WWE Main Event Results – July 20, 2023

WWE Main Event Results – July 20, 2023

Riddick Moss vs. Akira Tozawa

Match starts off with a lockup and Riddick Moss powers Akira Tozawa to the mat then does some push ups as he lets Tozawa know he is just getting warmed up. Tozawa grabs a side headlock but gets mowed down with a shoulder. Moss woos a lot and then chokes Tozawa in the corner with his boot.

Tozawa blocks a charge in the other corner with 2 boots to the face and then snaps off a headscissors. Tozawa with some of his own pushups to a nice pop. Tozawa gets too close though and gets dropped throat first on the top rope and then turned inside out with a running clothesline.

SOS Slam gets a one count so Moss hooks a reverse chinlock as Tozawa elbows his way out but gets cut off with a knee to the ribs. Tozawa ends up getting another headscissors followed by a basement dropkick. Tozawa comes off the top with the back elbow for a two count.

Tozawa tries to lift Moss and nearly gets him up but Moss fights off as he tries a suplex but Tozawa slides off and hits a series of kicks then he heads up top again but gets caught as Tozawa escapes into a roll up for a two count but walks into a chokeslam before the Jackhammer gets the win.

Winner: Riddick Moss

Apollo Crews vs. JD McDonagh

JD McDonagh nails Apollo Crews to start the match and stomps him down in the corner then he uses the boot to choke and lays the bad mouth on Crews. Crews lands a shot and gets a discus clothesline. McDonagh trails to bail but Crews catches him and runs him down with a shoulder before a Stinger Splash in the corner and a high backdrop sends McDonagh flying.

Crews heads up but McDonagh rolls to the floor but he suckers Crews in and tries to slam him into the announce table but Crews blocks then they trade chops on the floor and that doesn’t go well for McDonagh so he heads back in the ring.

Crews sends him flying into the ropes with a monkey flip and bounces his head off the top and middle buckles then a another shot into the buckle sends McDonagh flying across the ring. McDonagh eats a clothesline that sends him to the floor as we take a break.

After the break Crews gets yank off the top rope and he hits his head on the buckle on the way down as McDonagh gets a two count and goes to a chinlock then he takes it to the ground and they start trading blows and Crews wins the exchange. He gets a kick to the head and catapults McDonagh into the ring post.

McDonagh runs into a boot to the face and now Crews heads up top rope & he comes off with a crossbody for a two count then McDonagh tries a roll up but Crews rolls through and stands up to deliver a kick.

Crews with a standing moonsault gets a two count before McDonagh avoids the Samoan Drop and gets a roll up for a two count as he couldn’t grab the rope.

McDonagh with a standing Spanish Fly for a two count McDonagh heads up top but Crews meets him up there and fires off some chops before a superplex is blocked and McDonagh shoves Crews down but he bounces right back up and gets knock down again.

McDonagh comes off the top rope but Crews catches him as he rolls through and gets the Samoan Drop for the win.

Winner: Apollo Crews