Josh Alexander Says He Got Goosebumps When Jordynne Grace Appeared In The WWE Royal Rumble

(Photo Credit: WWE)

TNA Wrestling star Josh Alexander recently spoke with Sports Illustrated on a number of topics including how he got goosebumps when Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace appeared in WWE’s 2024 Royal Rumble Event and how that moment is great for their company and their locker room.

Alexander said, “I watched it live, and the second her music hit, I got goosebumps. When she locked up with Trin [Trinity Fatu, who starred in TNA before returning to WWE], who I’ve been lucky enough to build a relationship with over the past year, I literally welled up. Seeing that moment for my friend Jordynne Grace, someone who tirelessly puts in work, she deserved that fanfare. It’s great for TNA, it’s great for her, and it’s great for our locker room. I thought she had the best performance of anyone in the Royal Rumble, and that is a testament to the talent that she is.”