AEW Double Or Nothing Review – May 26,

AEW Double Or Nothing Review – May 26, 2024

Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo (Pre Show)

Match starts off with a lock up before Deonna Purrazzo jams her boot into Thunder Rosa in the corner but Rosa responds with a few chops and a Tijeras.

She follows it up with a back elbow in the corner and charges at her but Purrazzo catches her with a back elbow of her own.

Rosa hits Purrazzo with a dropkick and a double arm drag but Purrazzo slides out of the ring.

Rosa hits a dropkick through the bottom rope to level Purrazzo then gets her back inside.

Purrazzo slides back out and Rosa follows.

Purrazzo hits Rosa with a kick then sends her crashing into the ring apron shoulder first and delivers an overhand chop.

They get back inside the ring and Purrazzo locks in an arm submission on Rosa.

Purrazzo continues wearing down Rosa’s arm and locks in a submission hold.

She repeatedly sends it bouncing off her shoulder then locks in another submission hold.

Rosa counters with a submission of her own but Purrazzo fights Rosa off and pins her.

Rosa kicks out and hits an arm drag to Purrazzo before Purrazzo lands a strike on Rosa.

Rosa responds with an open palm strike and a neckbreaker then lands a dropkick on Purrazzo and goes for a pin but Purrazzo kicks out.

Rosa lands a roundhouse kick on Purrazzo on the apron then drapes her by her knees and lands a shoulder on her midsection. She goes for a pin but Rosa kicks out.

Rosa then lands a forearm on Purrazzo and goes for a pin but Purrazzo kicks out and cinches in the Fujiwara Armbar.

Rosa counters into a pinfall to escape and Purrazzo kicks out.

Rosa then hits a backstabber and locks in a submission.

Purrazzo counters into a pinfall while holding onto the bottom rope for the win.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo (10:15)
Rate: 7

We then head over to Renee Paquette standing on the top of the entrance ramp, who introduces Dr Martha Hart & Tony Khan. They make their way down to the ring and Dr Hart announces that The Owen Hart Foundation is celebrating its 25th Anniversary. She says because of that, something special is in store for the Owen Hart Cup Tournament. Khan then says that per the suggestion of Dr. Hart, the winners of the Mens & Womens Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament get AEW World & Womens Title matches at AEW All In before announcing that the finals of the tournament will be on July 10th in Calgary, Alberta Canada.

Trios Match
Cage Of Agony (Brian Cage, Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & Billy Gunn (Pre Show)

Bishop Kaun & Max Caster lock up to get this match started before Kaun sends Caster crashing into the mat then hits him with a clothesline.

Billy Gunn & Brian Cage tag in and Cage hits Gunn with a shoulder tackle.

He shows off his biceps before Gunn levels him with a shoulder tackle and shows off his own biceps.

He fires off right hands on Cage but Cage lands a low single leg dropkick on him.

Kaun & Toa Liona then knock The Acclaimed off the apron.

Both teams begin brawling on the outside and Cage Of Agony overpowers Gunn & The Acclaimed.

Anthony Bowens’ leg is sandwiched between the ring steps and the ring post and Gunn is sent crashing into the ring steps.

Back in the ring Kaun tags in and sends Caster crashing into the ring apron spine first.

Liona hits a senton to Caster on the apron and Cage drags Caster back into the ring with a suplex.

Kaun tags in and lands a chop on Caster then sends him crashing into the turnbuckle face first.

Liona tags back in and fires off a few right and left hands on Caster’s midsection.

Cage tags back in and lands a chop on Caster then sits him on the top turnbuckle and joins him up there. Caster pushes him off before Kaun tags in and joins Caster on the top rope.

Caster fights him off and hits a crossbody then goes for a pin.

Kaun kicks out before Liona tags in and looks to fly off the ropes.

Caster rolls out of the way and tags in Gunn as Kaun tags in on his side.

Gunn fights off Cage Of Agony then sends Kaun crashing into the mat. Liona levels Gunn with a back elbow but Caster flies off the ropes to level him.

Cage takes down Caster with a discus lariat, and Cage of Agony hits a Triple Powerbomb to Gunn. Kaun goes for a pin but Bowens breaks the fall.

Cage grabs a chair from ringside but Chance the Las Vegas Golden Knights mascot grabs it from him.

Caster then hits Cage with a Famouser. Back in the ring Gunn rolls up Kaun for the win.

Winners: The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn (11:41)
Rate: 4

International Title Match
Roderick Strong (c) vs. Will Ospreay

Will Ospreay wastes no time going after Roderick Strong as he blindsides him and they brawl as the bell sounds.

Ospreay sends both Mike Bennett & Matt Taven into the timekeeper’s area then flies off the barricade to level him.

