Tate Mayfairs Open For OTT Wrestling Appearance, Says It Is On His Radar

Indie star and TNT World Champion Tate Mayfairs recently spoke with Fightful’s Corey Brennan on a number of topics including how he would be open in appearing for OTT Wrestling and how that has been on his radar.

Mayfairs said, “Absolutely.” “OTT is on the radar, 100%. I ain’t going to lie, I got a bit jealous. I have had on my list for this year, I wrote down Nick Nemeth. That’s a name I want. I saw he’s over there. It’s good for the lads.”

“I think Dereiss and LJ have got him, right? Wish it was me instead. But very happy for them. Like, both those things will come come about i’m sure of it. OTT, I’ll be there eventually.”

You can check out Mayfairs’ comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)