Drew McIntyre Addresses CM Punk Returning To WWE

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Drew McIntyre discussed CM Punk’s return to WWE during an appearance on WWE’s The Bump.

He said, “I obviously recognize he’s big for business, he’s a huge name. He draws a lot of eyeballs, that’s very clear when you just look at the numbers. I’m a bigger picture person. I tend to use that criminology degree and look at, beyond all reasonable doubt, look at the evidence, and I’m not going to go into great details right now because now is not the time, but what I said on Raw is there are so few people on the current roster that have been on the same roster as him for years and years. I signed when I was 22, I was actually 21 when I signed, but I was on television when I was 22 in 2007. I spent years. I was around the person, I know the person. I know what he’s truly like. I’m aware. It’s cool. It does numbers. That’s awesome for right now.

I’m going to wait and see right now because I can’t control who gets signed and who doesn’t. I have stories, I’m going to keep them to myself, and in the future, if we cross paths, I ain’t the same guy I was in 2010. I’m a lot bigger, smarter, more experienced and I’ll drop his ass.”

You can check out the complete show below:

(quote courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)