Rob Van Dam Comments On Not Being A Fan Of Matches With A Lot Of Chopping

WWE Hall of Famer Rob Van Dam recently took to an episode of his “1 Of A Kind” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including how he is not a fan of matches with a lot of chopping.

RVD said, “I’m not a fan of how the business has come to every match being a ‘chopfest.’ It used to be one or two people would chop and that was kind of like their moves but now everybody wants to chop and it’s weird because it’s almost like they take a break from competing to stop and say, ‘Come on, give it to me! Ya! Ya! You want one?’ It’s weird ’cause it’s like, ‘Weren’t you guys just having a match and now what? You guys are like drunk college boys at a frat party?’”

You can check out the complete podcast below.