Former WWE Superstar Teases “The Greatest Return Of All Time” For This Year

Former WWE star Ryback commented on The Rock setting a social media record for WWE in a video posted to his YouTube channel.

“The Rock has just shattered WWE’s social media record with over 171 million views. This record was previously set by one CM Punk, aka Fragile Phil, with his return at Survivor Series. To his credit, 105 million views is pretty good, it’s not great but it’s pretty good. But The Rock has just come in and completely smashed that record to pieces. With all of this, the bar has been set. The ground work has been laid and a lot and I mean a lot of people are talking. From the lowest of the low marks, all the way to the best fans in the world.

And what everybody’s talking about is for the greatest, the greatest return of all time, this year. For when, finally, finally, ‘The Big Guy’ Ryback returns home and when I return home, I’m going to retire that piece of s*** Bill Goldberg once and for all.”