WWE Raw Review – February 12, 2024

WWE Raw Review – February 12, 2024

6 Man Tag Team Match
Imperium (Intercontienetal Champion Gunther, Giovanni Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser) vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) & Jey Uso

Ludwig Kaiser & Kofi Kingston lock up before they take turns landing right hands and chops on one another before Kaiser delivers a knee to Kingston’s midsection and follows it up with an elbow and a running knee.

Kingston responds with a dropkick and a clothesline then tags in Xavier Woods.

New Day double teams on Kaiser then hits their signature stomps in the corner with Jey Uso.

Jey & Gunther become legal but Gunther tags out to Giovanni Vinci before they can lock up. Vinci fires off stomps on Jey in the corner and mocks him.

Gunther then tags in and delivers a chop to Jey before Kaiser tags in and fires off right hands on Jey’s head.

Jey then finds himself on the outside and Gunther hits a boot to his face as we go to a break.

After the break Kingston & Vinci tag in & Kingston hits a crossbody off the top rope and double teams with Woods & he lands a leg drop and Woods tags in.

He immediately tags out to Kingston & Kingston delivers a splash to Vinci’s spine.

Kingston hits a flying clothesline and Boom Drop as Kaiser looks to pull Kingston out of the ring but Kingston prevents him from doing so.

Vinci takes advantage and dumps Kingston out of the ring then Kaiser sends him crashing into the ring steps.

Vinci gets Kingston back inside the ring and tags in Gunther & he hits an elbow to Kingston’s face as he holds him through the middle rope then hits another elbow to the back of his neck and follows it up with an uppercut.

Kingston looks to tag out but Gunther prevents him from doing so and levels him with a chop. He clocks Jey on the apron then locks in a Boston Crab on Kingston.

Jey gets in the ring forcing Gunther to release the hold by slapping him then the referee prevents them from brawling as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Jey tags in and levels Vinci with a clothesline.

He connects with an open palm strike and a Samoan Drop then hits an interfering Kaiser with one of his own.

Jey then hits hip attacks to Vinci & Kaiser in opposite corners and catches Vinci with a superkick as he looks to fly off the top rope.

Gunther demands to be tagged in and Kaiser does so then Gunther hits Jey with a chop but Jey rocks him with an enzuigiri.

Gunther dumps Jey onto the apron but Jey ascends to the top rope and hits a crossbody.

He looks to hit a spear but Gunther sees him coming and levels him then hits a clothesline then ascends to the top rope and looks to land a splash.

Jey gets his feet up then hits a spear and goes for a pin but Kaiser breaks the fall before Kingston sends him crashing into the ring post on the outside.

Vinci tags in and looks to land a powerbomb on Jey but Jey takes him down with a superkick.

New Day then hits 1D to Vinci with Jey & Jey ascends to the top rope & connects with an Uso Splash for the win.

Winners: New Day & Jey Uso

Michael Cole spoke with Pat McAfee at ringside and mentioned his show was in Las Vegas for Super Bowl week then they set up a video package that recaps the WrestleMania Kickoff event.

After the break an Andrade vignette aired. He said life has taught him he has to decide what he wants and what he deserves. He said he had his 1st match when he was 13 and has been a champion many times. Andrade recalls winning the NXT Title & United States Champion. He said titles were not enough for him to remember who he was. He said after 3 years he is back and the direction is clear.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed

Match starts off with a lock up then Bronson Reed fires off right hands in the corner then hits a splash gets Bobby Lashley up on his shoulders.

Lashley escapes and looks to cinch in The Hurt Lock but Reed prevents him from doing so by sending him crashing into the corner.

Lashley levels Reed and looks for a spear but Reed moves out of the way and sends him crashing into the ring post shoulder first.

He then goes flying off the barricade and sends Lashley crashing into the time keeper’s area as we go to a break.

After the break Reed looks to land a vertical suplex on Lashley but Lashley escapes and plants Reed then connects with a suplex and a pair of splashes in the corner.

He lands a shoulder on Reed’s midsection but Reed responds with a kick and a Death Valley Driver. Lashley lands a chokeslam on Reed then looks for a spear.

Reed catches him with a knee to his midsection then hits a chokeslam of his own and follows it up with a senton.

