The Rock Says He Is The “Hottest Heel Professional Wrestling Has Seen In The Last 20 Years”

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson will appear on the April 1st, 2024 edition of WWE RAW in Brooklyn, NY. Leading up to the event, Rock posted the following message on his social media accounts.

“The Rock has made pro wrestling cool and exciting – again. The Rock has made pro wrestling unpredictable and he’s changed the game and raised the bar – again. The Rock is THE most electric, disruptive, distinctive, and hottest heel professional wrestling has seen in the last 20 years.

You’re Welcome.
F*ck off crybabies.

Mama Rhodes ~ The Rock has a very special belt being made just for you.

Your tears.
Cody’s blood.
My hands.

I’ll see you soon, Mama Rhodes…

~ Final Boss