WWE PR Rep Told Reporter “What A Dumb Thing To Do” For Asking Triple H About Drew Gulak

As PWMania.com previously reported, Paul “Triple H” Levesque was asked about reports that Drew Gulak had been released from WWE during the 2024 WWE Backlash: France PLE press conference.

In an discussion with PostWrestling.com, reporter Lucas Charpiot made the following claim after asking Triple H a question:

“One of the PR (public relations rep), as soon as I asked my question to Triple H, said to me ‘what a dumb thing to do’. So I knew there was going to be backlash online… Yes. (Somebody from WWE PR said it was dumb to ask my question) Right after I asked it, he looked at me and said ‘what a dumb thing to do’” (quote courtesy of WrestlePurists.com)

In response to Charpiot’s comments, entertainment writer Herb Scribner shared his thoughts on attending a WWE media event via Twitter/X:

“This tracks with what I experienced at WrestleMania. The PR team called on specific people, reporters weren’t allowed into the presser despite being told to attend it, different reps had different attitudes and directions. Just seemed like a mess. I asked a PR person if all questions were on the table and he responded with a yes, but also joked about the show’s overall vibe being positive. Just a fascinating press/PR situation there.”

“Seeing this is getting some views so I’ll just add that my main PR rep was very apologetic to some of the issues and helped me get some extra coverage that others wouldn’t allow. I also heard through the grapevine that the PR team had fewer members than in years past, which may account for some of the misunderstandings!”

“Also should add that some reporters attended the presser, but some were denied entry even with credentials due to space reasons.”