Brooklyn Brawler Speaks Out About Possibly Being Inducted Into The WWE Hall Of Fame

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE legend Brooklyn Brawler recently appeared on an episode of Insight with Chris Van Vliet, where he talked about a number of topics including possibly being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Brawler said, “I think the Brooklyn Brawler has more contributions, more accolades to be in the Hall of Fame. I believe that being in the Hall of Fame is their choice, I am not losing sleep of not being in the Hall of Fame, but I believe that there’s no way in life that one day I won’t be in the Hall of Fame. I just hope it’s not when I’m dead … I’ve done so much and the one thing that no one could ever take away from me is my memories.”

On his legacy in wrestling:

“I had a story book life that came true, I loved everything I did, if I change my life in any way I wouldn’t change one thing. I would not change one thing, and the legacy is determined by every different person in a different way and obviously you have an opinion of my legacy, WWE has an opinion of my legacy, but all I know is I have more contributions and I have done more in the company than a lot of people.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.