Randy Orton Believes This Is The Best Time To Be In The Wrestling Business

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE legend “The Viper” Randy Orton recently took part in a digital exclusive with the company to talk about a number of topics including fans at Backlash France singing his song.

Orton said, “Over there in France, Lyon, France, they were singing my song. And just to show you how impactful our fans all over the world can be, for the first time in almost 16 years that I’ve had that entrance music, they began to sing my song because they heard the people in France singing my song. So, it’s just an example of how impactful the WWE Universe is. It’s contagious. It really is. And I feel like the WWE right now, especially just each show, you can tell there’s just an energy that hasn’t been present really until this era.”

On having a mix of veterans and younger stars in WWE and how he believes this is the best time to be in the wrestling business:

“It’s very important when I was young was was, I hate to say the older guys, but that’s how it works, right? The older guys were there, the veterans, the guys that knew what the hell they were doing. And they helped us fix our mistakes. I mean, of course, Triple H, Ric Flair. Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Arn Anderson, Jack Lanza, my father, I mean, as you said, there’s a healthy mix. But there’s a lot less veterans, per young guys from there when I was coming up. So I think the guys that have been around like myself, we have our hands full with new talent. And the thing is this: there’s a lot of new talent. So the big task, big shoes to fill, as far as being a locker room leader and helping the younger guys, and I think that the future is very bright here in the WWE, and I’m so fortunate and so blessed to be a part of this time, this era now with Triple H at the helm. I feel like this is the best time to be in the business.”

You can check out Orton’s comments in the video below.