He ascends to the top rope but Lashley pulls him down and hits a spear for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Elimination Chamber Match: Bobby Lashley

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Sami Zayn being interviewed by Jackie Redmond in the empty arena seats. Zayn said there is part of him that feels embarrassed by losing to Drew McIntyre. He said he’s felt that way before, but it’s always overcome by an unwavering belief in himself. Zayn said the belief in himself is what carried him to WrestleMania. He said he is a contender and he will be a champion. He said it would not be an easy path.

Shinsuke Nakamura interrupted the interview via the big screen. He asked what was wrong with Zayn and whether he’s forgotten his big moments. Nakamura said Zayn acts like he’s in misery and he gets sympathy from the fans just like Cody Rhodes. Nakamura accused Zayn of swindling people to stay in the spotlight. Nakamura said he will pick up Zayn’s soul and continue his warpath forward.

2024 Royal Rumble Winner Cody Rhodes asks Lexington what they want to talk about then says they could talk about how he’ll be challenging Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title at WrestleMania 40. He says it took him a while to even be able to say that and the only reason he can say that is because of the fans. He says they made their voices heard and he’s a passionate guy about WWE and his legacy in the company. He says he doesn’t want to be emotional because that would make him a crybaby but the one man who didn’t want to hear that fans wanted him in the main event of WrestleMania was The Rock.

Rhodes then throws it to a clip of The Rock calling his fans Cody Crybabys on The Pat McAfee Show and admits to being a fan of The Rock. He says everyone has been a fan of The Rock at some point in their lives but he slapped him during the WrestleMania 40 Kickoff Show and he recognized the malevolentness in his eyes. He tells The Rock that he’ll hit him back.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins’ music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Rhodes thanks Rollins for coming to his aid during the WrestleMania 40 Kickoff Show and Rollins tells him that he’s welcome. He says as much as he was looking forward to facing him for the World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania he understands why Rhodes chose Roman Reigns. He says millions of people around the world want to see Rhodes finish his story and he needs to do such. He says the landscape on the other side of WrestleMania will be dark if Rhodes loses to Reigns once again because Reigns will have more power show up less and defend the Undisputed WWE Universal Title. He tells Rhodes that he’s the last hope of taking the power and giving it to the people.

Rollins asks Rhodes what his plan is and reminds him that he was screwed out of the titles by the rest of The Bloodline. He says Rhodes fought his way back to the WrestleMania main event, but the deck is still stacked against him and the bar has been raised. He says Rhodes is dealing with the biggest star and the most influential man in the entire industry The Rock. He says he came out to the ring to tell Rhodes that he doesn’t have to fight this battle alone. He recalls Rhodes telling Reigns he wants to take everything from him and says he wants to do the same. He says that’s why he stepped out at the WrestleMania 40 Kickoff Show and says he’s tired of arrogant individuals making choices with no consequences.

Rollins admits to being partially responsible for the man Reigns is today during their days in The Shield but he didn’t imagine the monster he would become. Rollins says that monster now has 2 heads and when it comes to fighting Reigns & The Rock there is only 1 man on Earth uniquely suited to be Rhodes’ Shield: himself.

Backstage Cathy Kelley informed New Day & Jey Uso that Gunther would have to defend his Intercontinental Title on next week’s Raw. After a round of the who bit from the New Day duo, she said Gunther will defend against Jey Uso.

After the break footage aired of Patrick Mahomes & Isiah Pacheco wearing the replica WWE Title they were awarded after winning the Super Bowl.

A video package aired on Liv Morgan & Zoey Stark. Morgan said she would take everything from Rhea Ripley after winning the Women’s Elimination Chamber. Zoey Stark spoke separately about being the baddest woman in the division and how she would win the Elimination Chamber match and go to WrestleMania.

Women’s Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match
Zoey Stark vs. Liv Morgan

Liv Morgan rolls up Zoey Stark but Stark kicks out and Morgan fires off forearms on her in the corner. She sends her crashing into the top turnbuckle face first then fires off stomps.

Stark hits Morgan with a clothesline but Morgan takes her down with a hurricanrana and sends her onto the apron.

She hits a shoulder to her midsection then follows it up with an enzuigiri and looks to fly but Stark catches her with a forearm.

Morgan then ascends to the top rope but Stark gets her onto her shoulders and hits a Death Valley Driver to her on the apron as we go to a break.

After the break Morgan hits a Codebreaker to Stark off the middle rope then looks to land a step up knee but Stark catches her with a powerbomb and delivers a dropkick into the ring from the apron.

Morgan hits a Crucifix Bomb out of the corner before Stark catapults her into the corner.

She ascends to the top rope and looks to fly but Morgan moves out of the way and lands ObLIVion for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Elimination Chamber Match: Liv Morgan

Judgement Day were walking through the back when R Truth showed up. Truth told McDonagh that he’s not in the Judgment Day. Priest said he would handle it. He said they had some jokes together but it’s over. He said Truth was never in Judgment Day. He said there was no initiation or re initiation. Priest said tonight would be an execution.

After the break we go backstage & see R Truth was on his phone when Adam Pearce showed up to tell him to get to the ring. Truth calls The Miz and told him to hop on a plane because he needed his help. Truth said the Judgment Day was going to try to kill him. Truth made his entrance.

R Truth vs. JD McDonagh

JD McDonagh goes straight after R Truth then hits a kick to his midsection then whips him into the corner.

Truth sends McDonagh colliding with the top turnbuckle twice then hits a hip toss and a running splash in the corner.

He follows it up with a back body drop and gets him up onto his shoulders then hits a Death Valley Driver.

Before he can pin him McDonagh is pulled out of the ring by Dominik Mysterio as we go to a break.

After the break Truth fires off right hands on McDonagh then lands a pair of flying shoulder tackles and plants McDonagh then connects with a right hand.

McDonagh rolls Truth up but Truth kicks out then McDonagh hits The Devil Inside for the win.

Winner: JD McDonagh

After the match Judgment Day looks to attack Truth but Truth dumps Finn Balor out of the ring then stares down Damian Priest. Priest clocks him with a right hand and Mysterio, Balor & McDonagh join in before DIY run down to the ring with chairs in hand to make the save.

Sami Zayn was putting on his wrist tape when Cody Rhodes showed up and thanks him. Rhodes told Zayn that he believes in him and the fans believe in him. Rhodes offers a handshake but Zayn hugs him instead.

Becky Lynch says The Man has come around to Lexington then says The Road To WrestleMania has bee chaotic and confusing at times. She says she loves it and recalls being 15 the 1st time she stepped foot in a wrestling ring. She says she’s been obsessed with wrestling since, and it’s the reason that she’s been able to travel the world, win the 1st all women’s event of WrestleMania, be in front of fans, meet her husband and have her daughter. She says on the flip side, she’s missed out on milestones explaining her various injuries to her daughter and watching her compete in the Women’s Elimination Chamber on February 24. She says her daughter will also get to see the brutality she’s capable of, and says she’s never been more obsessed then she is now with getting her title back. She says that starts with winning the Women’s Elimination Chamber match and while fans think no one can beat Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley, she’s not anyone and Ripley’s never faced anyone like her. She grabs a glass of lemonade and makes a toast to Rhea Ripley. She tells her to enjoy her last few weeks as Women’s World Champion.

Nia Jax’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring. She tells Lynch that despite having differences she has an immense amount of respect for her. She says she would be lucky if her mom was half the mom Lynch is and says she would lead by example if she became a mother one day. She says Lynch will win the Women’s Elimination Chamber and go on to WrestleMania 40 with her passion for her daughter in the same way that nothing will stop her from defeating Ripley at Elimination Chamber to go on to face her.

Ripley’s music hits and she runs down to the ring & wastes no time firing off right hands on Jax, but Jax headbutts her and almost sends her crashing into Lynch. Ripley stops herself before she does but Jax hits a splash to both women. Jax lands a right hand on Jax but Lynch sends her crashing out of the ring with a dropkick leaving Lynch & Ripley alone in the ring. Ripley sees Jax on the apron and hits her with a boot then stares down both Lynch & Jax.

Backstage Drew McIntyre was interviewed by Jackie Redmond and she noted that he will face Cody Rhodes next week. McIntyre said Rhodes 2nd guessed finishing his story and took credit for pushing him in that direction. McIntyre said people think he did it because he wants to face Seth Rollins at WrestleMania. McIntyre said he’s the underdog and he had to beat AJ Styles to qualify for the Elimination Chamber. McIntyre looked into the camera and told Rhodes to take himself out of the match next week. McIntyre said Rhodes should avoid 2 things being in his prayers and fighting him 1 on 1 because he might not make it to WrestleMania.

