AEW Dynamite Review – March 6, 2024

AEW Dynamite Review – March 6, 2024

Kicking off this week’s Dynamite with Tony Schiavone is in the ring to bring out Swerve Strickland & he comes out with Prince Nana then Schiavone asks Strickland what’s next for him but Strickland talks about what’s a house with the keys and this past Sunday he couldn’t come out the victor. Strickland talks about when he 1st signed here and promised to get gold and still hasn’t possible due to the karma with all the bad things he’s done in AEW. Strickland continues that Revolution felt different and it felt like the people wanted him to win and even people flew in from his home state of Washington to see him make history. Swerve says that nothing changes and to Samoa Joe, he is coming for him whether he is champion or not. He doesn’t know when or when but he will defeat him for that AEW World Title like he promised.

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe comes out looking ready to wrestle and said for someone who got beat down the other day Strickland is talking funny making promises he can’t keep and Joe is here to give a reality check. Joe says that Strickland’s house exists in Joe’s world and he came out to let people gaze upon an actual World Champion. Strickland talks about how Joe still hasn’t beaten him and says since they are dressed to go to put the AEW World Title on the line tonight. Strickland says he doesn’t even want to wait and suggests it happens then and there. Undisputed Kingdom’s music hits & they come out to the stage. Adam Cole says the only story coming out of Revolution is Undisputed Kingdom’s story with them holding gold and the only reason Joe is still the champion is because they let it happen. Cole continues that in 6 months nobody will be talking about Strickland anymore and Wardlow will be the one to win the AEW World Title. Strickland brings up the number of times Cole has failed and starts calling Cole the manager of Undisputed Kingdom and compares him to Dr Claw from Inspector Gadget and even says he has a number for Britt Baker. Cole suggests for next week for Matt Taven & Mike Bennett to take on Strickland & Joe but Strickland says why not do it tonight. Cole says they make the rules and it’ll happen next week. Schiavone interrupts and says Tony Khan has told him that the match is happening right now.

Tag Team Match
AEW World Champion Samoa Joe & Swerve Strickland vs. Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven)

Samoa Joe & Matt Taven starts the match with Joe keeping Taven in the corner with punches before Mike Bennett tries to break it up.

Joe fights them both off and hits a senton on Taven for a two count.

Bennett tags in and takes advantage as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Taven is keeping Joe in the corner until he fights him off with a uranage before backing up right into Swerve Strickland as he tags himself in.

Strickland fights off Taven with a kick off the apron before hitting a flatliner on Bennett followed by a roll into a brainbuster.

Strickland fights Taven off the top rope and hits Swerve Stomp on Bennett.

Strickland locks eyes with Joe before hitting Big Pressure on Taven to get the win.

Winners: AEW World Champion Samoa Joe & Swerve Strickland

After the match Wardlow comes out and stares down Strickland as Joe attacks him from behind and puts on the Coquina Clutch choking out Strickland.

Backstage Renee Paquette is with FTW Champion Hook and brings up the history he has with Brian Cage before he can say anything, Chris Jericho interrupts and talks about the 1st ever match he ever had in this country was at the ECW Arena against Taz & he suplexed him on his head and he never forgot about that. He talks about having a connection with Taz and never had anything with Hook until he dropped him on his head at Revolution and maybe he is the real deal as they fist bump.

We go to Young Bucks in the back & they are mocking Tony Khan’s huge announcement presentations and talk about having 2 huge announcements but stop themselves and say they will do them live in the ring later tonight.

FTW Title FTW Rules Match
Hook (c) vs. Brian Cage

Brian Cage starts by attacking Hook and keeps him in the corner before trapping his arms and suplexing Hook while yelling that’s for you, Taz.

Cage brings a chair into the ring but Hook takes him out with a fire extinguisher before slamming a trash can lid over Cage’s head a bunch of times.

Cage goes to slam against Hook but Hook moves as Cage goes crashing into the steel steps.

Cage follows by catching Hook off the steps and slamming him on the outside but ends up missing Hook and goes crashing through the barricade as we go to picture in picture.

After the break we see Cage smashing Hook with a chair before tossing him back into the ring which is filled with weapons.

Hook goes after Cage with a bunch of suplexes including one onto a guard rail that was positioned in the corner.

Cage hits a neckbreaker before hitting a powerbomb and a F5 on a chair for a two count.

Cage gets a bag of tacks and pours them in the ring but fails to suplex Hook onto them as he puts on Redrum.

Cage breaks it up by backing him into the corner but Hook follows with kendo sticks shows and suplexes Cage onto the tacks.

Hook puts on Redrum again even with Cage slamming back onto the tacks as Hook holds on as Cage passes out to get the win.

Winner By Submission & Still FTW Champion: Hook (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)

After the match Gates Of Agony run out and attack Hook before Chris Jericho runs out with a bat and takes them out to save Hook.

We get highlights of the AEW World Tag Team Titles with some of the tag teams through the years as we get sound bites of Tony Khan from the Revolution Post Show Press Conference talking about an upcoming tournament to crown new AEW World Tag Team Champions.

Backstage Renee Paquette is in with Best Friends and asks Orange Cassidy what’s next after losing the International Title . Cassidy says he’ll do whatever it takes to fill up his backpack with a title. Chuck Taylor says he isn’t cleared just yet but suggests Trent Beretta & Orange Cassidy enter the tournament and this Friday they will have their 1st match on Rampage.

Killswitch vs. Matt Menard

Matt Menard starts the match going right after Killswitch as Menard stays on top of Killswitch trying to knock him down off the ropes but Killswitch stops him with a chokeslam.

Killswitch hits Menard with Extinction then he hits another Extinction after running the ropes for the win.

Winner: Killswitch

After the match Killswitch continues to attack Menard as Daniel Garcia runs out and attacks Killswitch. Nick Wayne runs in and gets attacked by Garcia also not before getting knocked down with a boot from Killswitch. They continue with the attack as Wayne hits Wayne’s World on Garcia.

As The Patriarchy goes to leave Adam Copeland shows up and tosses Killswitch off the stage onto a table and takes out Nick Wayne. Shayna Wayne goes to low blow Copeland but he stops her and chases TNT Champion Christian Cage right through the crowd and to the back. Copeland chases Christian all the way to the parking lot where Christian steals a car and drives away. Copeland looks into the camera and says this ends where it started in Toronto in 2 weeks on Dynamite in an I Quit Match.

Backstage Renee Paquette is in with Kyle O’Reilly who talks about not thinking he would ever wrestle again after being gone for 2 years. He’s grateful to be given a 2nd chance and says he has nothing but respect and love for Undisputed Kingdom. He doesn’t know what path to take and now that he has a 2nd chance he has to do it on his own.

We get a video of Sting’s last match at Revolution.

Tony Schiavone talking about how great of a night it was before bringing out Young Bucks & they come out before Schiavone talks about how great of an entrance that was after they got their ass kicked as Young Bucks kick out Schiavone and said that Darby Allin & Sting cheated by using their old friends and Sting’s sons. Nicholas Jackson said they ended Sting’s career forever and they are entering themselves in the AEW World Tag Team Titles Tournament. Matthew Jackson talks about their 2 huge announcements and the 1st one is tough is say as it involves their friends. Matthew continues in order to show no favoritism and because Hangman Page put his hands on 2 officials on Sunday, he is suspended indefinitely from The Elite and won’t get paid. They continue about Kenny Omega not being able to make any of his dates and just disappearing and he is fired from The Elite. They go into the 2nd announcement but they get interrupted by Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston.

Kingston starts right away by tossing money to them and says they can find him for talking trash. They go to calm him down just for Kingston to attack them before Matthew takes him out with a low blow and Nicholas follows with a superkick. Kazuchika Okada’s music hits and he comes in and looks to be aligned with Kingston just to take him out with a Rainmaker as Young Bucks announce him as the newest member of The Elite.

Kris Statlander vs. Riho

Kris Statlander starts this match in control before Riho takes her down with a dropkick as she drapes her on the ropes but misses Tiger Faint Kick.

Statlander follows with a vertical suplex and keeps Riho in the corner with chops before press slamming her down as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Riho sends Statlander into the corner but Statlander comes back on the attack and keeps Riho down on the mat with a stomp before Riho counters with headscissors and hits Tiger Faint Kick.

Riho goes to the top rope and tries a diving crossbody but Statlander catches her.

Riho escapes out and hits a Dragon Suplex for a two count before Statlander dodges the running knee strike and hits a powerbomb for a two count.

Stokely Hathaway puts a chain in the ring and starts to distract Aubrey Edwards.

Statlander grabs the chain and considers it but ends up tossing it away.

Statlander catches Riho into a rolling German suplex followed by a 2nd one before Riho reverses a 3rd one right into a roll up for the win.

Winner: Riho

Backstage Renee Paquette is in black and white with Women’s Champion Toni Storm, Luther & Mariah May. Storm says that it’s Award Season and it’s time for the Toni Awards and presents May with a t shirt that’s now available where it’s Storm’s old shirt just with May in place dressed as her.

After the break Renee Paquette is with Stokely Hathaway & Willow Nightingale. Hathaway said Kris Statlander is his favorite and wishes she would listen to him. Paquette talks about Nightingale going 1 on 1 against Riho next week as Nightingale tells Hathaway they have to do things her way next week. Nightingale talks about knowing she can beat Riho then setting his eyes on Julia Hart and her TBS Title.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and talks about Darby Allin falling off against Jay White next week at Big Business before bringing out Allin. Schiavone asks Allin what he’s going to be like now without Sting. Allin talks about how 5 years ago he was homeless down here by Atlanta and this past Sunday he was main eventing in Sting’s retirement match and he didn’t stop until Sting got the respect he deserved. Allin talks about being tired but next week he has Jay White then he’ll be flying to climb Mt. Everest. Allin talks about there being no guarantee he’ll come back from climbing Mt. Everest and takes this time to thank every fan and AEW for giving him this dream and if next week is his last ever match, he’s going to go out fighting for his life and as far as finding a new tag team partner he can’t replace Sting and congratulates the next tag team that wins this.

As Allin goes to leave he gets stopped by Bang Bang Scissor Gang’s music as Jay White & The Gunns come out. White talks about Allin being a weird guy so he had to take the opportunity now to talk to Allin face 2 face and congratulate him on an amazing night at Revolution. White talks about all the moments Sting & Allin did but as far as their match coming up next week he doesn’t care. What he does care about though is Sting being gone and asks what Allin is without Sting. Nobody is there to clean up after Allin and hold his leash and Allin doesn’t even have to get in the ring with him and nobody would think less of him after what he’s been through. White proposes that instead of a match Allin can come hang with the Bang Bang Scissor Gang and give him the nickname of Darby Scissorhands. Allin stops White and brings up White’s accolades and coming to AEW and playing with cardboard cut outs and if White is as good as he thinks he is, he will come alone next week. Allin stops White with his bat and says he will see him at Big Business.

TBS Champion Julia Hart & Skye Blue are in the back as Julia says Willow Nightingale has forgotten who she is and she will have a House Rules Match on Rampage this Friday.

After the break House Of Black talks about setting Mark Briscoe on fire as Brody King talks about the scars on his body from his wars with The Briscoes and history will repeat itself this Saturday on Collision. They end it by asking if they have to bury 3 holes or 1.

We cut to Rene Paquette with Briscoe who talks about not being scared of any of this and he fears no man and says he will take them all on by himself in an Atlanta Street Fight. Jay Lethal interrupts and says it’s time he mans up and helps his friend of over 20 years and he has his back. Briscoe asks that Lethal doesn’t bring Jeff Jarrett out with him but Lethal talks about what better person to bring in a Street Fight and he doesn’t have to trust Jarrett but to trust him.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Will Ospreay

Kyle Fletcher & Will Ospreay test each other with shoulder blocks before they run the ropes and Ospreay takes down Fletcher with a headscissors.

Fletcher comes back by whipping Ospreay hard into the corner as we are going into a picture in picture break.

After the break Ospreay is struggling to try and lift up Fletcher and ends up chopping him instead before Fletcher comes back with a Dragon Suplex then a kick in the corner and a brainbuster for a two count.

They trade chops back & forth with Ospreay knocking down Fletcher with one and as Ospreay waits for Fletcher to get up and hits one back before he ends up hitting a kick instead.

Ospreay continues on the attack and ends up hitting a DDT on Fletcher off a lift-up reversal.

Fletcher dodges Hidden Blade and sends Ospreay into the middle turnbuckle with Snake Eyes.

They fight on the apron as Ospreay hits an OsCutter sending both of them to the floor as we go to a 2nd picture in picture.

After the break they are going back & forth with Tombstone attempts until Ospreay hits a poisonrana.

Ospreay heads to the top rope but Fletcher stops him and joins him up there where he tries a suplex just for Ospreay to land on his feet.

Ospreay follows with a Liger Bomb for a two count then more back & forth from both including a Liger Bomb from Fletcher that Ospreay kicks out of.

They head to the top rope where Fletcher escapes and hits Cheeky Nandos then joins back up and hits an avalanche Poisonrana followed by a front Hidden Blade but Fletcher kicks out at two.

They go face 2 face and trade punches and kicks before they trade reversals before Ospreay hits a Spanish Fly for a two count and an OsCutter for a two count.

Fletcher calls for Hidden Blade which Ospreay hits to the face for the pin

Winner: Will Ospreay (Recommend)

After the match Ospreay & Fletcher are embracing as Bryan Danielson makes his way out and gets in Ospreay’s face to close out Dynamite.

Friday’s Rampage

Tag Team Match
Best Friends (Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta) vs. Kip Sabian & The Butcher

TBS Title House Rules Match
Julia Hart (c) vs. Robyn Renegade

Action Andretti vs. Pentagon Jr

Triple Threat Tag Team Match
Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) vs. Komander & Bryan Keith

Saturday’s Collision

Trios Atlanta Street Fight
House Of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews & Brody King) vs. Mark Briscoe, Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett

Chris Jericho vs. Titan

Mariah May vs. Trish Adora

Bryan Danielson vs. Shane Taylor

Big Business Card So Far (March 13th)

Darby Allin vs. Jay White

AEW World Title Match
Samoa Joe (c) vs. Wardlow

Willow Nightingale vs. Riho

Dynamite Card (March 20th)

TNT Title I Quit Match
Christian Cage (c) vs. Adam Copeland