WWE RAW Review – March 11, 2024

WWE Raw Review – March 11, 2024

Kicking off this week’s Raw with rapper Travis Scott arriving earlier in the day and being greeted by Jey Uso.

Drew McIntyre says World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins couldn’t help himself and had to accept 2 WrestleMania 40 main events back 2 back this past Friday on Smackdown. He says the bigger picture isn’t him, Rollins or Cody Rhodes but The Rock. He says professional wrestling went from carnivals to arenas to stadiums and the next progression is to work with one of the most powerful people on Earth. He says he understands Rhodes’ issues with The Rock but says Rollins thinks everything revolves around him when it doesn’t. He says he will be a future champion for fans to invest in and be proud of.

Rollins’ music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He tells McIntyre to be quiet and says he’s been begging for his attention. He says he’s been thinking about McIntyre landing a Claymore on him last week and it got his attention then dares McIntyre to land a 2nd Claymore on him and kneels down in the center of the ring. He stands back up and turns around explaining he’s doing so for McIntyre to be the coward he is.

McIntyre says he just wants to talk to Rollins, and says he was right about him needing to move on from The Bloodline. He says he loves when Rollins gets serious, and he wants to go after The Bloodline when he gets involved in his business. He says all a champion should care about is the title they hold and the brand they’re on. He says he gave Rollins the advice that Rollins once gave him but Rollins chose not to listen because all he cares about is himself.

Rollins says McIntyre is starting to remind him of CM Punk and says he’s gone on for years about everything The Bloodline has cost him up until a few weeks ago. He says McIntyre is looking to be an honorary member of The Bloodline from where he stands and questions if McIntyre could’ve beaten Rhodes or Jey Uso without The Bloodline. He says he thinks McIntyre would love for The Bloodline to cost him the World Heavyweight Title and align himself with The Rock but says it won’t happen then says he & Rhodes will take down The Bloodline at Night 1 of WrestleMania and when the 2 of them stand in the ring 1 on 1 at Night 2 of WrestleMania. He says he’ll land the Curb Stomp and all McIntyre will hear after is fans singing his song.

McIntyre says Rollins wants him to put him out of his misery and says he needs to beat Rollins at WrestleMania. He says nothing can provoke him and looks to head to the back. Rollins stops him and says the reason he hasn’t paid attention to McIntyre on The Road To WrestleMania is because he’s at the bottom of the list of his issues. McIntyre tries fighting himself and marches back down to the ring but opts to storm to the back instead.

A Chad Gable video package aired about his quest to win the Intercontinental Title and how it just means more.

Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan

Match starts off with a lock up then Liv Morgan shoves Becky Lynch in the corner and Lynch sends Morgan crashing into the mat.

Morgan responds with a shoulder tackle but Lynch sends Morgan crashing into the mat.

They exchange slaps before Lynch sends Morgan crashing into the top turnbuckles.

Morgan then ends up on the outside and Lynch looks to fly but Morgan moves out of the way and connects with a tope suicida on Lynch as we go to a break.

After the break Morgan hits a pair of shoulder tackles to Lynch in the center of the ring and follows it up with an enzuigiri.

She kips up and lands a hip attack in the corner but Lynch lands a kick on her and follows it up with a t bone suplex and a 2nd suplex.

She hits a dropkick to Morgan on the outside through the bottom rope and lands a right hand on her from the apron then gets her back in the ring and ascends to the top rope.

Lynch looks to fly but Morgan catches her with a Codebreaker mid air.

Lynch & Morgan then take turns landing forearms on one another before Morgan hits a springboard Codebreaker and goes for a pin.

Lynch kicks out and drags Morgan onto the apron then looks to hit a German suplex to her on the floor but Morgan escapes and lands a kick.

She then pulls Lynch off the apron with a powerbomb and dumps her back in the ring she joins her in there and goes for a pin but Lynch kicks out.

Morgan then rolls Lynch up but Lynch kicks out once again and lands Manhandle Slam.

She looks to pin her but Morgan rolls out of the ring as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Lynch plants Morgan and locks in an armbar before Lynch & Morgan pin one another before Morgan lands ObLIVion.

Lynch rolls out of the ring before Morgan can pin her but Morgan gets Lynch back inside the ring and looks to fly.

Morgan charges at Lynch in the corner but Lynch ducks out of the way.

Morgan then looks to fly off the top rope but Lynch counters into a Manhandle Slam for the win.

Winner: Becky Lynch

After the match Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Morgan puts Ripley on notice as they pass each other on the ramp. Ripley then joins Lynch in the ring and congratulates her on her win against Morgan. She asks Lynch if it was worth it and says Lynch keeps getting into fight every week. She says she leaves everything she has in the ring as WrestleMania gets closer and closer. She says Lynch says she fights for the fans and for her family but the real reason she fights is because she knows that she isn’t the best in WWE because she’s better than her. Ripley says Lynch keeps accepting matches every week so she has an excuse as to why she didn’t dethrone her as Women’s World Champion and says Lynch will walk out of WrestleMania as a disappointment rather than The Man.

Lynch recalls looking Ripley in the eye and telling her she needed to beat her to prove to herself that she’s still got it. She says she’s good when people believe in her but she’s great when people doubt her. She says if it’s her against the whole world then the world doesn’t stand a chance.

We then head backstage to a video from Adam Pearce & Nick Aldis. Pearce introduces himself & Aldis & Aldis then announces that Judgment Day will be defending the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles in a 6 Pack Ladder Match at WrestleMania 40.

We then head backstage to Judgment Day’s lounge where an enraged JD McDonagh, Damian Priest & Finn Balor storm off to talk to Pearce after watching the announcement.

Tag Team Match
Indi Hartwell & Candice LeRae vs. Maxxine Dupri & Ivy Nile

Indi Hartwell & Ivy Nile lock up before Candice LeRae hits a cheap kick to Nile’s spine from the apron and tags in.

Maxxine Dupri & Hartwell then tag in and Dupri hits a kick to Hartwell’s head.

She follows it up with an enzuigiri and dropkicks Hartwell into the corner then hits a running splash and looks to land The Caterpillar.

LeRae blocks her path and gets in Dupri’s face then she mocks her before Dupri walks into a boot from Hartwell for the win.

Winners: Indi Hartwell & Candice LeRae

Backstage Adam Pearce & Nick Aldis spoke about the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles Ladder match at WrestleMania and said there will be 3 challenging teams from Raw and 2 from Smackdown. Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest & Finn Balor stormed into the office with JD McDonagh and complained about the match. Priest demanded to know whose idea it was. Pearce said they had a conversation with Awesome Truth.

Priest calls for a match against them. Pearce said Awesome Truth were not at Raw because they were doing media. Truth walks into the room and didn’t realize it was Monday. Priest told Pearce to make the match.

Michael Cole throws it to a video of 2024 Royal Rumble Winner Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins accepting The Bloodline’s challenge to their WrestleMania Tag Team Match on Friday.

Cole then introduces Rhodes and he makes his way down to the ring. Cole asks Rhodes what he wants to talk about then says The Rock made it clear on Friday that he was Rhodes’ boss. He asks Rhodes why he slapped The Rock despite him threatening his career and Rhodes says The Rock isn’t his boss but if he is, it felt good to slap him. He says that slap was a receipt and Cole asks why he & Seth Rollins agreed to the WrestleMania tag team match ahead of his Undisputed WWE Universal Title Match the following night with a major stipulation on the line. Cole then reminds Rhodes that he & Rollins have a long history and says he wants to the top World Champion in WWE. He suggests that Rollins may want to be the one to topple Reigns and asks Rhodes how he trusts Rollins.

Rhodes says people change and says he smashed the throne when he went off in the distance. He says the person who sat on his throne is now his closest ally and says despite their issues Rollins has always had his respect. He says this is his one shot to get a fair singles match against Reigns then throws it to a video of Cole asking Rhodes if his story will end up like Dusty Rhodes did coming up short for a World Title and Rhodes says it’s a good question. He admits to being nervous or scared about facing Reigns but the story is no longer about him and Reigns. He says it’s now about the fans as well the young fans who look up to him and his family. He says he can win the Undisputed WWE Universal Title to hand it to his mother and for his wife Brandi Rhodes. He says the story is beyond him but it’s still up to him.

Rhodes then directly addresses Reigns and says he said they were in the 3rd inning last year He says they’re now in the final inning and tells Cole that he will be able to not only say that a Rhodes is Undisputed WWE Universal Champion at WrestleMania but that he finished the story as well.

We get Ricochet & JD McDonagh video packages aired to set up their involvement in the Gauntlet Match

Footage aired of the legends who have won the Intercontinental Title.

After the break we see Becky Lynch find Liv Morgan and offer her hand to her. Morgan shakes it but Nia Jax attacks them. She sends Morgan crashing into a road case and hits Manhandle Slam to Lynch through a table. Officials then run in to check on Lynch & Morgan.

We get a brief pre taped promo aired of Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark talking about winning the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Women’s Tag Team Titles Match
Kabuki Warriors (Kairi Sane & Asuka) (c) vs. Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark

Asuka & Zoey Stark lock up before Stark lands a dropkick on Asuka then tags in Shayna Baszler.

Baszler fires off a few kicks on Asuka’s chest but Asuka catches one and trips Baszler.

She returns the favor but Baszler catches one of her kicks and cinches in an Ankle Lock before Kairi Sane tags in and sends her crashing into the mat.

Stark tags back in and Baszler hits a German suplex to Sane.

Stark lands a kick on Sane’s jaw then takes a cheap shot on Asuka on the apron and flies to level Kabuki Warriors on the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Stark hits a pair of clotheslines to Sane and follows it up with a flying back elbow. She lands a kick on Sane’s head then whips her into the corner and hits a splash.

She sits Sane on the top rope and lands a few forearms then joins her up there.

Sane hits a headbutt to Stark to drape her from her knees off the top rope then hits a double stomp to her chest and goes for a pin but Stark kicks out and Sane lands a running kick.

Baszler & Asuka tag in and Baszler fires off strikes on Asuka before Asuka lands a back elbow on Baszler and tags in Sane. Asuka looks to hit a codebreaker but Baszler blocks it.

Sane helps Asuka by landing a blockbuster before Asuka tags back in and Kabuki Warriors land a running knee/running clothesline combination.

Asuka goes for a pin but Stark breaks the fall before Baszler lands a kick on Asuka’s head and tags in Stark.

Stark gets Asuka up on her shoulders but Asuka escapes and hits a German suplex.

Sane tags in and looks to land In Sane elbow as Asuka holds Stark in place but Stark escapes and delivers a kick to Sane’s head.

Stark then hits Z360 on Sane & Baszler lands a running knee on her then goes for a pin but Asuka breaks the fall.

Stark looks to fly over the top rope to try to take Asuka out on the outside but Asuka moves out of the way. Baszler locks in the Kirifuda Clutch on Sane but Sane counters into a pinfall.

Baszler transitions into a Sleeper but Dakota Kai grabs her ankle on the outside & this opens the door for Asuka to tag in and land a kick on Baszler’s head.

Sane then tags in and ascends to the top rope as Asuka holds Baszler in place then Sane connects with In Sane elbow for the win.

Winners & Still Women’s Tag Team Champions: Kabuki Warriors (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)

Backstage Judgement Day met with Andrade & Ripley said Dominik Mysterio wasn’t present but she invited him to meet and speak business. Andrade accepted the invitation then made his exit. Balor said he agrees with Mysterio about Andrade and said he brings a lot to the table. Priest said he wanted to focus on the 5 teams they’ll face at WrestleMania. Priest said it would start when he takes care of R Truth.

After the break Shinsuke Nakamura & Bronson Reed were featured in video packages for the Gauntlet Match.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest vs. R Truth

Damian Priest fires off stomps on R Truth in the corner then lands a right hand and an elbow strike but Truth responds with a kick to Priest’s face.

Priest lands a right hand on Truth and dumps him out of the ring then gloats as DIY runs down to the ring to cheer Truth on as Priest hops outside to join Truth.

He looks to send Truth crashing through the announce table with a Razor’s Edge but Truth escapes and sends him crashing into the ring post.

He then flies off the apron to level Priest as we go to a break.

After the break Priest lands an elevated flatliner on Truth and ascends to the top rope.

Truth trips him using the top rope and hits a pair of flying shoulder tackles.

He then sends Priest crashing into the mat and lands a right hand then gets Priest up on his shoulders and plants him with Death Valley Driver then goes for a pin but Priest kicks out.

Truth then locks in a STF but Finn Balor & JD McDonagh appear out of nowhere and begin brawling with DIY.

Truth flies off the top to level everyone on the outside but walks into a clothesline from Priest when he gets back in. Priest follows it up with South Of Heaven for the win.

Winner: Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest

After the match Balor & McDonagh beat down Johnny Gargano in the middle of the ring as Priest lands South Of Heaven on Tommaso Ciampa on the apron. Balor then ascends to the top rope and connects with a Coup De Grace to Gargano.

After the break we head over to a video from Becky Lynch challenging Nia Jax to a Last Woman Standing match next week.

Jey Uso says he’s now in Houston Texas and calls out Jimmy Uso. He says he came to Raw for a fresh start but The Bloodline or Jimmy won’t let him go. He then challenges Jimmy to a 1 on 1 match at WrestleMania and tells him to accept his challenge because he’ll knock the yeet out of him.

We then head over to a video recapping Gunther’s reign as Intercontinental Champion thus far.

Backstage Intercontinental Champion Gunther was interviewed by Jackie Redmond & she noted that he has held the Intercontinental Title for 640 days. Redmond said there are some who believe Gunther has become overconfident and might be underestimating the 6 men in the gauntlet match.

Gunther said it’s none of his concern. He said he beat Ricochet to become Intercontinental Champion and elevated the title to heights never seen before. Gunther said he’s flattered in knowing that 6 men would leave it all in the ring to earn the right to face him. Gunther wished good luck to whoever wins the gauntlet match.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Gauntlet Match
Shinsuke Nakamura vs. JD McDonagh vs. Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable vs. Sami Zayn vs. Ricochet

Ricochet vs. JD McDonagh

Match starts off with a lock up before JD McDonagh lands a back elbow on Ricochet but Ricochet responds with a dropkick and dumps McDonagh out of the ring.

McDonagh gets back in and Ricochet hits a crossbody to him back in the ring.

McDonagh counters into a Codebreaker and they land on the outside.

McDonagh sends Ricochet crashing into the barricade and they get back inside.

McDonagh sends Ricochet crashing into the top turnbuckle before he lands a chokeslam and a moonsault.

He follows it up with a leg drop but Ricochet lands a crossbody from the top rope and follows it up with a springboard moonsault.

McDonagh responds with a Brainbuster before they exchange strikes before McDonagh then lands a Spanish Fly as we go to a break.

After the break Ricochet hits a Death Valley Driver to McDonagh on the apron.

He hits a springboard moonsault and a suplex when he gets back in the ring then delivers a Brainbuster and goes for a pin.

McDonagh kicks out and sends Ricochet crashing into the ring post then fires off stomps on him and sits him on the top rope. He lands a chop and joins him up there.

Ricochet fights McDonagh off and ascends to the top rope then hits a Shooting Star Press to eliminate McDonagh.

Winner: Ricochet

Ricochet vs. Bronson Reed

Ricochet surprises him with a tope suicida then gets him in the ring and hits a dropkick off the top that sends him out of the other side before he flies over the top to level him.

He connects with an enzuigiri and looks to fly but Reed catches him and hits him with a slam. Ricochet lands a 2nd enzuigiri but Reed plants him and lands a running senton.

He ascends to the top rope and connects with Tsunami for the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed

Bronson Reed vs. Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn sends Reed crashing to the outside right out of the gate.

He fires off chops on him but Reed responds with a headbutt to him and looks to send him crashing into the barricade.

Zayn lands on top of it and hits a moonsault as we go to a 2nd break.

After the break Reed hits a jumping knee to Zayn then follows it up with a twisting neckbreaker then goes for a pin but Zayn kicks out.

Reed looks to land a running senton but Zayn avoids it and hits a back elbow then looks to land a 2nd elbow off the middle rope but Reed catches him and hits a chokeslam.

He follows it up with an elbow drop and gets Zayn up on his shoulders as he ascends to the middle rope. Zayn counters into a sunset flip powerbomb to eliminate Reed.

Winner: Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Reed clocks Zayn from behind then ascends to the top rope and hits Tsunami to Zayn as Nakamura slowly saunters down to the ring & looks to hit a Kinshasa but Zayn rolls him up.

Nakamura kicks out and hits a kick to Zayn’s head then follows it up with a running knee on the outside that sends Zayn crashing over the announce table as we go to a 3rd break.

After the 3rd break Nakamura fires off kicks on Zayn’s chest but Zayn catches one but Nakamura lands an enzuigiri on him.

Zayn responds with a Blue Thunder Bomb but Nakamura lands a 2nd enzuigiri and sets up for Kinshasa but Zayn avoids it and Nakamura hits a kick to his spine.

He looks to fly off the middle rope but Zayn moves out of the way and lands Helluva Kick for the win.

Winner: Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn vs. Chad Gable

Chad Gable lands a pair of German suplexes on Zayn then looks to hit a 3rd but Zayn blocks it.

Gable cinches in an Ankle Lock but Zayn makes his way to the bottom rope to break the hold.

Gable locks it in a 2nd time on the outside but Zayn sends him crashing into the ring steps to escape as we go to a 4th break.

After the 4th break Zayn & Gable teeter on the top rope then Gable hits a superplex to Zayn and goes for a pin but Zayn kicks out.

Gable ascends back up to the top rope and Zayn joins him up there before Gable fires off back elbows to fight Zayn off then hits a moonsault.

Zayn gets his knees up and counters into a pinfall but Gable kicks out.

Zayn & Gable then fire off strikes on one another and Zayn hits a boot. Gable cinches in an Ankle Lock on Zayn but Zayn makes his way over to the bottom rope to break the hold.

Zayn lands an exploder on Gable in the corner and looks to land a Helluva Kick but his ankle gives out and Gable takes advantage by cinching another Ankle Lock.

Zayn looks to escape by landing a boot on Gable’s jaw but Zayn makes it up to his feet.

Gable releases the hold and lands a German suplex then looks to hit a moonsault off the top rope.

Zayn avoids it and connects with a Helluva Kick then crawls his way over to Gable to pin him as Gable counters into a pin of his own but Zayn kicks out.

Gable fires off strikes on Zayn and lands a German suplex then locks in another Ankle Lock but Zayn reverses into a roll up for the win.

Winner & #1 Contender To The Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn

After the match Zayn hugs Gable as a sign of respect before Intercontienetal Champion Gunther then appears at ringside and stares Zayn down from the ramp to close out this week’s Raw.

Next Week’s Raw

Last Woman Standing Match
Becky Lynch vs. Nia Jax

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles Qualifying Match
New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. Alpha Academy (Otis & Akira Tozawa)

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles Qualifying Match
DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano) vs. Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus)

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles Qualifying Match
Awesome Truth (The Miz & R Truth) vs. Indus Sher (Veer Mahaan & Sanga)

Updated WrestleMania 40 Card So Far (April 6th & 7th)

Night 1 (April 6th)

The Bloodline (Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns & The Rock) vs. World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins & 2024 Royal Rumble Winner Cody Rhodes (If The Bloodline wins the Night 2 Match under Bloodline Rules & if Rollins & Rhodes win The Bloodline is banned from ringside)

Night 2 (April 7th)

Undisputed WWE Universal Title Match
Roman Reigns (c) vs. 2024 Royal Rumble Winner Cody Rhodes

World Heavyweight Title Match
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

Nights TBD

Women’s Title Match
Iyo Sky (c) vs. 2024 Women’s Royal Rumble Winner Bayley

Women’s World Title Match
Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Becky Lynch

Intercontinental Title Match
Gunther (c) vs. Sami Zayn

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles Fatal 6 Way Ladder Match
Judgement Day (Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest & Finn Balor) (c) vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) or Alpha Academy (Otis & Akira Tozawa) vs. DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano) or Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus) vs. Awesome Truth (The Miz & R Truth) or Indus Sher (Veer Mahaan & Sanga) vs. TBD vs. TBD