Konnan Almost Didn’t Make It In Time For AEW Dynamite Segment

On the June 26th 2021 edition of AEW Dynamite, Konnan made an appearance to build up the Pride and Powerful vs. FTR storyline. However, Konnan almost didn’t make it in time for the show.

Dave Meltzer of F4WOnline.com commented on what happened:

“Because of a curfew at the San Diego Airport, Konnan had to fly on Saturday to Orlando, drive to Jacksonville, which was two hours and got there 45 minutes before his segment started. He didn’t even know his segment until arriving so it was all put together not on the fly, but with almost no lead time.”

Konnan ended up having a face-to-face confrontation with Tully Blanchard which ended with Konnan taking a spiked piledriver from FTR: