Bruce Prichard On Why The WCW Invasion Angle Didn’t Work In WWE

WWE Senior Vice President Bruce Prichard recently took to an episode of his “Something To Wrestle With” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including wanting to go back and not do the WCW Invasion angle.

Prichard said, “I wouldn’t have done [the WCW invasion]. The Kevin Nashs, the Hulk Hogans, Scott Hall, Sting, Ric Flair, all those guys — they weren’t coming. So, from our vantage point, we were not interested in the talent. We were interested in … the IP and … the TV slot on TNT.”

On why the angle didn’t work:

“I wouldn’t have done [the WCW invasion]. The Kevin Nashs, the Hulk Hogans, Scott Hall, Sting, Ric Flair, all those guys — they weren’t coming. So, from our vantage point, we were not interested in the talent. We were interested in … the IP and … the TV slot on TNT.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.