AEW Rampage Review – June 30, 2023

AEW Rampage Review – June 30, 2023

ROH World Title Match
Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Komander

Claudio Castagnoli sends Komander crashing into the mat then Castagnoli tosses Komander into the corner then lands a big boot and sets up for a vertical suplex. Komander counters into a sleeper but Castagnoli escapes and executes The Swing.

Komander sends Castagnoli out of the ring and goes flying then charges at him. Castagnoli ducks out of the way and sends him crashing into the barricade then delivers a big boot that sends Komander toppling into the crowd.

He dumps him back into the ringside area, then raises him above his head and sends him crashing into the ropes. He dumps him back inside the ring and plants him with a DDT then goes for a pin but Komander kicks out as we go to a break.

After the break Castagnoli & Komander are teetering on the turnbuckles. Castagnoli sets up for a powerbomb but Komander counters into a hurricanrana and follows it up with a Tijeras that sends Castagnoli crashing out of the ring.

He ascends to the top and goes flying then drapes Castagnoli across the barricade. He climbs on top of it then delivers a Shooting Star Press then tosses Castagnoli back in the ring and ascends to the top before landing a hurricanrana.

Castagnoli lands a uppercut and goes for a pin but Komander kicks out. Komander then delivers a tornado DDT out of the corner before climbing back to the top and delivering a 450 Splash. He delivers an enziguri and looks to go flying but Castagnoli plants him with an upper hand that knocks out of Komander & forcing the referee to call for the bell.

Winner By Knockout & Still ROH World Champion: Claudio Castagnoli (STILL CHAMPION!!!!) (Recommend)

Shawn Spears vs. The Blade

Match starts off with a lock up then Shawn Spears executes a snapmare then does a cartwheel and hits his signature 10 pose before he dumps The Blade out of the ring and follows then delivers a series of chops and sends his head bouncing off the ring steps.

He follows it up with another chop then plants him spine first on the apron. The Butcher tries interfering but Spears ends him crashing into the barricade and dumps The Blade back in the ring.

The Butcher then beats him down while the referee is distracted and hands him over to The Blade in the ring & he plants him face first.

The Blade fires off chops but Spears responds with several of his own and executes a Thesz Press. He rains down right hands then lands a clothesline and rains down more right hands in the corner then delivers C4 for the win.

Winner: Shawn Spears

Tag Team Match
QTV (QT Marshall & Johnny TV) vs. Matt Hardy & Brother Zay

Johnny TV delivers a boot to Matt Hardy’s midsection. Hardy targets Johnny’s arm then tags in Brother Zay. Brother Zay delivers a stomp to Johnny’s arm off the top rope as Hardy holds him in place. QT Marshall tags in and lands a right hand but Brother Zay fires back with a hurricanrana and follows it up with a neckbreaker.

Hardy tags in and double teams with Brother Zay before Johnny tags back in and sets up for a standing moonsault but Hardy rolls out of the way and tags in Brother Zay. Brother Zay delivers a crossbody off the top rope and follows it up with a hurricanrana as we go to a break.

After the break Marshall tags in and Brother Zay catches him with a reverse hurricanrana. Hardy & Johnny tag in. Hardy delivers 3 Faces Of Deletion to Johnny before landing a Side Effect on Marshall. He ascends to the middle and delivers an elbow drop then delivers a DDT that spikes Johnny. He goes for a pin but Marshall breaks the fall.

Brother Zay tries to level him but Marshall dumps him out of the ring and hits Hardy with a pop up uppercut. Johnny then lands a kick and ascends to the top then lands a corkscrew before Brother Zay tags in.

Hardy lands a Side Effect and Brother Zay looks to go flying but Harley Cameron distracts Hardy & this opens the door for Johnny to land a split legged moonsault for the win.

Winners: QTV

After the match Ethan Page inserts himself between Marshall, Johnny & Hardy. QTV provokes Marshall leading to Page attacking them. QTV gains the upper hand before Anthony Bowens & Billy Gunn run down to the ring to make the save.

Hikaru Shida vs. Taya Valkyrie

Match starts off with a lock up then Taya Valkyrie plants Hikaru Shida face first but Shida delivers an arm drag and a jumping knee in the corner. She then rains down right hands and follows it up with a hurricanrana.

The action spills to the outside, and Shida grabs a chair from under the ring. She looks to use it to land a stomp but Valkyrie ducks out of the way and slides back into the ring.

Shida joins her there and delivers an enziguri but Valkyrie fires back with a forearm and follows it up with a chop then she sends Shida’s leg bouncing off the ring post and gloats as we go to a break.

After the break Shida delivers a series of forearms and elbows but Valkyrie knocks her out of the ring and joins her. Shida lands a suplex on the floor then hops up onto the apron and delivers a Meteora.

Shida tosses Valkyrie back in the ring and delivers a sliding forearm but Valkyrie fires back with the double running knees and goes for a pin. Shida kicks out and Valkyrie to lock in a submission but Shida escapes.

Valkyrie looks to plant Shida with Road To Valhalla but Shida rolls through. Valkyrie pins her but Shida reverses the fall for the win.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

Matches Of The Night

ROH World Title Match- 8/10

Hikaru Shida vs. Taya Valkyrie- 7/10