Backstage R-Truth told DIY that he can’t believe he was saved by DX. Truth asked them how Road Dogg was doing. Truth said he had 2 words for them. No thank you Truth said.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match
LA Knight vs. Ivar

Valhalla captures LA Knight’s attention & this allows Ivar to take advantage but Knight catches him with a DDT.

Ivar rolls out of the ring but Knight goes right after him and sends his face repeatedly bouncing off the announce table.

Knight sends him crashing into the barricade before Ivar does the same to him and hits a running crossbody as we go to a break.

After the break Knight hits a superplex to Ivar off the top rope then fires off right hands on him but Ivar catches him with a powerslam.

Knight hits a shoulder to Ivar’s midsection but Ivar counters into a double underhook powerbomb.

He sets up for a running modified Bronco Buster but Knight avoids it and lands an elbow drop then Valhalla captures Knight’s attention and Ivar lands a spinning heel kick.

He ascends to the top rope and looks for Doom Sault but Knight moves out of the way and hits BFT for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Elimination Chamber Match: LA Knight

Sami Zayn was walking backstage and found Drew McIntyre waiting for him. McIntyre told Zayn to keep his name out of his mouth and his nose out of his business. Zayn told McIntyre to get out of his way. McIntyre stepped aside and then Zayn walked past him apprehensively.

After the break we head backstage where Adam Pearce spoke with Chelsea Green, Indi Hartwell & Candice LeRae about the Battle Royal. Green wanted it to be handed to her and complained about being in a loser Battle Royal with people like Hartwell, LeRae, Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark. Green turned around and found Baszler & Stark standing behind her. Baszler said they were there to talk about the Women’s Tag Team Titles but she looks forward to tearing Green apart limb by limb. Pearce said he needed a drink.

Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Match starts off with a lock up then Shinsuke Nakamura hits a knee to Zayn’s midsection before Zayn low bridges him out of the ring as we go to a break.

After the break Zayn hits an elbow to Nakamura’s head off the top rope.

Nakamura responds by firing off several knees on Zayn’s midsection in the corner then drapes him on the top turnbuckle and hits a running knee to his midsection.

He then fires off kicks on his chest, but Zayn catches one before Nakamura hits a kick to his head to escape, then lands a kick on the back of his spine.

Zayn hits Michinoku Driver then clotheslines Nakamura out of the ring and flies over the top rope to level him as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Zayn & Nakamura exchange strikes with one another.

Zayn executes a Blue Thunder Bomb before Nakamura lands a flying knee to the back of Zayn’s neck from the middle rope.

Zayn catches Nakamura with a clothesline as he charges at him then fires off right and left hands on Nakamura and suplexes him into the corner.

He sets up for Helluva Kick but Drew McIntyre runs down to the ring before he can hit it.

Zayn takes notice allowing Nakamura to hit a dropkick to the back of Zayn’s knee follow by Kinshasa for the win.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

After the match McIntyre & Nakamura beat down Zayn before Cody Rhodes runs down to the ring to make the save & lands Cody Cutter on McIntyre and Cross Rhodes on Nakamura. Rhodes stands tall in the ring and stares down McIntyre to close out this week’s Raw.

Next Week’s Raw

Intercontienetal Title Match
Gunther (c) vs. Jey Uso

2024 Royal Rumble Winner Cody Rhodes vs. Drew McIntyre

8 Man Tag Team Match
Judgement Day (Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest & Finn Balor, JD McDonagh & Dominik Mysterio) vs. Awesome Truth (The Miz & R Truth) & DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano)

Women’s Elimination Chamber Qualifying Last Chance Battle Royal
Shayna Baszler vs. Michin vs. Zoey Stark vs. Shotzi or Tiffany Stratton vs. Naomi or Zelina Vega

Elimination Chamber Card So Far (Feb 24th)

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles Match
Judgement Day (Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest & Finn Balor) (c) vs. British Strong Style (Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne)

Women’s World Title #1 Contenders Elimination Chamber Match
Becky Lynch vs. Bianca BelAir vs. Liv Morgan vs. Shotzi or Tiffany Stratton vs. Naomi or Zelina Vega vs. TBD

Women’s World Title Match
Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Nia Jax

World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Elimination Chamber Match
Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton vs. Bobby Lashley vs. LA Knight vs. United States Champion Logan Paul or The Miz vs. Kevin Owens Or Dominik Mysterio