Jim Ross Addresses Steve Austin Not Being Part Of WWE WrestleMania 40 Despite Rumors

AEW announcer Jim Ross discussed his longtime friend Steve Austin’s rumored absence from WWE Wrestlemania 40 on his podcast.

“The reason is to have twofold: cash and creative. Austin is probably the most particular guy as far as who he wrestles as anybody I’ve ever been around. He knows what he needs, he knows what he wants. He knows what will accomplish the best results as an in-ring product. And then, of course, the cash.”

“I haven’t talked to Steve for several weeks. But I’m assuming that — if I was guessing, and that’s all it would be right now as I sit here in Jacksonville Beach, Florida — I would say that the cash had a major role in why Austin was not at WrestleMania this year. There was a spot there at the end, where all those guys are getting their flowers and their props and their ‘atta boys’ and getting their stuff over, etc., etc that would fit Steve perfectly. It’s just, I’m guessing that unless he had a commitment of work commitment, which I’m not aware of. Could have, but he would have been the great cherry on the sundae if he had been able to be there for that event.”

You can check out the complete podcast below: