as the referee watches before Moxley hits a suicide dive onto Ishii and celebrates in the crowd for a bit & as Castagnoli & Yuta surround Ishii again Eddie Kingston makes his way down to the ring and grabs a chair making Castagnoli & Yuta back up before they go to picture in picture.

After the break Ishii hits a superplex on Moxley as Kingston has stays in Ishii’s corner then they go into another forearm exchange as Moxley starts bleeding before Ishii finally gets knocked down. Moxley starts dropping elbows as Ishii flips him off before Moxley puts on the Bulldog Choke. Moxley comes back with a suplex and lariat but Ishii kicks out at one and hits a lariat of his own.

They start trading knees before knocking each other down with a double lariat.

They start headbutting each other until Moxley hits a DDT for a two count. Ishii comes back with a DDT and a lariat for another two count before we get a bit more back & forth until Moxley hits a Death Rider but Ishii kicks out at two. Moxley hits a Stomp and another Death Rider for the win.

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match Moxley shoulder bumps into Eddie Kingston and says he didn’t need his help but Kingston says You did it by yourself, you don’t need them.

Renee Paquette is backstage as Adam Cole is pulling up into the arena & before he could say anything AEW World Champion MJF pulls up as well and tells Cole congrats on being sick, I wish I would have thought of that as Cole says he was actually sick. MJF says they got off on the wrong page and this is a good opportunity for Cole as he obviously couldn’t beat him for his AEW World Title but Cole was close. MJF then says they could run this entire company together and suggests they bond together this weekend and get to know each other. Cole says Sure, why not but tells MJF not to touch him. Cole says he’s going to go say hello to a few people then he’ll see him around. MJF says he got a gift for Cole and hands him tag merch that says Better Than You, Bay Bay.

After the break we go back to Paquette who is with the Blackpool Combat Club and starts asking Moxley what’s going on with Eddie Kingston. Kingston walks in and they start trading words as Paquette pleads for them to stop. Kingston tells him that nobody kicks his ass but he & Moxley tells him that nobody cares about this Chikara beef. Paquette makes them stop and tells Kingston that he better fix this.

Trios Match
International Champion Orange Cassidy, Keith Lee & El Hijo Del Vikingo vs. Jericho Appreciation Society (Daniel Garica, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker)

El Hijo Del Vikingo & Daniel Garcia starts the match off then then Cassidy & Angelo Parker enter and Cassidy takes away Parker’s knife comb and puts it in his pocket. Vikingo tags in and hits a running shooting star press on Garcia for a two count before Garcia takes control over Vikingo and does his dance as we go picture in picture.

After the break Menard is in control over Vikingo by hitting him with a powerbomb. Vikingo is able to leap over JAS and makes the hot tag to Keith Lee & he takes out JAS before Garcia standing on top of Lee’s back while doing his dance but Lee is able to put him on top of his shoulders. Vikingo tags in and dives to the outside but ends up crashing into Lee instead.

Lee picks up Vikingo and uses him as a ram against Menard & Parker before tossing him onto the apron where he hits a top rope moonsault. Garcia & Cassidy go at it inside the ring where Garcia hits a piledriver for a two count.

Vikingo breaks up the Dragon Tamer with a superkick before getting tossed to the outside. Cassidy hits Parker with an Orange Punch before Lee & Menard tag in and goes back & forth until Lee hits Ground Zero for the win.

Winners: International Champion Orange Cassidy, Keith Lee & El Hijo Del Vikingo

We go backstage where Hung Bucks are talking about having a Trios open challenge tonight but Dark Order interrupts which Matt Jackson ignores and starts repeating the promo. John Silver says they will accept as Page thinks he means a 12 Man Tag Team Match but Alex Reynolds says they want to fight them as Evil Uno tells Page that he abandoned them. Page says they needed some help and asks if he’s responsible for the Dark Order and their babysitter. Reynolds says they aren’t friends anymore and tonight they are his opponents.