Ospreay then catapults Strong into the ring post then gets him back inside the ring and lands a backbreaker.

Bennett gets Ospreay in an electric chair position and Taven flies out of the ring to level him as Strong is being checked on by the referee.

Strong gets Ospreay back in the ring and fires off right hands on his head.

He locks in a chinlock on Ospreay but Ospreay fights out of the hold.

They then exchange forearms with one another before Strong locks in another submission hold on Ospreay.

Ospreay gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold before he exchanges chops with Strong.

Strong connects with a backbreaker on Ospreay but Ospreay responds with a jawbreaker.

Strong lands a kick on Ospreay but Ospreay lands a few chops on him and whips him into the corner.

Ospreay flies off the ropes to level Strong then lands a boot on him in the corner.

Taven & Bennett distract the referee and Ospreay allowing Wardlow to sneak up on him.

The referee catches Wardlow in the ring and gets him back at ringside.

Ospreay lands a boot on Strong in the corner then ascends to the top and lands Sky Twister to level Strong, Bennett & Taven on the outside.

Ospreay then gets Strong back inside the ring and delivers a right hand off the top to level Strong. He goes for a pin, but Strong kicks out.

Strong fires off chops on Ospreay, but Ospreay levels Strong with a suplex and a bodyslam.

He ascends to the top rope but Strong trips him injuring his knee in the process and joins him on the top rope.

Ospreay fights off Strong, then connects with a Sky Twister off the top rope.

He lands on his feet but his injured knee gives out.

Strong transitions into the Half Boston Crab but Ospreay fights his way out.

Ospreay makes his way over to the bottom rope to break the hold before Strong fires off chops and forearms.

Strong sends Ospreay crashing into the mat face first then sits him on the top turnbuckle.

Strong lands an enzuigiri on Ospreay’s chest then connects with a superplex off the top rope.

He gets Ospreay up on his shoulders and lands a backbreaker then goes for a pin but Ospreay kicks out.

Strong runs the ropes but Ospreay catches him and hits a sit out powerbomb.

Ospreay & Strong exchange forearms with one another in the center of the ring but Ospreay lands a kick on Strong’s head.

Strong dropkicks Ospreay’s injured knee but Ospreay lands the OsCutter on Strong.

He goes for a pin but Strong manages to get a shoulder off the mat to kick out.

The referee once again checks on Strong & Don Callis goes over to Ospreay to tell him to land a Tiger Driver on Strong.

Ospreay then pushes the referee out of the ring and looks to hit Tiger Driver but Strong lands a gutbuster and a running knee.

Strong looks to land a backbreaker but Ospreay avoids it. He lands a running forearm and Storm Breaker for the win.

Winner & New International Champion: Will Ospreay (17:57) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

Adam Cole asks who’s ready for story time with Adam Cole. He says Las Vegas sucks and says he shouldn’t be out at ringside. He says he should be checking on Roderick Strong and rehabbing his ankle. He voices his frustrations with not being disrespected then pulls out The Devil Mask. He says The Devil will get his dues.

The lights go out and when they come back on, a video begins playing on the big screen of someone walking through a house with a picture of MJF and the AEW World Title above the fireplace. He grabs the Dynamite Diamond Ring, and the camera pans over to a suit. The person filming grabs a picture cut in half of Adam Cole & MJF.

MJF’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He looks at the Devil Mask then stares down Adam Cole. MJF hugs Cole but low blows him and smiles. He then hits a Brainbuster on Cole and grabs a mic.

He mocks Cole and says someone needs to get Cole out of his ring. He says he wants Cole to listen as he’s being helped to the back.

MJF says he gave Cole trust, but that’s not happening again. He says Cole thought he took MJF out but all he did was remind him who he was. He says his name is Maxwell Jacob Friedman and he’s better than you and you know it.

MJF says he can say that because unlike Cole and everyone else in the ring, he doesn’t need a New Japan or a Vince McMahon because no one made him. He says MJF made MJF then says there will be no more friendships or bullshit.

MJF says he’s back to being driven by hate rather than love. He says when he’s driven by hate, no one is safe. He picks up the Devil Mask, then says masks are adorned by cowards who want to hide. He says he’s done hiding, being humble and apologizing for being the best. He says he doesn’t need a mask to prove no one is on the level of the Devil then looks at the Devil Mask. He says everything that mask symbolizes can go straight to tell then stomps on it and throws it out into the crowd. He says he’s been betting on himself since day 1 then says in regards to his contract status. He rolls up his pant leg to reveal a tattoo of the Double Or Nothing poker chip with the words bet on yourself. He says he’s not leaving AEW then hops up on the turnbuckle to celebrate the crowd.

Trios Titles Match
Bang Bang Gang (Jay White, Austin Gunn & Coleton Gunn) (c) vs. Death Triangle (Pentagon Jr, Rey Fenix & PAC)

PAC lands a shoulder tackle on Colten Gunn then follows it up with a hip toss before Austin Gunn tags in. PAC lands a pair of hip toss on Austin then dumps Austin out of the ring.

Pentagon Jr tags in and hits a Sling Blade then Fenix becomes legal and Death Triangle triple teams on Colten.

Death Triangle lands a triple dropkick on Colten before Pentagon hits a leg drop to Colten as Fenix and PAC hold him in place.

Lucha Bros fly off the top rope at the same time to level The Gunns & PAC looks to fly.

Jay White intercepts him and sets up for Blade Runner but PAC escapes.

White lands a twisting neckbreaker then tags in Colten.

Colten stomps on PAC’s chest then tags in Austin.

Austin sends PAC crashing into the mat then sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle face first.

White tags in and nails PAC with a chop then goes for a pin. PAC gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold.

White continues wearing PAC down but PAC fights back.

White catapults PAC into the bottom rope then locks in a Half Boston Crab on him.

PAC escapes before Colten tags back in. PAC fires off stomps on him then tags in Austin.

The Gunns looks to double team on PAC but PAC makes the tag out to Pentagon.

Pentagon lands chops on both Gunns then tags in Fenix.

Pentagon hits a backstabber and an assisted flapjack with Fenix.

White tags in and Fenix hits White with an enzuigiri then tags in Pentagon. Pentagon sends White crashing into the mat then tags in PAC.

PAC lands a series of kicks on White’s midsection but White catches him with a chop.

PAC hits a German suplex to White but Austin slides in the ring to level him with a clothesline. Pentagon hits Austin with a Canadian Destroyer but Colten levels Pentagon.

Fenix takes down Colten and lands a dropkick on his spine but White levels him.

PAC catches White with a kick then ascends to the top rope and looks to fly.

Colten catches him and PAC hits a German suplex on Colten then hits one on Austin.

Lucha Bros deliver the double stomp off the top rope/Fear Factor combination.

PAC ascends to the top rope but a returning Juice Robinson appears out of nowhere and pushes him off the top rope. White then lands Blade Runner on PAC for the win.

Winners & Still Trios Champions: Bang Bang Gang (12:18) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!)
Rate: 7

Women’s Title Match
Toni Storm (c) vs. Serena Deeb

Match starts off with a lock up before Serena Deeb cinches in a wrist lock on Toni Storm then sits on her and hits a dropkick to the back of her legs.

Storm lands a forearm on Deeb’s chest then hits a hip attack to her that sends Deeb crashing to the outside.

Storm gets Deeb back in the ring but Deeb knocks Storm back out of the ring and hits a neckbreaker. She gets Storm back inside and pins her but Storm kicks out.

Deeb locks in an Octopus on Storm before cinching in an Abdominal Stretch.

Storm escapes with a hip toss but Deeb lands a pair of Dragon Screws on Storm.

She looks to land a 3rd one but Storm counters into a pinfall. Deeb reverses into a pin of her own, but Storm kicks out. They then try to take turns pinning one another.

Storm hits the double knees to Deeb’s spine then hits a DDT and a northern lights suplex.

Deeb looks to lock in a cross armbar but Storm blocks it and locks in a Cloverleaf.

Deeb makes her way over to the bottom rope to break the hold but Deeb sends Storm crashing into the turnbuckles spine first.

Deeb repeatedly slaps Storm in response then sends Storm crashing into the mat and hits a clothesline to her in the corner.

She lands a twisting neckbreaker on Storm using the middle rope then hits a kick to her midsection and lands a swinging neckbreaker.

Deeb lands a German suplex on Storm then sends her crashing into the mat.

Deeb & Storm then slap each other and Deeb lands an uppercut on Storm.

She goes for a pin but Storm kicks out and hits a sit out powerbomb.

Deeb looks to roll up Storm then transitions into a Half Boston Crab.

Storm escapes with a series of kicks but Deeb lands a kick of her own and sends Storm’s knee crashing into the mat. She locks in the Half Boston Crab once again.

Mariah May looks to grab the white towel from Luther to throw it into the ring but Luther prevents her from doing so.

Storm escapes the Half Boston Crab by sliding under the bottom rope then grabs the towel and tosses it out into the crowd.

She then hits a German suplex to Deeb back inside the ring and charges at her but Deeb flips Storm off. Storm then connects with Storm Zero and goes for a pin but Deeb kicks out.

Deeb hits 3 Dragon Screws to Storm using the middle rope then lands Detox on Storm on the apron.

She gets her back in the ring and hits 2nd Detox then goes for a pin but Storm kicks out.

Deeb & Storm teeter on the ropes but Storm hits Storm Zero off the middle rope then follows it up with another Storm Zero for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Toni Storm (15:38) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 7

Trent Beretta vs. Orange Cassidy

Both men waste no time firing off right hands on one another.

Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta then exchange forearm shots with one another before Beretta hits Cassidy and delivers a chop to him in the corner.

Cassidy sends Beretta face first into adjacent turnbuckles repeatedly then ascends to the top rope and hits a crossbody.

He follows it up with a tornado DDT that sends Beretta crashing to the outside then flies to level him.

Cassidy rains down right hands on Beretta on the outside but Beretta rakes Cassidy’s eyes and sends him arm crashing off the ring apron.

He mocks Cassidy then joins him back inside the ring and rains down right hands on him.

Beretta hits Cassidy with a German suplex but Cassidy lands a few back elbows on him.

Beretta then lands another German suplex on Cassidy.

Beretta hits a Saito suplex on Cassidy as Cassidy stands on the middle apron then hits another German suplex.

Beretta lands a series of forearms on Cassidy then unloads on him with strikes in the corner.

Cassidy lands a missile dropkick on Beretta to send him crashing in the corner then hits another dropkick and several of his signature kicks.

He then hits a 2nd dropkick and ascends to the top rope.

Cassidy looks to land a missile dropkick on Beretta on the apron but Beretta prevents him from doing so and hits Gotch Style Piledriver to Cassidy.

Beretta gets on top of the ring steps and looks to fly, but Cassidy trips him and hits Beach Break. The referee begins a 10 count but both men beat it.

Cassidy looks to hug Beretta but ducks out of the way at the last second and hits a Michinoku Driver.

He then hits a running kick to Beretta’s face then sets up for Stun Dog Millionaire.

Beretta avoids it and Cassidy goes for it again.

Beretta once again avoids it and levels Cassidy, then connects with Dudebuster.

He goes for a pin but Cassidy kicks out.

Beretta charges at Cassidy but Cassidy catches him with Beach Break and goes for a pin.

Beretta kicks out and Cassidy lines up for the Orange Punch.

Beretta counters into a Triangle hold but Cassidy reverses into a pinfall for the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy (13:55)
Rate: 6

After the match Beretta storms up the ramp. Rocky Romero joins him and Renee Paquette looks to get a word with Beretta but Beretta pushes past them and heads through the crowd.

FTW Title Triple Threat Match
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata vs. Hook

Chris Jericho goes after Hook before Katsuyori Shibata catches Jericho with a few chops but Jericho lands one of his own.

Hook then hits a German suplex to Jericho and a t bone suplex to Shibata then pulls a table out from under the ring and sets it up between the ring and the commentary table.

He begins brawling with Jericho but Shibata then knocks them both off the apron.

Hook sends Shibata crashing into the barricade and Jericho lands a suplex on Hook.

Jericho grabs a bag from under the ring then holds it up and gets back in the ring with it to join Hook.

He dumps out the bag to reveal a whole bunch of dice but Hook suplexes Jericho on top of the dice.

Shibata then suplexes Jericho again on top of the dice then throws them at him as Hook does the same.

Hook & Shibata then hit a double suplex to Jericho on top of the dice and Hook suplexes Shibata on top of the dice. Shibata returns the favor.

Hook grabs a kendo stick out from under the ring as Shibata hits a pair of kendo sticks from another side of the ring.

Jericho grabs a kendo stick of his own and all 3 men take turns hitting one another with the kendo sticks.

Hook & Shibata then both hit Jericho with the kendo sticks and each take a shot at his midsection.

Shibata then levels Hook and grabs the table from under the ring.

He sets it up in the corner but Jericho clocks him from behind.

Hook sends Jericho crashing into the dice with a northern lights suplex then sets him up on the table in the corner and ascends to the top rope.

Shibata meets him up there and Shibata sends Hook crashing on top of Jericho and the table. Jericho sets up the table in the corner but he’s sent crashing through it.

Shibata locks in a heel submission on Jericho and gets Hook in an Ankle Lock.

Hook escapes and levels Shibata but Jericho catches Hook with a codebreaker and goes for a pin. Hook kicks out and looks to lock in Redrum.

Big Bill runs down and breaks the hold then rains down right hands on Hook.

He then looks to chokeslam Hook through the table but Hook prevents him from doing so and sends Bill crashing through the table with a t bone suplex.

Back in the ring Jericho locks in Liontamer on Shibata. Shibata escapes and cinches in a Figure 4 on Jericho.

Hook slides in the ring and locks in Redrum on Jericho at the same time but a masked individual dressed in all black and a purple runs into the ring to break the holds with a garage can.

They stick the garbage can on top of Shibata then hit a senton.

They then take the mask off to reveal themselves to be Bryan Keith.

Hook takes a couple shots at Keith with a kendo stick.

Jericho connects with Judas Effect on Hook then pins Shibata for the win.

Winner & Still FTW Champion: Chris Jericho (12:45) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 6

After the match security guards run down but Hook levels them all. Hook follows him storming to the back.

Non Title Match
IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita

If Takeshita wins he gets a IWGP World Heavyweight Title Match.

Both men waste no time going after one another.

They take shots at one another in the corner before Konosuke Takeshita levels Jon Moxley and begins targeting his injured fingers and bandaged up arm.

Takeshita sends Moxley crashing into the mat then ascends to the middle rope.

Moxley knocks him off and onto the apron with a forearm then looks to plant him on the apron.

Takeshita sends Moxley’s arm crashing into the apron then rips Moxley’s bandages off his arm and chokes him with them.

Moxley whips Takeshita into a chair on the outside, then fires off right hands on him and bites him.

Takeshita follows suit and stomps on Moxley’s arm then sends him crashing into the ring steps arm first and dumps him back in the ring before following him.

Moxley fires off chops on Takeshita but Takeshita lands a forearm on Moxley.

He then delivers a modified bulldog to Moxley sending his arm crashing into the mat first and follows it up with a Brainbuster.

Takeshita & Moxley then fire off forearms on one another, and Moxley repeatedly headbutts Takeshita.

He follows it up with a cutter to him but Takeshita locks in an arm submission to wear down Moxley’s arm further.

Takeshita powerbombs Moxley then locks in another arm submission.

Moxley hits a tope suicida to Takeshita to level him on the outside then dumps him back in the ring.

Moxley hits Takeshita with a clothesline but Takeshita sends Moxley crashing into the mat and follows it up with a Saito suplex.

Takeshita sets up for the jumping knee but Moxley counters with a DDT.

They then exchange strikes once again before Takeshita connects with the jumping knee and goes for a pin. Moxley kicks out.

Takeshita sends Moxley crashing into the ring post shoulder first then lands a forearm strike on him. He grabs 3 chairs from under the ring then tosses them into the ring.

Moxley sends Takeshita crashing into one of the chairs with a Curb Stomp then follows it up with Death Rider for the win.

Winner: IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley (17:24) (Since Takeshita lost he doesn’t get a IWGP World Heavyweight Title Match)
Rate: 7

TNT Title Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match
Adam Copeland (c) vs. Malakai Black

If Copeland loses he must bend a knee to House Of Black.

Adam Copeland & Malakai Black try hitting one another with chairs before Copeland hits a flapjack on Black and follows it up with a boot.

Copeland grabs a piece of barbed wire and jams it into Black’s head in the corner.

Black looks to send Copeland into the barbed wire wrapped around one turnbuckle face first but Copeland blocks him and powerbombs Black into the side of the Steel Cage.

Copeland drives Black into the mat with an elevated flatliner and charges at Black but Black intercepts him with a kick.

He looks to catapult Copeland into the barbed wire wrapped around the one turnbuckle but Copeland lands on the ropes.

He then trips him and sends him crashing into the barbed wire face first.

Black lands a round kick on Copeland’s head, then grabs a bat wrapped with barbed wire.

He jams the bat into Copeland’s forehead then stomps on Copeland’s chest and lays him on top of a chair.

He grabs the bat wrapped in barbed wire and looks to hit Copeland with it but Copeland moves out of the way and grabs the bat.

He hits Black with it in the midsection and jams it into his forehead as he presses the rest of his face into the side of the Steel Cage.

Copeland then sets up a table wrapped in barbed wire and lays Black on top of it then ascends up the side of the Steel Cage.

Black trips him on the top rope then joins him on the middle rope and jams his head into the side of the steel cage. Black then powerbombs Copeland through the table.

Copeland spears Black and goes for a pin but Black kicks out.

Copeland then drives Black with a stalling piledriver, then lays him on top of a 2nd table.

He wraps barbed wire around Black then ascends to the top of the cage.

He then hits an elbow drop to Black that sends him crashing through the table.

Copeland sets up for the spear but Black counters with The End and goes for a pin but Copeland kicks out.

Black grabs a spool of barbed wire and hits Copeland with it, then fires off kicks on his chest.

Black then kicks Copeland through the cage door and follows him outside.

Copeland lands a spear on Black as Buddy Matthews & Brody King march down to the ring.

King & Matthews stand by Copeland but King hits him and Matthews fires off right hands on him.

They dump Copeland back inside the cage and follow him and Matthews fires off right hands on Copeland’s head.

King wraps barbed wire around Copeland as Black puts Copeland’s wedding band around his neck. They then place a barbed wire crown on Copeland.

The lights all turn red and King goes over to one side of the ring to investigate.

Gangrel emerges from underneath the ring & spits mist on both King & Matthews then lands DDT on them both.

Black levels Gangrel but Copeland catches him with a spear then locks in a crossface using a piece of barbed wire and Black fades.

Winner & Still TNT Champion: Adam Copeland (20:11) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 10 (Recommend)

We then head backstage to Lexy Nair is with Don Callis & Callis announces that he will be handing out a contract for The Don Callis Family.

TBS Title Match
Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Mercedes Mone

Willow Nightingale wastes no time as she charges at Mercedes Mone in the corner then sends her crashing out of the ring and chases her back in.

Mone fires off strikes on her as soon as she gets back inside then hits a double arm drag and goes for a pin.

Nightingale kicks out and Mone looks to land a 2nd double arm drag but Nightingale blocks it and lands a chop on Mone in the corner.

She follows it up with a right hand and another chop then charges at her.

Mone sends Nightingale crashing to the outside through the middle rope then looks to fly off the apron to level her.

Nightingale catches Mone with a boot and Mone looks to level Nightingale with a dropkick under the bottom rope.

Nightingale sees her coming and powerbombs her onto the ring apron.

They get back inside the ring and Nightingale lands a Brainbuster on Mone.

Nightingale gets Mone on her shoulders and sends her crashing into the mat.

Nightingale ends up draped from the middle rope by her ankles and Mone stomps on one of them. She then hits a chop block to the injured ankle before she locks in a Knee Bar.

Nightingale fires off chops on Mone while Mone still has the hold locked in but Mone responds with kicks.

Mone drives Nightingale’s injured ankle into the mat then follows it up with a Dragon Screw and cinches in an Ankle Lock.

Mone then hits a Backstabber and locks in a modified abdominal stretch. Nightingale escapes and cinches in an Ankle Lock of her own on Mone.

Mone escapes and sends Nightingale crashing into the turnbuckle before Nightingale hits a standing hip attack to Mone in the corner.

She fires off clotheslines on her and goes for a pin but Mone kicks out.

Mone connects with a knee to Nightingale’s head but Nightingale sends Mone crashing into the mat spine first. She then connects with a suplex and goes for a pin but Mone kicks out.

Nightingale then sits Mone on the top rope and joins her up there but Mone pulls Nightingale down with a powerbomb and goes for a pin.

Nightingale kicks out and Mone cinches in a Figure 4 targeting Nightingale’s injured ankle.

Nightingale makes her way over to the bottom rope to break the hold and Mone looks to fly off the rope to level Nightingale on the apron.

Nightingale moves out of the way then sends her crashing into the ring apron spine first.

Nightingale locks in a Cloverleaf on Mone but Mone escapes with a headscissors.

Nightingale then sends Mone crashing into the bottom turnbuckle before Mone ascends to the middle rope and hits a Meteora. She goes for a pin but Nightingale kicks out.

The action spills out of the ring and Mone hits a Meteora to Nightingale off the ring apron.

Kris Statlander cheers Nightingale on but gets into a verbal confrontation with Mone.

Nightingale hits Babe With The Powerbomb and pins Mone but the referee doesn’t see the fall to being the count early enough as she’s arguing with Statlander & Mone kicks out.

Mone locks in a crossface but Nightingale makes her way over to the bottom rope to break the hold. She ascends to the top but Nightingale joins her up there.

Mone pushes Nightingale off then gets her up on her back and hits Mone Maker for the win.

Winner & New TBS Champion: Mercedes Mone (18:04) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

After the match Statlander checks on Nightingale in the ring as Stolkey Hathaway stands by and Mone heads to the back. Statlander helps Nightingale up and Hathaway gets in Nightingale’s face for losing. Statlander shoves Hathaway and helps Nightingale to the back. At the bottom of the ramp she sends Nightingale crashing into the floor and tosses her friendship bracelet from Nightingale on top of her as Hathaway smiles on. Statlander then lands a clothesline to Nightingale and stands tall showing off her bicep as Hathaway joins her.

AEW World Title Match
Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Christian Cage

Match starts off with a lock up before Swerve Strickland & Christian Cage take turns firing off right hands on one another before Strickland hits a shoulder tackle and steps over Christian.

Christian sends Strickland crashing into the mat then fires off right hands on his head.

Strickland then hits a kick to Christian off the apron then ascends to the top rope and looks to fly.

Christian moves out of the way and Strickland is sent crashing into the barricade.

Christian then sends Strickland crashing into another barricade shoulder first then sends his face bouncing off the apron and connects with a series of chops.

He gets Strickland back in the ring and jams his boot into the back of Strickland’s neck then wears him with a submission hold.

Cage spikes Strickland with a DDT out of the corner, then ascends to the top rope and hits a Frog Splash. He goes for a pin but Strickland kicks out.

Christian fires off right hands on Strickland but Strickland whips him into the corner sending him crashing face first.

Christian ascends to the top rope but Strickland joins him up there.

Christian pulls Strickland down with a sunset flip but Strickland responds with a powerslam and goes for a pin but Christian kicks out.

Strickland delivers a back elbow to Christian off the middle rope then follows it up with a pair of twisting neckbreakers and dumps Christian onto the apron.

He then delivers a 3rd twisting neckbreaker to Christian through the middle rope and flies over the top to level him on the outside.

Strickland gets Christian back in the ring and ascends to the top. He lands a splash but Christian responds by locking in a Sharpshooter.

Strickland escapes and pins Christian but Christian kicks out.

Mother Wayne looks to land Christian the AEW World Title but Prince Nana grabs it away from her.

Nick Wayne points out to the referee that Nana is holding the title and the referee ejects him from ringside.

Killswitch & Nick beat down Strickland on the outside as Christian distracts the referee.

They get Strickland back in the ring and Christian pins him but Strickland kicks out.

Christian whispers something to Mother Wayne and the referee interrogates her.

Killswitch looks to clock Strickland as Christian holds him in place but Strickland ducks out of the way and Killswitch accidentally hits Christian.

Strickland then delivers a stomp to Killswitch and a back body drop to Nick on the outside.

He ascends to the top rope and looks to land Swerve Stomp but Christian avoids it and hits a spear.

Nick distracts the referee, and Christian holds Strickland in place as Killswitch looks to clock him. The referee catches him and ejects Nick, Mother Wayne & Killswitch from ringside.

Strickland drives Christian into the mat then hits  a vertical suplex to him on the outside and moves the ring steps away from their normal position.

Christian looks to send Strickland crashing into the ring steps but Strickland prevents him from doing so.

They get back in the ring, and Christian hits an enzuigiri to Strickland’s face.

Strickland lands a chop on Christian then flies to send him crashing to the outside.

Christian moves out of the way, and Strickland on the floor.

The referee catches Christian exposing the top turnbuckle opening the door for Nick to return and hit Wayne’s World on Strickland.

He gets Strickland back in the ring and Christian hits Killswitch.

He goes for a pin but Strickland kicks out.

Nana then chases Nick away from ringside and to the back with a steel pipe in hand.

Christian clears the Spanish announce desk and gets Strickland on top of it.

He looks to hit Killswitch but Strickland avoids it and lands Swerve Stomp on Christian on top of the announce desk.

They get back inside the ring and Christian sets up for Killswitch but Strickland escapes and Christian rolls him up.

Strickland kicks out and looks for House Call but Christian evades maneuver.

Strickland ascends to the top rope and hits Swerve Stomp then hits House Call for the win.

Winner & Still AEW World Champion: Swerve Strickland (24:45) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 7

8 Man Tag Team Anarchy In The Arena Match
The Elite (AEW World Tag Team Champions Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson, Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada & Jack Perry) vs. Team AEW (Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler, Bryan Danielson & Darby Allin)

Bryan Danielson & FTR blindside The Elite on the ramp. Darby Allin’s music hits and he runs down to the ring.

The bell rings and Jack Perry jams his knee into Allin’s face whilst Allin wears a mask covered in thumbtacks.

Allin jams his knee into Perry’s face as Matthew Jackson grabs a mic and tells the production to cut Allin’s music.

He calls for The Elite’s new theme music to be played instead as everyone continues brawling, and Danielson grabs the mic.

He calls for the greatest theme song in wrestling history to be played and The Final Countdown begins playing.

Danielson dumps Kazuchika Okada into the crowd, and Dax Harwood brawls with Matthew up the stairs. He sends Matthew’s head bouncing off a Culture Steak table as Okada & Danielson brawl through the crowd.

Harwood takes a drink break then tosses a trash can on top of Matthew.

Allin delivers a Coffin Drop off one of the entrance tunnels to everyone except Harwood & Matthew.

Danielson fires off right hands on Okada as they ascend up the stairs.

Allin brawls with Perry as Matthew rains down right hands on Harwood in the middle of the crowd.

Cash Wheeler and Nicholas Jackson brawl in the ringside area as Wheeler hits Nicholas with a trash can.

Matthew then grabs a mic and calls for production to cut off The Final Countdown due to the money it’s costing them to play the song.

Allin & Perry brawl backstage as Nicholas & Wheeler brawl near the commentary desk.

Okada hits an uppercut to Danielson and grabs a Rainmaker Drive street sign.

He then flies over the barricade to level Danielson.

Perry & Allin brawl outside the arena near the production trucks.

Allin dunks Perry in an ice bath but Perry grabs a steel pipe from a pile of trash and hits Allin with it in his midsection.

He chokes Allin with the pipe as Young Bucks dump Wheeler out of the ring near 4 chairs set up on the outside and land Shatter Machine on Harwood.

Danielson is sent crashing into the corner and Young Bucks look to triple team on him with Okada.

Danielson moves out of the way and The Elite are sent crashing into one another.

Danielson looks to fly out of the ring to level Okada but Okada grabs a chair and Danielson is sent crashing into it.

Nicholas then throws the chair at Danielson as a bus with Scapegoat written on the top of it runs into the pile of trash that Allin is supposedly trapped in.

Perry is knocked out as Matthew beats down Harwood with a chair back inside the ring.

FTR delivers an assisted piledriver to Nicholas on the apron and Harwood ascends to the top to join Matthew.

He hits a superplex and Wheeler follows it up with a Frog Splash off the top rope.

Wheeler pins Matthew but Okada breaks the fall.

Okada then lands a dropkick on Harwood, then connects with a shoulder breaker and an elbow drop off the top rope.

Okada flips off the crowd but Wheeler bites his middle finger and snaps it.

Okada lands a dropkick on Wheeler, then hits a Tombstone.

Allin reemerges at ringside and begins going after Okada.

He hits a headbutt and a Code Red then goes for a pin. Okada kicks out.

Allin runs the ropes but Young Bucks trip him and hits a double powerbomb to him on top of the 4 chairs on the outside.

They then drag Allin up the ramp as they call for their entrance platform to be raised.

They place Allin on top of it and call for it to be lowered.

Production obeys but Danielson joins Young Bucks on the ramp and fires off right hands on them.

Nicholas throws Danielson off the stage near a pile of giant poker chips and Matthew sends Danielson crashing face first into them.

Young Bucks then hits TK Driver to Danielson on top of the poker chip pile before Nicholas sends Wheeler crashing into the pile and Harwood hits a DDT to Matthew on top of them.

FTR & Young Bucks brawl on the ramp, and Matthew hits Harwood with a superkick.

Wheeler then lands a superkick on Matthew.

Wheeler grabs a table from the back and sets it up on the ramp.

Okada lands a DDT to Wheeler on the top of the ramp then lays him on top of the table as Nicholas ascends up the entrance tunnel.

Okada delivers an elbow drop to Wheeler off a stage piece and Nicholas follows it up with a senton atomico.

Perry finds Tony Khan backstage and drags him away from his position.

Allin reemerges with a flame thrower as Perry appears on the ramp with Khan.

Allin sets Perry on fire but Young Bucks extinguish it and medical officials immediately appear to check on Perry.

Young Bucks dump Allin back in the ring and Nicholas grabs a garbage can from under the ring as Matthew takes off Allin’s mask.

Nicholas ascends to the top rope and Matthew sticks Allins head on top of the trash can.

He holds it in place but Allin moves out of the way at the last second and Nicholas collides with the trash can.

Okada sets up for Rainmaker on Allin but Allin low blows him and lands the Coffin Drop off the top rope. He goes for a pin but Young Bucks break the fall.

Young Bucks send Allin colliding with the trash can as a winch lowers down from the ceiling.

Young Bucks & Okada tie the winch around Allin’s legs and Harwood levels Okada with a Brainbuster. He clotheslines Matthew out of the ring before he and Wheeler connect with Shatter Machine on Nicholas.

Matthew hits Harwood with an exploding chair and Nicholas hits Wheeler with a superkick.

Okada grabs an arm sleeve covered in thumb tacks and puts it on his arm then hits Rainmaker to Wheeler.

Okada grabs a box of The Elite’s new shoes from under the ring covered in thumbtacks on the bottom and Young Bucks each put one on.

Allin is then lifted up by the winch on the orders of Young Bucks but Allin bites Nicholas.

Okada intervenes and Young Bucks land a double superkick on Allin with the shoes covered in thumbtacks. Danielson slides into the ring but The Elite intercepts him.

Danielson then lands the Busaiku Knee on Okada then grabs Matthew’s thumbtack covered show off his foot.

He hits him & Nicholas with it then fires off Yes Kicks on Young Bucks.

Danielson stomps on Matthew’s face then grabs a chair and hits Busaiku Knee to Nicholas using the chair. He goes for a pin but Okada breaks the fall.

As Allin still hangs from the winch Okada lands Rainmaker on Danielson & Young Bucks follow it up with EVP Trigger.

Danielson looks to lower Allin from the winch but Perry lands a running knee on Danielson for the win.

Winners: The Elite (29:55) 
Rate: 10 (Recommend)