NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors Night 5 Results – May 18, 2024

NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors Night 5 Results – May 18, 2024

Location: Hachioji Japan
Venue: Esforta Arena

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Clark Connors (4) vs. Kosei Fujita (2)

Kosei Fujita hits a hurricanrana then they went to the floor where Clark Connors whips him into the ring post then he stole a shirt from a fan and used it to choke Fujita on the floor.

He whips Fujita into rows of empty chairs then Fujita barely got back into the ring at the 19 count.

In the ring Connors was in charge then Fujita hits a spin kick and they were both down.

Fujita went for a springboard move but Connors cut him in half with a spear.

Connors hits a powerslam for a near fall then hits a spear for a near fall but he pulls Fujita up before the 3 count.

Connors locks in Ron Miller Special but Fujita reached the ropes.

Connors went for No Chaser but Fujita blocks it and hits a German suplex with a bridge for a near fall. Connors nails Jeep Flip. He hit another spear for a near fall.

Fujita tied up Connors on the mat and cranked back on the head and Connors taps out

Winner By Submission: Kosei Fujita (4) (9:16)
Rate: 6

Block B Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Drilla Moloney (2) vs. Dragon Dia (0)

Match starts off with a lock up and Drilla Moloney easily shoves Dragon Dia to the mat.

They brawled on the mat then back in the ring they traded chops and Dia hit a dropkick then an enzuigiri.

He went for a 619 but Drilla blocks it.

Dia hits a 619 and an Asai Moonsault to the floor. Back in the ring Dia hit a hurricanrana.

Moloney hits a powerbomb follow by Drilla Killa for the win.

Winner: Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Drilla Moloney (4) (4:12)
Rate: 6

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Hayata (2) vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru (2)

Yoshinobu Kanemaru attacks Hayata from behind.

Kanemaru slams Hayata’s face on a table then slams him knee first on the ground.

They got in the ring and Hayata was selling the pain in his knee and Kanemaru targeted it.

He applied a half crab.

Hayata fired up and hit some forearm strikes then a tornado DDT for a near fall.

Kanemaru hits a basement dropkick on the knee and applied a Figure 4.

Hayata hits a dropkick then a DDT for a near fall before the ref got bumped.

Kanemaru hit an enzuigiri and he got his whiskey bottle.

He went to spray it in Hayata’s face but Hayata blocked his mouth.

Kanemaru went for a low blow but Hayata avoided it and Hayata hit his own low blow kick.

Hayata drills Kanemaru to the mat with 403 Impact to score the win.

Winner: Hayata (4) (7:26)
Rate: 5

Block B Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Douki (2) vs. Ninja Mack (4)

Douki & Ninja Mack shook hands at the bell and they traded lucha moves and Mack flips into a superhero landing pose. Douki hits a DDT. Mack hits a flying forearm in the corner.

Douki set up for Daybreak but Mack blocks it before Douki locks in Douki Chokey.

Mack did a headstand to push Douki’s shoulders to the mat for a near fall.

Mack hits a Sasuke Special to the floor then in the ring Mack hits a sit out powerbomb for a near fall.

Mack hits a Frankensteiner but Douki rolls through it and got a near fall.

Douki again locks in Douki Chokey and Mack passed out.

Winner By Submission: Douki (4) (7:49)
Rate: 7

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Bushi (0) vs. TJP (0)

TJP rips off Bushi’s shirt and threw it into the crowd.

Bushi came off the ropes but TJP caught him with a dropkick.

Bushi set up for a dive to the floor but TJP cut him off with a clothesline.

TJP hits a baseball slide dropkick to the floor and he whips Bushi into the ring post.

In the ring TJP accidentally kicked the ref while hitting a tornado DDT.

Bushi went to spray mist but TJP blocks it so TJP sprayed mist but Bushi ducks it.

Bushi then sprayed mist in TJP’s eyes then rolls him up for the win.

Winner: Bushi (2) (2:55)
Rate: 4

Block B Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Kushida (6) vs. Robbie Eagles (2)

Match starts off with some standing switches and a feeling out process early on.

Robbie Eagles tackled Kushida’s knee and began targeting it.

Eagles slams the knee on the ring apron and was now in charge.

Eagles grapevined the leg on the mat.

Kushida leapt off the apron and stomped on Eagles’ left arm then in the ring Kushida hits a handspring back elbow.

Kushida hits some spin kicks then he applied a cross armbreaker on the damaged left elbow but Eagles reached the ropes.

He hit a dropkick on the damaged arm before Eagles hits a straight punch to the jaw.

He went for a Sliced Bread but Kushida escaped. Eagles hit a series of kicks to the head.

Kushida hits Back To The Future and they were both down.

Kushida hit a running Penalty Kick on the elbow.

Eagles hits Turbo Backpack and slams Kushida to the mat to get a near fall then hits Hyperion for the win.

Winner: Robbie Eagles (4) (11:18)
Rate: 7

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Titan (6) vs. Blake Christan (6)

Titan & Blake Christian traded fast reversals at the bell and Christian hits a Fosbury Flop to the floor. In the ring Christian kicks out the left elbow.

He hits a knee drop on Titan’s damaged elbow.

Titan hits a spin kick to the face then a springboard dropkick then a flip dive to the floor.

Back in the ring they traded chops and forearm strikes before Christian hits a rolling stunner.

Titan hits a Pele Kick and they were both down then Christian hit a spear into the corner.

Titan hits a top rope double stomp to the chest for a near fall.

Christian hits a spin kick to the jaw before Titan hits a tornado DDT.

Christian hits a flying knee to the chest then a springboard 450 Splash for the win.

Winner: Blake Christian (8) (7:21)
Rate: 6

Block B Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Francesco Akira (2) vs. Taiji Ishimori (6)

Match starts off with quick reversals and Akira hit a hurricanrana and they went to the floor where Taiji Ishimori shoved him into the ring post.

In the ring Ishimori applied a cross armbreaker but Akira reached the ropes.

Akira hits a neckbreaker over his knee hits a plancha to the floor then a top rope crossbody into the ring for a near fall.

Ishimori shoved Akira shoulder first into the corner then hit a shoulder breaker over his knee. Akira missed a Fireball.

Ishimori locks in Bone Lock before Akira got some rollups for near falls.

Ishimori went for Bloody Cross but Akira got a roll up for another near fall.

Akira hits Fireball to put away Ishimori.

Winner: Francesco Akira (4) (8:35)
Rate: 7

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
El Desperado (4) vs. Kevin Knight (4)

Match starts off with some standing switches and a feeling out process.

Desperado locks in a half crab while seated on the turnbuckle and Knight sold the pain in his leg. Knight hits a dropkick then a plancha to the floor.

In the ring Knight hits an F5 for a near fall.

Knight went for a Spike DDT but Desperado blocked it and Desperado locks in Numeros Dos and Knight writhed in pain but reached the ropes.

Desperado set up for Pinche Loco but Knight blocks it.

They traded forearm strikes before Knight put Desperado on the turnbuckles and hit a Pele Kick.

Knight hits a jump up Frankensteiner then hits Cave In to the collarbone for a near fall.

Knight hits Spike DDT for the win.

Winner: Kevin Knight (6) (12:01)
Rate: 7

Non Title Block B Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Champion Sho (4) vs. Hiromu Takahashi (2)

Hiromu Takahashi hits a shotgun dropkick and he choked Sho with the handcuffs.

He hit a crossbody then a shotgun dropkick from the apron to the floor.

They brawled in the crowd before Sho bodyslams him onto the mat at ringside.

They ran around the floor around the seating area. Sho hits Takahashi with a chair shot.

Katsuya Murashima ran to ringside and took Shoma Kato backstage with him.

In the ring Sho locks in a Boston Crab but Takahashi reached the ropes.

Takahashi hits a hurricanrana then a Young Lion ran to ringside and has the key & he was freed from the handcuffs.

In the ring Hiromu hits a Falcon Arrow for a near fall then the Death Valley Driver into the corner. Yujiro Takahashi ran to ringside and attacked Takahashi.

Sho went for a cover but the ref refused to make a count so Sho got his wrench.

Takahashi did the Eddie Spot and claimed to the ref he had been struck.

Sho hit a low blow then he shoved Hiromu onto the ref. The ref was down so Yujiro hops in the ring and helped beat down Hiromu.

Yujiro hits Wassup to Hiromu’s groin for a near fall then Sho hits a piledriver for a near fall.

Hiromu applied a Triangle Choke but it appears Sho bites at Hiromu’s groin.

Takahashi locks in a triangle choke before Sho hit a Buckle Bomb into the corner and they were both down. Hiromu hit a clothesline.

Hiromu hits a low blow then he shoved Sho onto Yujiro.

He hits a faceplant for a near fall then another clothesline and a Time Bomb for a near fall but Yujiro pulls the ref to the floor.

Bushi ran in & He brawled with Yujiro before Hiromu hits Time Bomb 2 for the win.

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi (4) (18:23)
Rate: 2

Standings After Night 5 

Block A

1st Place- Blake Christian (8 Points) (4-0)

2nd Place- Kevin Knight & Titan (6 Points) (3-1)

3rd Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Clark Connors, El Desperado, Kosei Fujita & Hayata (4 Points) (2-2)

4th Place- Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Bushi (2 Points) (1-3)

Last Place- TJP (0 Points) (0-4)

Block B

1st Place- Taiji Ishimori & Kushida (6 Points) (3-1)

2nd Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Drilla Moloney, Junior Heavyweight Champion Sho, Hiromu Takahashi, Francesco Akira, Robbie Eagles Ninja Mack & Douki (4 Points) (2-2)

Last Place- Dragon Dia (0 Points) (0-4)