The Undertaker Recalls The Time He Was Chopped By Haku

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker recently took to an episode of his Six Feet Under podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including the time he was chopped by Haku.

Undertaker said, “It was one of those moments like, I just did it and then it dawned on me who I had just grabbed and I’m thinking to myself, ’cause I whipped him around — I didn’t tater him — but they were in the middle of getting some heat and I came out of it ’cause I didn’t like getting chopped. It was in that moment of like [I thought], ‘Oh s***, this is Haku.’”

On Haku liking him:

“Thank goodness he loved me, and he liked me ’cause he just went with it and he didn’t kill me.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.