Backstage Renee Paquette is with La Sex Gods & she asks Jericho about tapping into the Painmaker tonight. Jericho says this is bigger than Forbidden Door and he & Sting should be on TBS and commentated by Tony Schiavone. Jericho brings up Sting asking for more time with him and tonight he will get his nightmare. Jericho says tonight Sting is facing The Pain Maker and if he wants to get dirty, let’s get dirty and he’ll put that white paint in the dirt and get it bloody.

Trios Match
Hung Bucks (Hangman Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) vs. Dark Order (Evil Uno, John Silver & Alex Reynolds)

Hangman Page goes to start the match against Alex Reynolds but Nick Jackson advises himself to start instead as they go back & forth for a bit until Nick hits a corkscrew arm drag corning Reynolds before he tags out to John Silver. Page tags in and gets into Silver’s face then they tag out to Matt Jackson & Evil Uno.

While running the ropes Uno takes out Page off the apron then Young Bucks start double teaming on Dark Order before Uno clotheslines them both down. Page steps off the apron and says he doesn’t want to fight. Dark Order head to the outside where Young Bucks dive off the top rope onto them.

Page tags in and is conflicted about attacking Reynolds and tags out as we head to a commercial break.

After the break Uno starts pushing Page around before finally smacking him in the face which prompts Page to tag himself in and go after Uno as Young Bucks try to stop it but get sent outside by Uno. Uno takes out Matt with a cannonball off the apron before Reynolds & Silver join in.

Dark Order start triple teaming on Page and hits him with Stunner/German/Jackknife combo but Page kicks out at two then Young Bucks break up the Pendulum Bomb attempt and tell Page to hit the Buckshot Lariat. Page hesitates as Silver reverses the attempt into a two count.

Page comes back with the Dead Eye as Young Bucks follow it with BTE Trigger on Silver then Page follows with the Buckshot Lariat on Silver for the win.

Winners: Hung Bucks

After the match Blackpool Combat Club & Konosuke Takeshita run in after with chairs and start attacking Hung Bucks as the Dark Order just watches on before leaving without helping out at all. Don Callis joins in as Eddie Kingston runs in to try to help but gets ambushed as well. Page is bleeding from his forehead as he looks on at Dark Order standing on the outside. Moxley turns his back as the rest of them keep attacking Hung Bucks & Kingston. Moxley gets on the mic and says it’s about time to come to an end and they finish it as they will push each other beyond their limits. Moxley says July 19th in Boston at the TD Garden they will have Blood & Guts.

After the break e see Adam Cole waiting for MJF in the parking lot as Roderick Strong says he can’t trust MJF. Cole says he’s just playing along as MJF walks in and calls Strong a generic white guy. MJF says this place sucks and tells Cole to get out of there. Cole says MJF definitely doesn’t watch this show as they leave and Strong watches on.

Jack Perry walls out with to Tarzan Boy but tells them to turn that garbage off. Perry says the fans ruined that song for him and we’ll never hear it again and tells them to boo all they want, as it doesn’t change the fact. Perry says there’s a car waiting to take him to the airport as they are all stuck here with the wildfires. Perry talks about how he’s ‘banging the hottest bitch in this place’ and says Toronto, let me ask you a question as they someone says This isn’t Toronto. Perry talks about having to watch Hook dangle a championship in his face after coming up short on winning the title. Perry talks about it not even being a recognized title just like he doesn’t recognize Hook and calls him a fraud and says Hook was lucky to stand next to him in a ring. Perry talks about what the FTW Title means to his family while addressing Taz and says that’s why he will take it from him. Perry says when he gets his hands on him, he will beat the shit out of him. Hook’s music hits as he runs out and chases Perry through the crowd.

As Excalibur tries to cut to the Grand Slam announcement we see Perry jump into a car backstage as Hook fails to catch up to him and angrily tosses a garbage can into a security guard’s ankle.

Sammy Guevara comes out with cue cards as we head to the commercial break.

