Adam Copeland Hopes His Retirement Match Takes Place At Maple Leaf Gardens

AEW star Adam Copeland recently appeared on an episode of the NotSam Wrestling podcast to talk about a number of topics including how he hopes his retirement match takes place at Maple Leaf Gardens and how it will be done after that.

Copeland said, “I don’t think it needs to be triumphant, I already had that. I don’t know if it’s Christian anymore. It’d be nice to give that final shot in the arm to that person, or the person who is already there, but it isn’t going to hurt. In a perfect world, to me, the place is really important. I would love to do it in Maple Leafs Gardens. That I would love to do. Even if it means I have to start an Indie for a day and I have to book Maple Leafs Gardens and I have to film it and get a production team and get the talent. To be able to do it in the place that I first saw wrestling live. To be back in that place. If I could do it in Maple Leaf Gardens, there is no other place and there is no other ending after that. It’s just done and it’s just it.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)