Brooklyn Brawler Looks Back On His Brief Run As Doink In WWE

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE legend Brooklyn Brawler recently appeared on an episode of Insight with Chris Van Vliet, where he talked about a number of topics including facing WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart as Doink The Clown.

Brawler said, “I love Bret, I’d do it any day of the week. [Vince] goes ‘The only thing is I want you to do it as Doink.’ I’d never [face]painted in my life … The regular Doink [Matt Borne] was suspended.”

On continuing the role for a bit afterward:

“Not one person [knew it was me]. I had my best matches with X-Pac … and he was making me look great. I was using old baseball moves.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.