Ruby Soho vs. Alexia Nicole

Ruby Soho takes Alexia Nicole down right away and stays on top of her in the corner. Soho sends Nicole to the outside where Saraya & Toni Storm starts stomping away. Soho continues hitting suplexes but pulls Nicole up before the 3 count then Soho takes a rubber glove from Paul Turner and puts on the Lockjaw for the submission win.

Winner By Submission: Ruby Soho

After the match The Outcasts spray paint Nicole after as Soho gets on the mic and talks about this not being her original opponent and says because of Canada’s disgusting country Britt Baker is sick but next week she’ll be able to challenge her. Soho talks about Baker’s boyfriend not even showing up for his match at Forbidden Door and hopes they never have kids as they will be weak little bastards. Soho tells Baker to get her head out of the toilet and brings up how Baker once said that Soho didn’t know who she was. Soho says she loves who she is now and says Baker is a shell of her former self. Soho talks about how she will take away the 2x Owen Hart Cup Winner opportunity from Baker and leave her with nothing.

We go to QTV where QT Marshall introduces Johnny TV as their newest member and he will be in action on Rampage. Harley Cameron ends the segment by imitating Isiah Kassidy’s moan.

Tornado Tag Team Match
La Sex Gods (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara) vs. Sting & Darby Allin

Darby Allin takes Sammy Guevara to the outside and starts fighting him. Chris Jericho goes to hit Sting with a bat but it does nothing as they then start going at it in a bat exchange. Allin joins in as they start splashing Jericho in the corner. Guevara hits a top rope cutter on Allin before they kick Sting to the outside.

Guevara brings a ladder into the ring as Jericho starts using a chair on Allin as La Sex Gods stay in control by whipping Allin over the ring steps and into the crowd before they head to picture in picture.

After the picture in picture Guevara hits a springboard cutter off the barricade to Allin then Allin comes right back with a Coffin Drop as Sting hits a Stinger Splash to Jericho on the barricade. Allin & Sting start setting tables up next to each other on the outside as Allin places the ladder up against the ropes. Allin climbs the ladder but Sting gets up also and wants to jump instead.

Sting does jump but only clears the first table and takes out Guevara through it then back inside the ring Allin jumps off the top rope with the skateboard on Jericho but only gets a two count. Jericho sidesteps and sends Allin into the ladder before he starts using the ladder on Allin.

Allin comes back and sends Jericho into the ladder that was propped on the corner but Jericho blocks a Coffin Splash with the skateboard and knocks him to the outside with a Judas Effect. Sting attacks Jericho from behind him but he turns it into the Walls Of Jericho.

Sting grabs the bat from the corner and knocks Jericho in the head with it before Sting hits a pair of Stinger Splash but Jericho blocks a second one with a Codebreaker for a two count. Sting ducks a Judas Effect and hits the Scorpion Death Drop for a two count then Sting blocks a Codebreaker and locks on Scorpion Death Lock as Jericho taps out.

Winners By Submission: Sting & Darby Allin

Matches Of The Night

Tomohiro Ishii vs. Jon Moxley- 7/10

Hung Bucks vs. Dark Order- 6/10

Tornado Tag Team Match- 6/10

Friday’s Rampage

Tag Team Match
QTV (QT Marshall & Johnny TV) vs. Matt Hardy & Isiah Kassidy

Shawn Spears vs. The Blade

Hikaru Shida vs. Taya Valkyrie

ROH World Title Match
Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Komander

Saturday’s Collision 

Quarter Final Match Of The 2023 Owen Hart Cup
Roderick Strong vs. Samoa Joe

Quarter Final Match Of The 2023 Owen Hart Cup
Dustin Rhodes vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Quarter Final Match Of The 2023 Owen Hart Cup
Juice Robinson vs. Ricky Starks

Non Title Match
AEW World Champion MJF vs. TBD

TBS Title Match
Kris Statlander (c) vs. Lady Frost

Wednesday’s Dynamite So Far

Quarter Final Match Of The 2023 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Britt Baker vs. Ruby Soho

Quarter Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament
International Champion Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin vs. Swerve In Our Glory (Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland)