Ted DiBiase On Who He Believes Is The Greatest Wrestling Announcer Of All Time

WWE Hall of Famer “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase recently took to an episode of his “Everybody’s Got a Pod” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including how he believes Jim Ross is the greatest wrestling announcer of all time.

DiBiase said, “Yeah. He was good. And again, Jim Ross started with Cowboy Bill Watts. And so he learned from the best, too.”

On whether he is close friends with Ross outside of the wrestling business:

“Well yeah, I mean, not bosom buddies. But yeah, I mean he’s one of those guys. You know, it’s not somebody that — again, wrestling is wrestling . And sometimes you don’t see people for a long time. But when you see him again, it’s like you saw him yesterday. You just pick up where you left off.”

On whether there was talk of breaking up Money Inc. after the 1992 SummerSlam:

“No. It was kind of like, by that time you know I had been there — again, what year was this? It’s ’92. Going into ’92, and I had been with him since 87. And I’d done the singles thing, took it as far as we could take it. The thing about wrestling is, you have to move things around. I mean it’s like, you can’t come in and be the top guy all the time. Because after a while, it’s like, ‘Okay, we’ve seen him, we’ve seen him.’ You stay there, you stay visible now, but you’re not the main event every night. You move down a couple notches. And then as time goes by, you know, they can do something and move you back up. That’s how they usually do it.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.

(H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes)