Booker T Comments On Who He Sees That Should Be Brought Up To The WWE Main Roster

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Hall of Famer Booker T recently appeared as a guest on Sportskeeda’s WrestleBinge for an interview covering all things pro wrestling. During the discussion, Booker T talked about working with Cody Rhodes in 2011:

“I chose to put Cody Rhodes over. I wanted to work with Cody Rhodes. I just saw a world championship caliber athlete in Cody Rhodes and I just wanted to see him get his just due. Coming out of that group, everybody got a little bit of a shine. I thought Cody was the guy who kind of got left out in the cold. I said, ‘Man, let me help him out a little bit’, and I think working with Cody definitely gave him that sense of, man I could do this, and then him going out on his own, he proved that he could do it, so big ups to Cody Rhodes.”

Who he sees that should be brought up to the main roster:

“I’m not looking for anyone to go to the main roster right now. So many guys just left. I felt like it was their time to actually leave just because I felt like they were mature enough to actually handle that moment, but I think everybody right now in NXT, even Carmelo Hayes, even Trick, I think those guys need to stick around just a little bit just so they’ll be ready for that main roster when they get there.”

You can check out the interview below:

(h/t to for the transcription)