Paul Walter Hauser Says He Has Spoken With Mick Foley About Playing Him On Screen

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Paul Walter Hauser, who has appeared for a number of pro wrestling promotions in the past, recently spoke with The Wrap on a number of topics including how he has spoke with WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley about playing him on screen.

Hauser said, “I’m literally talking to Mick Foley right now about the potential of playing him in a movie or limited series. I don’t know which and I don’t know how, but he and I have become friendly. And I think he knows that that could be a really great stroke of genius in casting me to play him.”

On being approached to play wrestlers before:

“A couple of people have approached me to potentially play different wrestlers in different projects, and for me, I just have to make sure that there’s a real story there and I’m not just doing it because I’m a fan… I’ve got to look enough like the guy. So, I don’t think I’ll be playing Steve Austin, but I could maybe play a Mick Foley or a Jim Neidhart,” Hauser opined.

On referencing the Dudleys in his Golden Globe speech:

“They’re in my tag team Mount Rushmore, for sure. Probably along with the Road Warriors, FTR and the Young Bucks, or Harlem Heat… My manager was the one who, anytime something good in my career would happen, like I’d book a role — he’d text me, ‘Get the tables.’ That became like a slogan or a mantra. So, I thought it’d be funny to drop it in my speech at the end.”

On the reaction to his speech:

“Even people who didn’t get wrestling were like, ‘Get the tables. What does that mean? Are you going out to eat? Are you going to a club? Are you going gambling at a casino?’… So, I kind of just want to win more acting awards so I can say, ‘Get the tables’ on television again.”