Scrypts Issues New Cryptic Rhyme on WWE NXT, Reveal Next Week?

(Image Credit: WWE)

The mysterious Scrypts has issued another cryptic warning to WWE NXT, and it appears that he will make an appearance next week.

The fourth voicemail from the mystery man appeared on Tuesday night’s NXT episode. Scrypts mentioned last week’s graffiti scene and said. The most recent rhyme went as follows:

“Your cameras couldn’t catch me. I got past your guards with ease. Now that I’m here everything after this will only be a breeze.”

“Because I’m fast as lighting smarter than you think. Moves are incredible you miss it if you blink.”

“Next week you will see that you and I aren’t the same. So tell me… Who’s first to play a little game.”

There’s no word on who’s behind the new gimmick or what might happen on NXT next Tuesday night.

For those who missed it, here is the most recent Scrypts vignette, as well as the previous messages from the mystery man: