NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors Night 7 Results – May 21, 2024

NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors Night 7 Results – May 21, 2024

Location: Hyogo Japan
Venue: Arcrea Himeji

Tag Team Match
Los Ingobernables De Japon (Hiromu Takahashi & Yota Tsuji) vs. Katsuya Murashima & Shoma Kato

Yota Tsuji & Shoma Kato starts this match before Kato tried some chops that Tsuji completely no sold and Tsuji hits him with a chop.

Katsuya Murashima hits some nice dropkicks on Tsuji before Kato locks in a Boston Crab on Tsuji.

Tsuji hits a backbreaker over his knee and a Curb Stomp to get the win.

Winners: Los Ingobernables De Japon (8:31)
Rate: 5

Tag Team Match
House Of Torture (Junior Heavyweight Champion Sho & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. Just 5 Guys (Taka Michinoku & Douki)

Just 5 Guys works over Sho early on before Yujiro Takahashi choked Taka Michinoku in a corner and slams him back first into an exposed corner.

Douki hits a clothesline on Sho and they were both down.

Michinoku hits a running knee on Takahashi for a near fall.

He locks in a Crossface and cranked back on Takahashi’s head.

Takahashi hits a low blow on Michinoku then Pimp Juice for the win.

Winners: House Of Torture (7:58)
Rate: 3

6 Man Tag Team Match
Bullet Club (Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Drilla Moloney, Taiji Ishimori & Gedo) vs. Dragon Dia, Ninja Mack & Kushida

Taiji Ishimori & Ninja Mack starts this match and Mack rotated to his feet on a hurricanrana attempt. Kushida & Drilla Moloney tagged in.

Dragon Dia enters and hits a running Shooting Star Press on Moloney.

Moloney stole Dia’s skateboard and badly rode on it in the ring.

We saw Gedo grab the hammer for the ring bell and hits someone with it on the floor.

Bullet Club works over Kushida in their corner before Kushida hits a handspring back double elbow.

Mack made the hot tag and hit a diving European uppercut on Ishimori.

Gedo enters and traded blows with Dragon Dia.

Dia hits slingshot corkscrew senton then Mack hits Sasuke Special to the floor.

Dia leapt off the 2nd rope and hits DDDDT on Gedo for the win.

Winners: Dragon Dia, Ninja Mack & Kushida (8:55)
Rate: 6

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
TJP (2) vs. Kosei Fujita (4)

TJP must win to remain in contention.

Match starts off with a lock up and Kosei Fujita applied a cross armbreaker.

TJP escaped and locks in a Sharpshooter.

TJP snaps Fujita’s left arm backward and Fujita immediately sold the pain in his arm.

TJP hits a facewash in the corner and was in charge.

TJP applied a Boston Crab and he stood up to make it a pendulum.

Fujita hits a spin kick to the head and they were both down.

Fujita hits a springboard dropkick for a near fall then a Penalty Kick for a near fall.

TJP hits an inverted DDT then a Mamba Splash for a near fall.

TJP hits some rolling snap suplexes before Fujita hits a German suplex.

TJP locks in Octopus stretch but Fujita reached the ropes.

TJP hits a back suplex and he was fired up. Fujita hit another German suplex for a near fall.

TJP locks in Pinoy Stretch and Fujita taps out.

Winner By Submission: TJP (4) (12:13)
Rate: 6

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Clark Connors (6) vs. Bushi (4)

Clark Connors & Bushi charged at each other at the bell and traded blows.

Connors hits Jeep Flip and he choked Bushi with a shirt.

They went to the floor where Connors whips him into the ring post and he began untying Bushi’s mask.

In the ring Connors grounded him and was in charge before Bushi hits a dive through the ropes.

In the ring Bushi hits a Lungblower to the back then a dropkick on the knee.

Connors hits a powerslam and they were both down.

Bushi hits another dropkick on the knee and he tied up Connors’ legs in a modified Figure 4 but Connors reached the ropes. Bushi hits a dropkick to the jaw.

Connors caught him with a spear out of nowhere for a near fall.

He set up for No Chaser but Bushi escaped before Connors hits No Chaser for the win.

Winner: Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Clark Connors (8) (8:46)
Rate: 6

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Blake Christian (8) vs. Hayata (4)

Match starts off with some mat reversals and a feeling out process early on.

Blake Christian hits a backbreaker over his knee then a Fosbury Flop to the floor.

He stood up and give the fans the middle finger.

Christian ties Hayata’s arms around the ring post then snaps Hayata’s arm as he slams him onto the ring apron.

In the ring Christian was in charge and focused on the left arm before Hayata hits a dropkick.

Christian hits a dropkick that sent Hayata to the floor but Christian was selling a leg injury and he landed awkwardly on a plancha attempt.

Back in the ring Hayata immediately tied up Christian’s legs on the mat.

Christian hits Divorce Court and a knee drop on that damaged arm but was still selling the leg injury. Hayata hits an enzuigiri then a moonsault for a near fall.

Christian hits a springboard dropkick onto Hayata’s arm then a mid ring Spanish Fly.

Christian missed a top rope 450 Splash and it damaged the leg more.

They traded roll ups unit Hayata got one to stick to get the win.

Winner: Hayata (6) (10:20)
Rate: 6

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Kevin Knight (6) vs. Titan (6)

Match starts off with some quick reversals before Kevin Knight hits a springboard clothesline then a plancha.

Knight hits a splash to the mat for a near fall then they traded superkicks.

Knight hit a dropkick before Titan hits a dive through the ropes.

In the ring Knight hits Sky High before they traded forearm strikes while on their knees then while standing. Knight slams him to the mat for a near fall.

Knight set up for a Spike DDT but Titan turned it into a back body drop.

Knight hit a Pele Kick then a jump up Frankensteiner for a near fall.

Titan hits a springboard tornado DDT and a Buzzsaw Kick then a top rope double stomp for a near fall.

He tied up Knight’s legs & leaned back and locks in Jave Immortal.

Knight tried to reach the ropes but Titan captured the arms and Knight verbally submitted.

Winner By Submission: Titan (8) (8:24)
Rate: 7

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
El Desperado (6) vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru (4)

Match starts off with quick reversals and a stand off before El Desperado tied up the left leg on the mat.

They went to the floor where Kanemaru slams Desperado’s hand on the floor.

In the ring Kanemaru kept Desperado grounded and works the arm.

Desperado hits some dragon screw and he applied a leg lock on the mat and Kanemaru screamed in pain.

Desperado hits a Russian leg sweep and they were both down.

Kanemaru hits a top rope moonsault for a near fall and he applied a hammerlock.

Kanemaru hits a 2nd rope flying DDT for a near fall.

Desperado hits a suplex and they were both down.

Kanemaru whips Desperado into the ref in the corner and suddenly all 3 were down.

Kanemaru got his whiskey bottle but Desperado hit a forearm strike and the alcohol flew to the side. Desperado hit a spinebuster then Pinche Loco for the win.

Winner: El Desperado (8) (16:57)
Rate: 6

Block A Standings After Night 7

1st Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Clark Connors, El Desperado, Blake Christian & Titan (8 Points) (4-2)

2nd Place- Kevin Knight & Hayata (6 Points) (3-3)

Last Place- Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Kosei Fujita, Bushi & TJP (4 Points) (2-4)