John Cena: “I Confidently Believe That I’m Not Done”

(Photo Credit: WWE)

John Cena appeared on today’s episode of WWE’s The Bump to discuss a variety of topics ahead of his tag team match at WWE Fastlane on Saturday.

Cena commented on what he wants to accomplish in this run:

“So selfishly, I said I wanted to make sure it’s not time to go yet. And I confidently believe that I’m not done. But I do believe that we’re all fighting that ticking clock and mine has less seconds than most other people in the locker room, from maybe oh two or even before zero to maybe Christmas. Even some are seen like I just want to say thank you. Thank you to the audience. Like a lot of times, we just go away and we don’t get a chance to say a proper thing like, Hey, thanks for allowing me to do this for so long. I pull no punches. I don’t exist without the audience. And I’m just really grateful for every single second. I’m really grateful. That’s why I can’t talk trash about it.”

You can check out the complete show below: