WWE Officials High On NXT Tag Team

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE has announced several matches for tonight’s episode of NXT, including the debut of two newcomers.

NXT North American Champion Wes Lee will defend against Dominik Mysterio, Tony D’Angelo will make his return, Nathan Frazer and Dragon Lee will face Los Lotharios, Kiana James will face Gigi Dolin, and Axiom & Scrypts will face Bronco Nima and Lucien Price.

This is Nima and Price’s first appearance on NXT TV. Dave Meltzer stated on Wrestling Observer Radio that WWE officials are big fans of the tag team.

Meltzer: “So they’re high on Nima and Price.”

Bryan Alvarez: “Have we heard anything about how they work? Because they certainly got personalities.”

Meltzer: “They got size.”

Alvarez: “They’re big, larger-than-life characters.”

Meltzer: “Yeah. Well, find out. I haven’t heard anything that they’re outstanding or anything like that, but I haven’t heard that they suck. So we’ll find out.”

(h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription)