Steve Austin Asked If He Will Wrestle One More Match

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Hall of Famer, Stone Cold Steve Austin was the focus of Sunday night’s A&E Biography: WWE Legends. The show focused on Austin’s last match with Kevin Owens on WrestleMania 38’s first night, as well as his involvement with Pat McAfee and Vince McMahon on the second night.

Austin has never completely ruled out the possibility of returning to wrestling, and he has hinted that he might be willing to do so under certain conditions. Earlier this year, there were rumors that Austin would return to the ring, and he was supposed to be involved in the Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes match, but that never happened.

When asked on A&E’s Biography about possibly wrestling one more match, Austin said the following:

“If I never get in the ring again in my life, I’m 100%. I walked away. I’m happy with what I did. There’s people who have done more or lasted longer. I had a pretty good run and I’m pretty happy with it. So, I ain’t got nothing to prove to nobody.”

Some will interpret that as a yes because he did not explicitly say no. Austin does not require the money, but if he does return for one final match, CM Punk would be the most likely opponent. Punk has been looking forward to this match for years, and Austin is willing to put his trust in him. They are also good friends. Time will tell.