Wrestling Revolver Another Friday Results – May 17, 2024

Wrestling Revolver Another Friday Results – May 17, 2024

Myron Reed defeated Mike Bailey via Springboard 450 Splash (13:40)

Revolver World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) defeated Trent Seven via Shell Shock (13:19) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

Fatal 7 Way Match
Ace Austin defeated Brayden Lee, Brett Ryan Gosselin, Jeffrey John, Landon Hale, Rickey Shane Page & Fulton via The Fold on Fulton (8:41)

Ethan Page defeated Damian Chambers via Ego’s Edge (7:49)

Rich Swann defeated Jake Crist via Lethal Injection (12:00)

No Disqualification Match
Brent Oakley defeated Steve Maclin via Roll Up (11:01)

6 Person Tag Team Match
Zachary Wentz, Masha Slamovich & Crash Jaxon defeated The Unit (Jake Something, Jessicka Havok & JT Dunn) via Pop Up Powerbomb on Something (11:49)

Triple Threat Elimination No Disqualification Match
1 Called Manders vs. Matthew Justice vs. Mance Warner ends in a No Contest (18:03)

Skewers & Staples Match
Atticus Cogar defeated Alex Colon via Jabbed Skewers (25:05)