Austin Theory Discusses Being Praised By Randy Orton, Potentially Facing Orton

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE star and one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Austin Theory recently appeared on an episode of the Battleground podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including being praised by “The Viper” Randy Orton.

Theory said, “Well, I know a thing about killing legends myself. It’s Randy Orton. I mean, what has Randy Orton not done in WWE? A 14-time WWE Champion, a man with just a crazy resume and somebody that everyone in the locker room well respects. Anytime you get words like that from Randy Orton, you better make sure you’re working and you’re pushing yourself because he ain’t wrong about anything he said. He’s speaking the truth, and it is on my end to hold up that end. I appreciate what Randy said and this is just where my mentality is.”

On Orton and Kevin Owens potentially chasing the WWE Tag Team Championships:

“Coming down the road, if Randy’s there, I won’t have any sympathy, though. Because, these Tag Team Championships — I know he likes running around with Kevin Owens, if they decide to come our way, Just remember Randy what you said. Remember all those things you said. Because you said you weren’t where you were at when you were my age. So just remember that.”

You can check out Theory’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)