WWE SmackDown Review – July 7, 2023

WWE Smackdown Review – July 7, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Smackdown with a video recapping the match between The Usos & The Bloodline at Money In The Bank.

Jey Uso says The Usos are now in New York before Jimmy Uso says it feels good. He says people said to them that Roman Reigns couldn’t be beat and Jey says that’s exactly what happened on Saturday.

Paul Heyman & Solo Sikoa then appear on the ramp and Heyman introduces himself. He says he will serve as defense for Roman Reigns and The Usos tell him to pipe down. Heyman says The Usos don’t get to tell him when to stop talking because only one man can do that. Sikoa then puts his hand over Heyman’s mic and cuts him off. He grabs it out of his hand and tosses it onto the mat before staring down his brothers.

Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns’ music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring as we go to a break.

After the break Reigns tells Madison Square Garden to acknowledge him. He says while he got pinned on Saturday, the last time he checked, he was still Tribal Chief. He says neither of The Usos can call themselves that and says he’s having trouble understanding why he’s here tonight. He says Tribal Court isn’t official unless he calls for it and asks The Usos who has the authority to call him out and put him on trial.

Jey says himself & Jimmy won’t be manipulated like they always are then throw it to Exhibit A a video of Reigns yelling and mistreating The Usos & Paul Heyman for their perceived wrongdoings on a number of occasions.

Reigns defends himself and says the person in the video is not who he is. He says he was forced to be that way, and denies that he wanted to do any of that. He tells Jimmy, Jey, and Sikoa that he did it for them, then says he didn’t need The Bloodline. He says he put himself in situations for his cousins, and says The Usos compiled footage of his worst moments to embarrass him. He says he has enough responsibility as is, and says he didn’t need the responsibility of caring for Jimmy and Jey’s families. He says he doesn’t want or need the responsibilities of Tribal Chief anymore and says he’s done.

Reigns tells Jey the Undisputed WWE Universal Title is his if he wants it then takes off his lei and places it around Jey’s neck. He rips off the title across his waist and tosses it aside then gets on his knees in front of Jey and begins crying. He then blindsides Jey and low blows him which leads to Jimmy beating him down. Sikoa tosses Jimmy off Reigns and levels him with a Samoan Spike then picks up the lei and looks to reluctantly hand it over to Reigns. Jey jumps Reigns before he can, but Sikoa catches him with Spinning Solo. Reigns then levels Jimmy with a Superman Punch.

The Usos are dumped to the outside. Sikoa clears the announce table as Reigns beats down Jimmy. Jey tries to help his brother but Sikoa takes him out and ties him up in the ropes forcing him to watch what’s about to happen to Jimmy. Reigns tells Jey he will never be Tribal Chief then picks up his Undisputed WWE Universal Title and clocks Jimmy with it then repeatedly hits him with it and grabs the ring steps. He clocks Jimmy in the face with them twice and holds up the 1 symbol.

Jey breaks free and attacks Reigns but Sikoa takes him out with a Samoan Spike and tosses him over the announce table. Reigns tells Sikoa to finish The Usos & Sikoa drapes Jimmy on top of it. Officials head out to try and gain some order as Sikoa stands up on top of the barricade. Sikoa hits Jimmy with a Frog Splash leaving himself, Reigns & Heyman standing tall. Heyman then drapes the lei around Reigns’ neck and Reigns holds his Undisputed WWE Universal Title above his head.

After the break we see Jimmy loaded into an ambulance with Jey closely following him.

United States Title Match
Austin Theory (c) vs. Sheamus

Sheamus wastes no time as he sends Austin Theory crashing into the corner and gets him up on his shoulders but Theory escapes. Sheamus then lands an Irish Curse Backbreaker then dumps him out of the ring and levels him as we go to a break.

After the break Theory delivers 10 Beats Of The Bodhran to Sheamus but Sheamus catches his arm then delivers a flying shoulder tackle through the ropes before ascending to the top and delivering a knee then goes for a pin but Theory kicks out.

Theory then lands a stomp and climbs up to the top but Sheamus catches him with an uppercut and meets him up there but Theory escapes and gets Sheamus up on his shoulders before he plants him with a modified sit out powerbomb as we go to a another break.

After the 2nd break Sheamus sets up for the Celtic Cross but Theory escapes. Sheamus then catches him with a powerbomb and locks in the Cloverleaf but Pretty Deadly runs down forcing Sheamus to relinquish the hold. Sheamus levels Kit Wilson and delivers 10 Beats Of The Bodhran to Elton Prince.

Theory looks to take advantage and hits A Town Down but Sheamus escapes and delivers a knee. Brawling Brutes run down and look to take care of Theory but Wilson manages to hop up on the apron and distracts Sheamus & this opens the door for Theory to roll him up for the win.

Winner & Still United States Champion: Austin Theory (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)

After the break Grayson Waller welcomes fans to The Grayson Waller Effect and introduces Edge.

Edge’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.

Waller asks Edge to share his big announcement with the world and Edge asks what he’s referring to. He says it’s his 25th Anniversary in WWE. Waller pushes him to make his announcement and Edge is confused. Waller asks why he made his return to WWE, and Edge says it’s because of the fans. He says he goes way back with New York City and reminisces on the matches he’s had in Madison Square Garden. He says New York City has always welcomed him with open arms and says he is a hard worker and big dreamer like the people in the city.

Waller then makes Edge’s big announcement and says he’s retiring. He demands Madison Square Garden get on their feet and bows down to him. Edge says someone sees something in Waller but he hasn’t had a match on the main roster and tells him it’s time to sink or swim. He says he isn’t retiring and in fact, he got himself a match against Waller.

Michael Cole then announces that Jimmy Uso is currently being evaluated at a local medical facility.

AJ Styles vs. Karrion Kross

Karrion Kross catches AJ Styles with a clothesline then follows it up with a series of right hands then sets up for the Kross Jacket but Styles blocks it with a jawbreaker and a Pele Kick then delivers a forearm and sets up for the Phenomenal Forearm.

Scarlett looks to pull him off the apron but Michin levels her and tosses her into the barricade as Kross looks to take advantage and get Styles on his shoulders but Styles escapes and lands the Phenomenal Forearm for the win.

Winner: AJ Styles

Women’s Champion Asuka says no one is ready for her, but before she can continue Bianca BelAir runs down to the ring and rains down right hands. Charlotte Flair’s music hits and she runs down. She sends BelAir into the ring apron spine first but Asuka catches a baseball dropkick. Ms Money In The Bank Iyo Sky alongside Bayley blindsides Asuka and hits her with her Money In The Bank briefcase then delivers the Over The Moonsault and tells Bayley to cash in her Money In The Bank briefcase but BelAir pulls her out of the ring. Flair then catches Sky with a big boot.

Edge vs. Grayson Waller

Match starts off with a lock up then Edge delivers a pair of shoulder tackles and a gutbuster then delivers a kick to Grayson Waller’s midsection and plants him on the mat. He follows it up with a fallaway slam and sets up for a Spear but Waller catches him with a knee and dumps him out of the ring as we go to a break.

After the break Waller delivers a DDT off the middle rope to Edge. He fires off several knees on his head but Edge responds with a series of right hands to Waller’s midsection and head.

Waller delivers another knee to Edge’s midsection then lands a double ax handle and ascends to the middle rope.

Edge trips him and sits him on the top rope then joins him up there on the middle rope. He rains down right hands before Waller sends him crashing into the mat face first.

Waller looks to go flying off the middle rope but Edge gets his knees up in time and lands a boot. He follows it up with a flapjack and a powerbomb to Waller on the outside. He tosses Waller back inside then ascends to the top and delivers a splash. Waller delivers an Unprettier to Edge then delivers a series of kicks to his midsection.

Waller gets Edge up on his shoulders and looks to plant him but Edge escapes and delivers an elevated DDT then he sets up for a Spear but Waller sends him crashing into the ring post and slides out of the ring as he tries to go for the Rolling Stunner he gets lay out with a Spear for the win.

Winner: Edge

After the match Edge grabs a mic and tells Waller he swam tonight.

We then head backstage to The Bloodline in Roman Reigns’ dressing room. Paul Heyman informs Jey Uso that he is back at Madison Square Garden and is looking for him. Reigns tells Heyman that Jey won’t have to wait long because he’ll be waiting for him in the ring.

After the break Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman & Solo Sikoa are waiting in the ring.

Reigns tells Madison Square Garden and all of New York to acknowledge him but before he can continue The Usos’ music hits. Jey heads down to the ring through the crowd.

Sikoa looks to attack Jey but Jey beats him to it and sends him into the ring post face first. He stares down Reigns then grabs a chair and cracks it across Reigns’ spine. He looks to do it again but Sikoa grabs the chair out of his hand. Jey lands a superkick as Reigns slides out of the ring then hits Sikoa with the chair repeatedly.

Jey grabs Reigns’ Undisputed WWE Universal Title and a mic then says Reigns took Jimmy from him. He says Reigns is looking at the judge, the jury and executioner of his trial in Tribal Court then says it’s now trial by combat. He challenges him to a 1 on 1 match and tells Reigns to accept his challenge.